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Programme 2014-2020
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NWE making an impact
- Marine energy
- Agrofood
- Energy performance of buildings
- Green construction
- Health
- Waste water treatment
- Hydrogen
- Interreg North-West Europe Newsletter - Issue April 2020
- Interreg North-West Europe Newsletter - Issue July 2020
- Interreg North-West Europe Newsletter - Issue October 2020
- Interreg North-West Europe Newsletter - Issue February 2021
- Better than recycling? Repairing!
- Smart circular bridge: Making infrastructure circular with biomaterials.
- Care-Peat - Restoring the carbon storage capacity of peatlands
- Interreg North-West Europe Newsletter - Issue September 2021
- Interreg North-West Europe Newsletter - Issue February 2022
- Interreg North-West Europe Newsletter - Issue July 2022
- Decarbonising deliveries with Smart Track 4 Waterway
- Interreg North-West Europe Newsletter - Issue Apr 2023
Project search
Real-time “interactive storage” quality control in fresh agro products (QCAP)
- Partners
News (EN)
- New laser opened door to ultrasensitive gas sensing
- Towards an innovative storage monitoring system
- From sensor to monitoring system
- VCBT and LWK present first QCAP results at CAMA
- Meet Eugène Rokx, Area Export Manager at Storex
- VCBT organizes workshop on dynamic controlled atmosphere storage
- Cranfield University investigates gas emissions from potatoes
- The Fresh Produce Centre brings QCAP and real-life cases together
- QCAP detector assembly in full swing at Radboud University
- Collaboration with Wageningen essential for the best possible data interpretation in practice
- First apple and blueberry measurements in Jork, Germany
- NKT Photonics delivers redesign of SuperK MIR laser to Radboud University
- Meet Sacco te Lintel Hekkert, Director of Sensor Sense
- VBT contributes to sustainable innovation in horticulture via QCAP
- Meet Lucy Hooper, Optical Team Leader at NKT Photonics
- QCAP at Fruit Logistica
- Radboud University delivers the first QCAP trace gas sensor prototype
- QCAP team publishes first measurement results of trace gas detector in Sensors
- Meet Angel Medina-Vaya, Senior Lecturer in Food Mycology at Cranfield University
- First ideas for QCAP follow-up project at ÉPRISE roadshow
- QCAP monitoring system will have a significant impact in German fruit region ‘Altes Land’
- A study evening on ‘Storage innovations’ by QCAP partners
- Meet Dirk Köpcke, Head of Fruit Quality and the Fruit Storage Department at the Chamber of Agriculture in Lower Saxony, Jork Fruit Growing Research Station
- QCAP sensor prototype put to the test to measure potato volatiles
- CAMA conference postponed
- Effective teamwork between QCAP partners is essential
- QCAP at Fruit Logistica 2020
- Meet Bert Verlinden, research manager at the Flanders Centre of Postharvest Technology (VCBT)
- MAX FRESH project brings QCAP monitoring system to the market
- Fresh Produce Centre reflects innovation in daily practice
- QCAP monitoring system validated in lab and industrial setting
News (NL)
- Nieuwe laser opent deur naar ultragevoelige gasdetectie
- Op weg naar een innovatief opslagcontrolesysteem
- Van sensor naar controlesysteem
- VCBT en LWK presenteren eerste QCAP-resultaten tijdens CAMA-congres
- Gesprek met Eugène Rokx, Area Export Manager bij Storex
- VCBT organiseert workshop over opslag in dynamisch gecontroleerde atmosfeer
- Cranfield University onderzoekt gasemissies uit aardappelen
- GroentenFruit Huis slaat brug tussen QCAP en praktijk
- Samenwerking Wageningen essentieel voor optimale data-interpretatie in praktijksituaties
- Bouw QCAP-detector in volle gang aan Radboud Universiteit
- Eerste metingen aan appels en bosbessen in Jork
- NKT Photonics levert herontwerp van SuperK MIR-laser aan Radboud Universiteit
- Gesprek met Sacco te Lintel Hekkert, Directeur van Sensor Sense
- VBT draagt via QCAP bij aan duurzame innovatie in de tuinbouwsector
- Gesprek met Lucy Hooper, Optical Team Leader bij NKT Photonics
- QCAP op Fruit Logistica
- Radboud Universiteit levert het eerste QCAP-sensorprototype voor sporengassen
- Maak kennis met Angel Medina-Vaya, Senior Lecturer in Food Mycology aan de universiteit van Cranfield
- Eerste ideeën uitgesproken voor vervolgproject QCAP tijdens ÉPRISE Roadshow
- QCAP partners organiseren studieavond ‘Innovaties in bewaring’
- QCAP-monitoringsysteem zal grote impact hebben in de Duitse fruitstreek Altes Land
- QCAP-team publiceert eerste meetresultaten van sporengasdetector in Sensors
- Maak kennis met Dirk Köpcke, hoofd van de afdeling Vruchtkwaliteit en fruitopslag van de Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen, fruitteeltonderzoeksstation Jork
- Prototype QCAP-sensor getest bij het meten van vluchtige stoffen in aardappelen
- CAMA-conferentie uitgesteld
- Goede afstemming tussen QCAP partners essentieel
- QCAP op Fruit Logistica 2020
- Maak kennis met Bert Verlinden, onderzoeksmanager bij Vlaams Centrum voor Bewaring van Tuinbouwproducten (VCBT)
- MAX-FRESH-project brengt QCAP-monitoringsysteem op de markt
- GroentenFruit Huis spiegelt innovatie aan dagelijkse praktijk
- QCAP-monitoringsysteem gevalideerd in laboratorium en industriële omgeving
News (FR)
- Un nouveau laser ouvre la porte à une télédétection de gaz ultrasensible
- Vers un système de surveillance de stockage innovant
- Du capteur au système de surveillance
- Le VCBT et le LWK présentent les premiers résultats de QCAP à la conférence CAMA
- Rencontre avec Eugène Rokx, Responsable de l’export par zone chez Storex
- Le VCBT organise un atelier sur le stockage sous atmosphère contrôlée dynamique
- L'Université de Cranfield étudie les émissions de gaz des pommes de terre
- GroentenFruit Huis comble les lacunes entre le QCAP et la pratique
- La coopération avec Wageningen est essentielle pour l'interprétation optimale des données dans des situations pratiques
- Assemblage du détecteur de gaz QCAP en cours à l’Université Radboud
- Premières mesures de pommes et myrtilles à Jork en Allemagne
- NKT Photonics livre la nouvelle version du laser SuperK MIR à l’Université Radboud
- Rencontre avec Sacco te Lintel Hekkert, directeur de Sensor Sense
- VBT contribue par le biais de QCAP à l’innovation durable dans le secteur horticole
- Rencontre avec Lucy Hooper, Optical Team Leader chez NKT Photonics
- QCAP au Salon Fruit Logistica
- L’Université Radboud fournit le premier prototype de capteur de traces de gaz QCAP
- Rencontre avec Angel Medina-Vaya, chargé de cours en mycologie agroalimentaire à l’Université de Cranfield
- Premières idées du projet de suivi QCAP au roadshow organisé dans le cadre du projet ÉPRISE
- Les partenaires QCAP organisent une soirée d'information « Innover pour conserver »
- Le système de contrôle QCAP aura d'importantes répercussions dans l'Altes Land, le plus grand verger d'Allemagne.
