1-2-1 surgery session for project applicants from the UK

Manchester, UK

20 September 2018

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Liverpool City Region have teamed up with the UK National Contact Team of the North West Europe Interreg Programme to hold a 1-2-1 project surgery session with organisations seeking to apply to the 8th call of the Programme. Participants can book to meet with the UK National Contact Point, Filippo Compagni, to discuss project ideas and to ask questions about the programme.

The Funding
The North West Europe Interreg programme (NWE) supports transnational cooperations under the themes of:

  • innovation (including social innovation); 
  • low carbon (including strategies, technologies, and solutions); and 
  • resource and materials efficiency (including re-use and recycle).

NWE transnational projects can benefit of up to 60% EU funding.

The current call is open for expression of interest until 22 November 2018. Successful applicants will be invited to submit a full application next year.

The Expert
The Project Surgery sessions will be delivered by Filippo Compagni, the contact point for NWE in UK. During the session Filippo will provide feedback on your project idea and advice on how to develop a successful application.

Booking your Project Surgery

Sessions should be booked here.

When you book your one to one session please indicate if you would prefer a morning session (starting 10.30) or an afternoon session (starting 12.00).

To make the best of your time with Filippo we ask you to send us a brief summary about your project by Friday 17 September. Please use this form.

Each session will last 30 minutes approximately and we will confirm the time of your booking once we receive the summary of your project.


For any queries please contact please contact María González at GMCA.

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