- L'équipe QCAP publie les premiers résultats des mesures réalisées par le capteur de traces de gaz dans la revue Sensors
- Rencontre avec Dirk Köpcke, responsable du département qualité et stockage des fruits de la station d’expérimentation fruitière à Jork, qui fait partie de la chambre de l’agriculture de Basse-Saxe
- Le prototype de capteur QCAP mis à l’essai pour mesurer les composés volatils des pommes de terre
- CAMA Conférence reportée
- Une bonne coordination entre les partenaires du QCAP est essentielle
- QCAP au salon Fruit Logistica 2020
- Rencontre avec Bert Verlinden, directeur de recherche au Centre flamand pour la conservation des produits horticoles (Vlaams Centrum voor Bewaring van Tuinbouwproducten, VCBT)
- Le projet MAX-FRESH introduit le système de surveillance QCAP sur le marché
- GroentenFruit Huis : l’innovation dans la pratique quotidienne
- Système de surveillance QCAP : validé en laboratoire et en industrie
News (DE)
- Neue Laser öffneten die Türen zur hoch empfindsamen Gaserkennung
- In Richtung eines innovativen Lagerüberwachungssystems
- Vom Sensor zum Überwachungssystem
- VCBT und LWK präsentieren erste QCAP-Ergebnisse bei der CAMA-Konferenz
- Ein Treffen mit Eugène Rokx, Area Export Manager bei Storex
- VCBT veranstaltet Workshop zu Lagerung in dynamisch kontrollierter Umgebung
- Cranfield University untersucht Gasemissionen von Kartoffeln
- GroentenFruit Huis bringt QCAP und Praxis zusammen
- Zusammenarbeit mit Wageningen entscheidend für eine optimale Dateninterpretation in Praxissituationen
- QCAP-Detektoranordnung an der Radboud Universität voll in Betrieb
- Erste Apfel- und Heidelbeerenmessungen in Jork, Deutschland
- NKT Photonics liefert der Radboud Universität eine überarbeitete Version des SuperK MIR-Lasers
- Ein Treffen mit Sacco te Lintel Hekkert, Director von Sensor Sense
- Durch QCAP trägt VBT zu nachhaltigen Innovationen in der Gartenbaubranche bei
- Ein Treffen mit Lucy Hopper, Optical Team Leader bei NKT Photonics
- QCAP auf der Fruit Logistica
- Radboud University liefert den ersten Prototyp des QCAP-Spurengas-Sensors
- Ein Treffen mit Angel Medina-Vaya, Professor im Fachbereich Lebensmittel-Mykologie an der Cranfield Universität
- Erste Ideen für ein QCAP-Folgeprojekt bei der ÉPRISE Roadshow
- QCAP-Partner organisieren Studienabend „Innovative Lagerung“
- QCAP-Monitoringsystem hat große Auswirkungen auf deutsche Obstanbauregion „Altes Land“
- QCAP-Team veröffentlicht erste Messresultate des Spurengasdetektors in Sensors
- Treffen Sie Dirk Köpcke, Leiter Abteilung Fruchtqualität und Obstlagerung an der Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen, Obstbauversuchsanstalt Jork
- QCAP-Sensorprototyp im Test zur Messung flüchtiger Biomarker bei Kartoffeln
- CAMA Conference verschoben
- Gute Abstimmung zwischen QCAP-Partnern entscheidend
- QCAP auf der Fruit Logistica 2020
- Ein Treffen mit Bert Verlinden, Forschungsleiter im Flämischen Zentrum für die Lagerung von Gartenbauerzeugnissen (Vlaams Centrum voor Bewaring van Tuinbouwproducten - VCBT)
- MAX-FRESH Projekt bringt QCAP Monitoringsystem auf den Markt
- GroentenFruit Huis setzt Innovationen in der täglichen Praxis um
- QCAP Monitoringsystem unter Laborbedingungen und in industrieller Umgebung geprüft
- Downloads
- Events
HeatNet: Transition strategies for delivering low carbon district heat
- City of Dublin Energy Management Agency Ltd
- Plymouth City Council
- CAP 2020 asbl
- Stad Kortrijk
- Intercommunale Leiedal
- Energy Cities
- Ville de Boulogne-sur-Mer
- Universiteit Gent
- Hogeschool van Amsterdam
- Aberdeen City Council
- Mijnwater B.V.
- South Dublin County Council
- Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement
- Webinaire sur les Réseaux de Chaleur 4ème génération - 13 mars 2018
- Fostering District Heating and Cooling in European Cities – Policy recommendations from the HeatNet NWE project
- Design, Build, Operate & Maintain (DBOM) contract for the development of the South Dublin District Heating System
- Impressive works done in Kortrijk for the heating network extension
- CAP Construction and Mijnwater BV present 4th generation DHC to Wallonia’s municipalities
- Visit of the district heating network of Boulogne-sur-mer on 29th November 2018
- Developing a transition roadmap for Kortrijk
- What’s new for HeatNet pilot sites?
- New publication: Developing District Heating in North-West Europe
- Remunicipalisation: yes you can!
- New publication: a guide for energy companies to develop district heating in North-West Europe
- How P2P exchanges between cities boosted innovative DHC in Plymouth
- Aberdeen pilot: works to extend the DH network have started
- A spatial energy strategy for South West Flanders in 100 climate actions
- Watch the webinar "The Role of the Public Sector in Developing 4th Generation District Heating"
- Watch our webinar "Developing 4th and 5th generation heat networks in the UK"
- Mijnwater, a HeatNet NWE pilot, won the Green Solutions Awards 2019!
- Watch our webinar "Developing district heating systems: a new approach"
- Watch our webinar on how to foster 4th generation district heating and cooling!
- Bekijk het webinar over pilootproject Kortrijk en streekvisie rond duurzame warmte
- Watch our webinar on DHC planning and digitalisation
- How to develop DHC systems? HeatNet NWE online guide is out!
- HeatNet NWE featured in the campaign "Together4Cohesion"
- "Greening our cities with district energy": 4DHC roll-out is on the way!
- Watch our webinar on heat recovery from data centres!
- Visite du réseau de chaleur de Boulogne-sur-mer – 29 Novembre 2018
- Save the date! Webinaire sur les Réseaux de Chaleur 4ème génération - 13 Mars 2018
- Registration open for the "Remunicipalisation of the local energy" Workshop on 28th February - 1st March 2019
- Registration open for the first Irish District Energy Association's National Conference
- Meet HeatNet NWE Partners at the EuroHeat&Power Annual Congress on 8th May in Nantes (France)
- Register to our workshop at the European Week of Regions and Cities on 10th October 2019
- Save the date : Webinar "The Public Sector's role in Developing 4th Generation DHC" - 26th September
- Save the date: Webinar "Developing 4th and 5th generation heat networks in the UK" - 23rd October
- Webinar in Dutch: "Developing district heating systems: a new approach" - 29th October
- Join HeatNet NWE at the event "NWE making an impact!" - 4 and 5 December 2019
- Save-the-date for our workshop "Decarbonising cities with geothermal district heating: how to finance it?"
- Join us for our webinar on how to foster 4th generation district heating and cooling!
- Save-the-date: webinar in Dutch dedicated to Flanders and Kortrijk - 12 Dec 2019
- Save the date: HeatNet NWE Final conference 15th September 2020
- Webinar - District Heating and cooling: planning & digitalisation - 10th March
- Save the date: Webinar "District heating and data centres - a pilot project in Ireland" - 28 August
- Policy recommendations and national frameworks
- Developing District Heating in North-West Europe - A Guide for Public Sector Organisations
- Remunicipalisation workshop in Ettlingen - Outcomes
- Developing District Heating in North-West Europe - A Guide for energy companies
- Transition Roadmap for Developing District Heating in South Dublin
- Procurement Guide for 4th Generation District Heating and Cooling
- Guide to Integrating 4DHC with Energy Efficiency Retrofitting
- Guide to home and building energy management
- Guide to Heat Mapping
- Transition Roadmap for Developing District Heating in South-West-Flanders, Belgium
- Transition Roadmap for Developing DHC in Plymouth, UK
- Guide to Financing 4DHC and Protocol for ICP
- Report on Mijnwater Model and its replication in Wallonia
- Transition Roadmap for the Parkstad Limburg region
- How to start 4th generation DHC? Read our non-technical guide!
- CO2 Emissions calculator available!
- 4DHC technology guide
- District Heating in North-West Europe - A Guide for Energy Consumers
- Guide to creating a Transition Roadmap
- Aberdeen DHC Transition Roadmap
- Spatial policy for 4DHC
- Discover the HeatNet NWE project in video!
- Interview with Benoit Hofer, Project Officer for CAP Construction (Belgium)
- Interview with Veerle Cox, Urban designer from Intercommunale Leiedal (Belgium)
- Interview with Bram Pauwels, Heat Ambassador for Kortrijk City (Belgium)
- Interview with Eddie Conroy, County Architect for South Dublin County Council (Ireland)
- Interview with Sara Cameron, Senior Domestic Energy Officer for Aberdeen City Council (UK)
- Interview with Marijke Mahieu, Project and Communication Coordinator of Ghent University (Belgium)
- Interview with Jonathan Selman, Low Carbon City Officer for Plymouth City Council (UK)
- Interview with Donna Gartland, Senior Energy Planner at Codema, Dublin's Energy Agency (Ireland)
- Interview with Frédéric Cuvillier, Mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer (France)
- Interview with Herman Eijdems, Innovation Manager at Mijnwater B.V. (Netherlands)
- Interview with Sebastien Delhomelle, Project Manager at Cerema (France)
- Interview with Peter Schilken, Senior Project Manager at Energy Cities
- Interview with Renee Heller, Senior Researcher and lecturer at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
COBRACOMP - Braided textiles to improve the competitiveness of composite materials industry in NWE
- Composites Meetings, Nantes, November 13 and 14, 2019
- Feedback from Composites Meeting
- COBRACOMP at JEC WORLD 2020 , 3-5 March Paris
- COBRACOMP presentation Webinar 15 june 2021
- Composites Meetings, Nantes, November 17 and 18, 2021
- COBRACOMP at JEC WORLD 2022 , 3-5 May (new dates)
- COBRACOMP at Kunststoffenbeurs 2021
- COBRACOMP at ITMA Fair 2023
- Final event
- Presentation of the braiding machine
- COBRACOMP presentation Webinar 15 june 2021
- 1st COBRACOMP Workshop: Simulation of proccesses and properties
- 2nd COBRACOMP Workshop: braiding process and braided reinforcements for composite materials
- COBRACOMP Conference: Green mobility: Composite parts manufactured in Europe
- 3rd COBRACOMP Workshop: braiding process and braided reinforcements for composite materials
- Partners
- Documents
- stakeholder mapping
ALG-AD- Creating value from waste nutrients by integrating algal and anaerobic digestion technology
Project News
- Training with Claudio Swansea June 2018
- ALG-AD joins with other circular bioeconomy projects in spirit of joint promotion
- EU-funded project offers potential to meet new Clean Air strategy demands
- Chance to learn and discover at third partner meeting
- Reactor construction underway in France
- Reactor installed on site at Langage
- Construction on first PBR now well underway
- Project PI heads to Munich to talk at Algatech Conference
- Engineers visit investment site in Devon
- Second Partners meeting held in Gent
- Inoculation day arrives for first ALG-AD pilot
- Spring proves productive for ALG-AD project
- ALG-AD team members are invited Guest Editors for a Special Issue of the journal Metabolites
- ALG-AD takes part in ReThink Protein competition in Belgium
- 800-litre photobioreactor installed at INNOLAB premises
- Project embraces opportunities for students offered by Erasmus programme
- Partners come together in France for 4th partner meeting
- Supporting future scientists
- Find out more about ALG-AD with our informative annual report
- An introduction to ALG-AD video
- Partners and stakeholders get a tour of Cooperl's reactor
- Busy summer of engagement for Ghent University partners
- My first 100 days of ALG-AD
- The beauty of algae
- Prof Carole Llewellyn gives her thoughts on our French pilot
- Our French partners explain what's coming up next for them
- Plaques installed at all pilot facilities
- Project team prepare to speak at ADBA National Conference
- Encouraging results obtained from phosphorous supplementation experiment
- Cooperl reactor inoculated after a period of alteration
- ALG-AD receives enthusiastic response at AlgaEurope event
- Final ALG-AD investment facility now fully operational.
- Swansea workshop on characterisation of biomass
- Shut-down!
- Work continues for ALG-AD – albeit from home not the lab
- Zoom is the new norm
- Communicating the science for French farmers
- Exhibition plan developed for permanent ALG-AD display in France
- The draft legislation from WG would designate the whole of Wales as an NVZ
- Swansea University technology could help Welsh farmers faced with new NVZ legislation
- A clearer regulatory picture emerges
- Data modelling tool for ALG-AD
- ALG-AD GDPR Privacy policy
- Reasons to be optimistic – restart at Langage
- LANGAGE AD VIRTUAL OPEN DAY 29 JUNE 2020 9.00 - 12.00 am
- The algal cultivation activity at Cooperl Arc Atlantique (France) restarted on 15th of June.
- ALG-AD Investment site UGENT-INNOLAB in Belgium: General introduction and operation during the COVID-19 crisis
- Algal cultivation facility from UGhent at Innolab received the visit on farmers interested in ALG-AD
- ALG-AD virtual open day welcomes an international audience
- ALG-AD experiments resuming at Swansea University
- Circular Economy in Wales – latest developments
- ALG-AD at the World Biogas Summit 2020
- ALG-AD exhibition - Derval experimental farm
- Circular Economy in action: Using digestate to cultivate microalgae for fish and animal feed
- Using waste nutrients to cultivate microalgae – Swansea team publishes new peer-review paper
- ALG-AD project takes a step closer to feed trials
- A great start to 2021 with the ALG-AD webinar series
- ALG-AD – Reflections on ADBA National Conference 2021
- Webinar series continues – ALG-AD and Algosolis share expertise on algal cultivation and waste remediation
- Virtual access to the ALG-AD exhibition in Derval
- « A regulatory review on the use of digestate to cultivate algal biomass for animal feed »
- Spring newsletter is here!
- Belgian pilot at Innolab, Oostkamp- at third webinar of ALG-AD project
- The European Sustainable Phosphorous Platform Webinar brings together a European network
- ALG-AD’s close alignment to current and emerging UK, EU and UN strategy
- From Anaerobic Digestion to Microalgae: Reflections from the ALG-AD networking event
- ALG-AD completes experimental trials to test microalgal biomass grown on digestate as a fish feed
- Feasibility of using microalgae grown on digestate as a feed ingredient for aquaculture demonstrated by the latest ALG-AD experiments
- A festival of algae – researchers finally to reunite face to face.
- Merry Christmas and Happy New 2022 year!
- ALG-AD activity Leaflet of 2022
- Partners
In the Press
- Turning waste to animal feed: Algae can help
- Using algae to promote agricultural sustainability and the circular economy
- UK university leads anaerobic digestion to algae for feed project
- Project looks at algae as solution to ammonia issue
- EU-Funded Project Offers Potential to Meet New Clean Air Strategy Demands
- Microalgae culture to recover nutrients from manure
- ALG-AD features in Land and Business magazine
- Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Potential in Northern Ireland new report with the ALG-AD project publications
- Swansea scientist heads to #AlgalBBB in Seattle
- UK Food Standards Agency pays a visit to ALG-AD
- ALG-AD attends first ever ESNI event in Brussels
- ALG-AD on display at Ghent academic event
- ALG-AD introduced to Nordic algal research sector
- Super Science Sunday Swansea 2019
- Introducing ALG_AD to end-of-waste business platform in Ghent
- ALG-AD colleagues lead microalgae workshop for EnhanceMicroalgae project
- Introducing ALG-AD at SaltGae close-out conference in Slovenia
- Interreg Impact
- ALG-AD invites AD plant managers/owners and novel feed producers to workshop and OPEN DAY
- Open day and workshop for partners
- ALG-AD attends biogas sector exhibition
- ALG-AD to take part in French event on methanisation
- Anaerobic digestion in France: the industry, challenges and opportunities
- EBA Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) Webinar "Research agenda on biogas in Europe”
- ALG-AD at the World Biogas Summit 2020, 6-8th of October
- L’exposition ALG-AD à la ferme expérimentale de Derval
- The second webinar in the EBA 'Biogas Lab webinar series'
- Online conference - "Anaerobic digestion and microalgae - State of play and projects: where are we?" organised by Agri Startup summit, France
- the ADBA National Conference 16-17 of February 2021
- The Algae-UK ‘Festival of Algae’ reunites researchers to explore the potential of algae
- WORKSHOP OF THE ALG-AD INVESTMENT SITE AT Oostkamp, Belgium, 19th of May 2022
- Publications
Meet the Team
- Ghent University
- Cooperl, France
- Association des Chambres d'Agriculture de l'Arc Atlantique
- Birmingham City University
- Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
- Université de Bretagne Occidentale
- Langage AD
- Innolab
- Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail
- Swansea University
- ADMIN documentation
- Presentation of the algal pilot installation and operation at Cooperl, France by Luc Chauchat
- 2021 Webinar series organised by the ALG-AD project
- Online conference - "Anaerobic digestion and microalgae - State of play and projects: where are we?" organised by Agri Startup summit
- Discussion about the Langage AD pilot results with Dr Claudio Fuentes Grunewald
- Second webinar _The microalgae for the treatment of wastewater and digestate
- Marcella Fernandes de Souza is presenting the ALG-AD pilot installed in Belgium
- Fifth WEBINAR_Challenges and results, after 2 years of microalgae production using digestate: the British pilot site.
Project News
e-mental health innovation and transnational implementation platform North West Europe (eMEN)
- Stichting Arq
- Stichting VU-VUmc
- Interapy Nederland B.V.
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN)
- Landschaftsverband Rheinland - Institut für Versorgungsforschung
- Mental Health Foundation
- EPSM Lille Métropole
- Thomas More University of Applied Sciences
- Pulso Europe CVBA
- Mental Health Reform
- Join eMEN
News & Blogs
- First eMEN pilot development mission to Ireland
- eMEN Spring 2017 Newsletter
- This is what successful implementation of e-mental health looks like
- eMEN Summer 2017 Newsletter
- eMEN in Bristol to discuss the SAM app development with UWE
- eMEN Autumn 2017 Newsletter
- eMEN Winter 2017 Newsletter
- The First eMEN Seminar, Amsterdam
- The Second eMEN Conference, Dublin
- eMEN presented at the yearly congress of the European Psychiatry Association – Nice, France
- Innovation is the only way forward for Ireland’s mental health support system
- Heights in 360° Virtual Reality (VR)
- eMEN Spring 2018 Newsletter
- Report shows digital technology could play important role in mental healthcare in Ireland
- eMEN Summer 2018 Newsletter
- Project monitoring visit from the Interreg Joint Secretariat
- ‘ESIF for Health’ project in Budapest, Hungary
- Trends and technological development of apps in mental healthcare
- Clever ECAs in Dutch Moodbuster-study
- eMEN mentioned in the French mental health and psychiatry political roadmap
- The future of the Dutch mental health sector
- eMEN Autumn 2018 Newsletter
- Transnational Policy Solution – an update
- eMEN project showcased Moodbuster app at the European Week of the Regions & Cities
- eMEN at ESI Funds for Health final conference Brussels (6-7 Dec)
- Reducing depressive feelings with Virtual Reality
- The Future of Digital Mental Health in Northern Ireland
- The Nurture Network: Promoting Mental Health for Young People in a Digital World (e-Nurture)
- eMental Health developments in Ireland
- Mental health issues cost EU countries more than €600 billion
- eMEN Winter 2018 Newsletter
- Belgian eMEN partners at 3rd plenary meeting of the European Health Parliament
- eMEN presented at the ‘Health and Care in a Digitising World’ symposium
- EU citizens need health and well-being as a policy priority, stakeholders say
- What does a psychologist think about online treatment?
- Belgian eMEN partners at 4th plenary meeting of the European Health Parliament
- E-mental health symposium at EPA congress Warsaw
- Recent developments in eMental health in Ireland
- Challenges for e-mental health implementation in NWE countries
- 2019: The year of e-mental health for France
- eMEN Spring 2019 Newsletter
- Acceptance and benefits of internet-based interventions in inpatient settings – experiences of the German Moodbuster roadshow
- Climate change and mental health, a new and growing challenge
- eMEN presentation by Dr Jean-Luc Roelandt in Australia
- What do Dutch insurance companies think of the reimbursement system in mental healthcare?
- eMEN participates in the EU's Regio Stars Competition; we also need your vote!
- eMEN power pitch at Global Entrepreneurship summit 2019
- eMEN project selected as RegioStars finalist 2019!
- eMEN joins the European eHealth HUB supporters network
- The German health care system is moving towards digitalisation
- Promoting safer (mental) health information exchange in the Netherlands
- Digital innovation: trying to do things in a new way with the use of technology
- eMEN presented at the European Congress of Psychology - Moscow, Russia
- Report of the Rathenau Institute: Health at the centre - Responsible data sharing in the digital society
- eMEN Summer 2019 Newsletter
- In memoriam Dr. Jeroen Ruwaard (1970)
- eMEN at RegioStars awards ceremony in Brussels
- ‘Cases of burnout have been increasing at an alarming rate in recent years among millennials and Gen Zers’
- eMEN (draft) Transnational Policy for e-Mental Health presented in Brussels at the Directorate General for Health & Food Safety of the European Commission
- eMEN Autumn newsletter 2019
- eMEN presented at the first Interreg NWE Impact Event (Tourcoing, France)
- eMEN included as exemplary project in project database DG REGIO
- Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year!
- Davos CEOs open up on mental health
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and personalised mental health interventions (Oyono Vlijter, eMEN project leader)
- eMEN capitalisation proposal approved by the Interreg NWE Monitoring Committee
- Science | Business – Bridge the gap – 25 February 2020
- Covid-19 as a window of opportunity for e-mental health
- Join this EFPA survey about online consultation during Covid-19
- e-Health Hub is looking for digital solutions to fight Coronavirus
- Online masterclasses online treatment with e-mental health
- eMEN seminar in Paris with focus on training and app evaluation
- eMEN app Stopblues launches Covid-19 extension
- MHF's Antonis Kousoulis talks with Guardian about effects of Covid-19 on mental health
- Disaster Response, Mental Health, and Community Resilience (article by Dr. Josef Ruzek)
- Soon to be published - the eMEN Transnational Policy for e-Mental Health
- Transnational Policy for e-Mental Health - A guidance document for European policymakers and stakeholders
- eMEN featured in NWE Programme’s Citizens Summary for 2019
- eMEN main achievements and reflections
- Psychometric Evaluation of an Online SelfHelp : the MIRROR
- Managing the mental health effects of the COVID-19 crisis with e-mental health technology
- Millennials, Gen Z and mental health (a global survey by Deloitte)
- Why are so few digital mental health tools evidence-based? The answer is complicated.
- The eMEN product development and implementation toolkit
- Reimbursement for digital health solutions
- eMEN focus group meeting wallonia, Belgium
- eMEN presented at webinar of the Health Working Group (ENVI) of the European Parliament
- eMEN main achievements and reflections report available in French
- Professor Wolfgang Gaebel receives highest DGPPN recognition, the Wilhelm Griesinger Medal
- eMEN policy document mentioned in WISH 2020 report on Mental Health and Digital Technologies
- e-mental health meeting of the European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations (EFPSA)
- Happy Holidays and a much better 2021!
- Ethics of Digital Mental Health During COVID-19
- The implementation of Digital Mobile Mental Health in clinical care pathways
- "3 ways virtual reality could transform mental health treatment"
- Project update: results of the focus group on e-mental Health in an inpatient psychiatric hospital (Belgium)
- Hackathon Battle
- New eMEN publication: “Online therapy: an added value for inpatient routine care? Perspectives from mental health care professionals”
- eMEN lead partner ARQ has a new project leader for the eMEN project
- ARQ Centrum'45 gives patients digital access to their healthcare information
- Cross-sectional study: wellbeing and VCT satisfaction among patients in psychotrauma treatment during the pandemic
- Upscaling e‑mental health in Europe: a six‑country qualitative analysis and policy recommendations from the eMEN project
- Symposium E-mental health implementation – from theory to real life psychiatric-psychotherapeutic healthcare services
- Recordings available eMEN webinar: Virtual as the new Reality? How technology creates better healthcare.
- eMEN Launch Conference
- Equity and E-Mental Health: Can Digital Technology Help Us to Achieve Good Mental Health for All?
- Privacy, Quality and Technical Challenges
- E-Mental Health: Definitions, Challenges, Experiences
- Technology for Wellbeing
- Online therapy?! Reflections from Psychodynamic, Psychotherapy and Ethical Issues
- Getting in Touch with Digital Interventions for Mental Health
- E-mental health training: now and in the future
- Active Citizenship and empowerment in community mental health
- Place Based Approaches to E-Mental Health
- E-mental health implementation: the digital revolution in mental healthcare
- Trends and technological developments of apps in mental healthcare
- E-Mental health: Evidence-based and safe?
- eMental Health: The Next Big Thing in Psychological Practice?
- E-mental health in Europe: learning from our neighbours
- Prevention with digital technologies: expanding the possibilities for better mental health
- Let’s make it work! Another dynamic eMEN seminar
- Technology and mental health: a good ROI?
- Technology and Student Mental Health
- Digital Mental Health: Increasing access and equity
- E-Mental-Health: Digital Innovations in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- E-Mental-Health: Training of Stakeholders and Evaluation of Tools
- eMental Health: Opportunities for the third sector?
- Symposium E-mental health implementation – from theory to real life psychiatric-psychotherapeutic healthcare services
- Virtual as the new Reality? How technology creates better healthcare.
- (Dutch) e-Mental health training
- May 19th 2020 French event
- eMEN webinar on the 27th May: Frontiers in eMental Health - The Future is Now
- Our team
- Product showcase
- Publications & tools
- COVID-19 Resources
GreenWIN - Greener Waterway Infrastructure
- Partners
- First GreenWIN article published
- First Partner Meeting
- GreenWIN on Twitter
- Communication Sub Group Update
- Technical Sub Group Update
- Rijkswaterstaat Presentation
- More about Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (VLM)
- Technical Meeting in Birmingham
- Working with NIWE
- Public event organised by VLM
- Partners' meeting in Liège
- GreenWIN at the Water Equipment Show
- GreenWIN on LinkedIn
- Approval for enhanced test bench
- Report from partners' meeting in Utrecht
- Green WIN at EWRC 2019
- Presentation of Land Management Plan
- De Wijers Water Management Event
- CRT's Year of Green Action
- Tinsley Pumping Station
- Rain or shine... Pumping remains vital!
- Bad Luck at Tinsley!
- Special delivery!
- Green Deal NL
- Where does the water come from?
- Smart Pumping for the Dutch water boards
- 'Green' Achievements for CRT
- Have you met Catchy?
- Update - VLM's Eco-Hydrological study
- High capacity pumps
- CRT - Internet of Things (IoT) testing
- Room for the River
- Toddbrook Reservoir repair plan -Canal & River Trust
- Green WIN at the Water Equipment Show 2021
- Renovating sustainable, modular and circular pumping stations and weirs
- Hydrological precision work in the Mangelbeek valley
- Experimental tests are on-going on the laboratory test bench.
- Tendering exercise closed for Waterways Ireland
- Nine ways canals can fight climate change!
- How canals can help tackle the climate crisis.
- New pumps at Gloucester “The beating heart of the Docks”
- Green WIN & NIWE on show at the World Canals Conference...
- Green WIN pump testing is GO!...
- New pump installed at Richmond Harbour
- Strasbourg Pump Station Visits
- Green WIN on the road again!
- Green Win will overcome!
- Works at Crofton Pumping Station
- Green Win sharing opportunity
- Green WIN final event heralds a smart future
- CRT's Control panel gets special treatment in Liege
- Green WIN final reports going online
- Second Green Win Report
- Green WIN results...
- 1st Partner Meeting
- Communication sub group conference call
- Technical sub group conference call
- GreenWIN First Technical Meeting
- Techincal Sub Group Meeting
- Technical Group Meeting in Liege
- Green WIN at Smart Rivers 2019
- NWE making an impact!
- Partners meeting in Utrecht
- Green WIN and the European Week of Regions and Cities 2019
- Technical Group Meeting in Brussels
- April 2020 Partners' Skype Meeting
- June 2020 Partners' Skype Meeting
- Sept 2020 Partners' Skype meeting
- Dag van De Wijers
- Feb 2021 Partners' Skype meeting
- Water Equipment Show 2021
- 39th IAHR World Congress
- UNECE Workshop
- World Canal conference 2022
- Partners Meeting - Jan 2023
- GreenWIN Banner
- First GreenWIN Flyer
- Laboratory Test Bench - Abstract from EMLIH webinar
- Green Win Communication Strategy
- 2020 Green Win articles
- 2021 Green Win articles
- Social media presence
- World Canals Conference 2022
- Presentation to the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
- UNECE Green Win Presentation
- Risk Management Plan
- Initial Assessments of trial sites - Reports
- Improving existing systems and processes - Reports
- Evaluating current market and setting the basis for rolling out improvements - Documents
- Final Assessments of trial sites - Reports
D2Grids - Increasing the share of renewable energy by accelerating the roll-out of demand-driven smart grids delivering low temperature heating and cooling to NWE cities
- News
- Events
- Mijnwater Energy B.V.
- Asper Investment Management Ltd
- Clyde Gateway Developments Ltd
- Open University
- French Geological Survey
- GreenFlex
- Construction21 France
- Vito
- FUW GmbH
- Plymouth City Council
- EPA Paris-Saclay
- Seqens
- LLC & Associés - Avocats
- Scottish Water Horizons
- Nottingham City Council
- Energipark Réiden S.a.
- Newsletters
- Publications & tools
- Media
- D2Grids news
- Pilot sites
- Starting your project
NWE-Chance - Development and validation of promising integrated eHealth applications combined with nanotechnology for hospitalisation of heart failure patients at home
- Partners
Progress so far
- Isala Heart Center receives major European grant
- Hospitalisation at home: Assessing the feasibility of a new ICT-supported care pathway
- NWE Chance project interview with students from the Master of European and International Studies (University of Lille)
- It's time for a change from hospital to home: An article by NWE-Chance coordinator Astrid van Velde
- Working on the cost-effectiveness of NWE-Chance’s solutions
- Experiencing NWE-Chance: Innovation, infrastructure, and investment
- Hospitalisation@Home - two years of progress
- NWE-Chance in De Cardioloog medical magazine (in Dutch)
- Assessing the impact using the MAFEIP tool
- Hospitalisation@home – exploring digital solutions using the SCIROCCO Exchange tool
- NWE-Chance is holding its final conference at AgeingFit 2022
- The Digital Innovation Hub: the “go-to place” for hospitalisation@home
- [Video] 5 minutes to discover the Hospitalisation@Home Platform
- NWE-Chance Final Conference | Recordings and presentations
- Open Hospital at Home
- NWE making an impact!
- EHMA 2020 Annual Conference
- Spotlight Telemedicine Summit : Towards hybrid care: the heart failure case – hospital and home
- Digital Therapeutics and Care at Home
- NWE-Chance session @ European Week of Active & Healthy Ageing 2021
- Show Me the Money: Economic Challenges in Healthcare, Cost of the Pandemic and Chronic Disease Management
- NWE Chance Soft Launch
- NWE-Chance conference @ AgeingFit 2022
- Video
RIVER - Non-Carbon River Boat Powered by Combustion Engines
- YNCREA Hauts de France
- University of Bedfordshire
- Stichting STC group
- Cleancarb
- Canal & River Trust
- Université de Picardie Jules Verne
- Centre de Conseil et d’Innovation en Logistique-Transport &Logistique
- ECE Engine Control Electronics GmbH
- DST Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V.
- News
- Partnership
- Documentation
E=0: Desirable, warm, affordable homes for life
- Partners
- A good start!
- A week in the life of an Energiesprong UK market maker
- The Luxembourgish approach
- French solution providers visit Energiesprong Netherlands to prepare for the demonstration phase
- First demonstrators houses selected in France
- Moat's Energiesprong journey so far
- E=0: a sustainable energy challenge
- Dutch local governments stimulate NZE for 15 homeowner associations
- Energy-Up: What's not to like about Holland?
- E=0 : refurbishing with prefabricated and bio sourced materials
- Do Green subsidies help?
- Energiesprong Germany kicks off!
- The Netherlands calls for 30 year financial constructions for homeowner associations
- Start-up Factory Zero develops net zero energy modules and the orders start rolling in!
- The international cooperation, a key aspect of the Energiesprong movement
- Upcoming demonstrator projects in France to test and learn
- E=0 and the new European Energy Directive
- Vilogia chooses solution provider for first French Energiesprong renovations
- Innovative new financial model to enable private apartment blocks to retrofit to Net Zero Energy
- Solving technical issues in a creative manner
- Lancement des travaux du premier démonstrateur français de rénovation énergétique E=0
- Energiesprong is hiring: Solution integrator E=0 retrofits
- Breakthrough in financing net zero energy for apartment owners in the Netherlands
- Involving tenants in the E=0 project in Luxembourg
- Incubator Factory Zero launch a new smart version of their energy module
- Energiesprong wins 2018 World Green Building Council Award
- Moat presents designs to residents of first UK E=0 Energiesprong pilot in Maldon
- Découverte des coulisses de la rénovation pilote de Longueau
- Energiesprong UK is hiring. Role profile: EU projects and Analysis
- La dynamique EnergieSprong continue avec une rencontre franco-hollandaise productive aux Pays-Bas
- E=0 Energiesprong partners share experiences in Berlin
- First Energiesprong pilot in France: a view from Vilogia
- Experiment: How can net zero energy be enabled for high-rise buildings?
- Innovation Day in Berlin advances German-French market development for Net Zero Energy
- Out now: E=0 the movie
- E=0 pilot optimises the Energiesprong solution for Nottingham
- 30 year loans for Homeowner Associations in the Netherlands for high energy retrofits finally possible
- Challenge Day – the first stop on Germany’s Energiesprong Innovation Roadmap
- E=0 closing event at Futurebuild London 7 March, learn, discuss and be inspired
- Energiesprong kicks off Interreg NWE´s Mustbe0 project to make net zero energy suitable for multi-storey buildings in North West Europe
- Energiesprong impresses with its stand at Futurebuild
- Partners share their experience of delivering Energiesprong pilots at final E=0 meeting
- Site visits to Moat’s Maldon pilot bring Energiesprong retrofit works up close
- Energiesprong is a finalist for two major awards
- Energiesprong wins European Commission’s award for most innovative project
- Net zero homes Energiesprong project wins prestigious Ashden Award
- Renowned think-tank advises European Commission to scale up Energiesprong Europe-wide
- 17 more pilot homes in Nottingham finished
- E=0 kick-off meeting in Amsterdam
- Site visit Arnhem: French solution providers visit Energiesprong Netherlands to prepare for the demonstration phase
- Show me the money!
- 2nd International partner meeting in France: A constructive day of discussion between E=0 partners
- Site visit Vlijmen: French solution providers visit refurbished houses with innovative Dutch peers to get inspired
- Site visit Utrecht: French housing associations and suppliers go on a common trip to benefit from the Dutch experience
- E=0 Partner Event in Nottingham: Energiesprong into Action!
- International Energiesprong partner meeting E=0 and Transition Zero in Berlin
- Inauguration second pilot project France - Longueau, 12 houses
- E=0 closing event at Futurebuild London 7 March
- E=0 in France
- E=0 in the UK
- E=0 in Luxembourg
- E=0 in the Netherlands
- E=0 in the media
IDEA - Implementation and development of economic viable algae-based value chains
- Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek
- Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
- Algae Natural Food SAS
- Innovatiesteunpunt voor landbouw en platteland
- CentraleSupélec – Université Paris-Saclay
- Feed Design Lab
- Thomas More Kempen vzw
- Teagasc, The Irish Agricultural and Food Development Authority
- University of Twente
- Swansea University
- PCFruit vzw
- Heirbaut LV
- News
- Final event
- News & publications
- Previous IDEA Events
- Results
- Media
URBCON - By-products for sustainable concrete in the urban environment
- Kick Off!!
- URBCON partners and observing partners meet in Ghent
- Looking back on the URBCON webinar
- Material passports for a circular economy
- URBCON launches tender for Ghent pilot
- URBCON lanceert aanbesteding voor Gentse pilot
- New bridge for the Rotterdam URBCON pilot
- Nieuwe brug voor de URBCON pilot in Rotterdam
- ResourceFull develops eco-friendly benches for Leuven
- City of Ghent wants to become number 1 in circular economy
- ResourceFull provides the chemistry at URBCON
- A (pedestrian) bridge to the future
- ArcelorMittal will be the company of the future
- TU Delft provides the leaders of the future
- A typical Rotterdam initiative: the 100% circular concrete pits
- Choice of concrete mixture for the construction of the Rotterdam pilot bridge
- Rotterdam examples on the development and application of circular concrete
- ResourceFull x Urbastyle x City of Ghent
- The influence of Urbcon concrete on ECI-value
- Fire escape made of circular concrete is crowning achievement of European project
- It's a wrap!
- Project Meeting 2
- Open house and round table at Kamp C
- Join us at the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) first impact event!
- DuRSAAM Research Training course on "AAM Technology"
- Final SeRaMCo Conference "Precast Concrete in the Circular Economy” - CANCELLED
- URBCON Partner Meeting Ghent
- URBCON webinar (dutch-spoken)
- Webinar Circular Concrete
- Final event URBCON project in Ghent
- Partners
- Who we are
- Pilots
Di-Plast - Digital Circular Economy for the Plastics Industry
- Partners
- Dutch article in De Stentor
- Dutch article in Verpakkingsmanagement
- Dutch article in Rtvoost
- Dutch article in the kunststof-magazine
- Dutch article in duurzaam-ondernemen
- Dutch article in the Algemeen Dagblad
- Project short description on Wuppertal Institute Homepage (German)
- German article about Di-Plast in plastverarbeiter
- Dutch article in kunststofenrubber
- Dutch article in the duurzaambedrijfsleven
- German article in recycling magazine 320Grad
- German article in K-Zeitung
- German article in
- German news about Di-Plast in plasticker
- Di-Plast listed as best practice on the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
- Di-PLast presented on Go4Export Day in Apeldoorn, Netherlands
- Di-Plast presented at Hannover Messe 2019 at tech transfer forum
- Take part! Survey on the use of recyclate online
- Di-Plast presented at SKZ Netzwerktag in Würzburg, Germany
- Next Step - expert interviews - you can be part of it
- Thanks for participating in our survey about the use of recyclate - the survey is closed - next step are personal interviews
- Next step: Co-creation workshop at Zwolle and Würzburg
- Nomination of support team (uptake managers) to assist companies to increas rPM
- APPLY NOW!: Participate in the Di-Plast Pilots
- Di-Plast Webinar now online
- Oost-Gelderland Business Magazine informs about the Di-Plast Pilots and Voucher scheme
- Kunststof Magazin: Di-Plast appears in most important Plastic-Magazin for ther Netherlands and Belgium
- Publication on VSM at the 9th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization – Community of Europe in Novi Sad, Serbia
- Di-Plast featured in publications on Interreg projects in Luxembourg and Germany
- "New" project partner @ Di-Plast
- Di-Plast @ confrerence on state of the art artificial intelligence
- Publication on Holistic System Change towards Circular Economy within Supply-Chains by Uni Luxembourg
- Conference paper on Value Stream Mapping for the Circular Economy by Uni Luxemourg
- Di-Plast Workshop "Work more sustainably with recyclate" @Zwolle
- Blog
- Umwelt- und umfeldgerechte Kunststoffverpackungen
- Food Innovation Camp 2019, Hamburg, Germany
- 13. Würzburger Compoundiertage
- Di-Plast After Work Event: Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Kunststoffverarbeitung (German)
- SKZ-Netzwerktag - Networking day
- Hannover Messe Tech Transfer Forum
- Hannover Messe International
- Technology & Business Cooperation Days
- Go4Export - European Neighboring Countries Circular Economy Day
- Co-creation Workshop at Zwolle
- Co-creation Workshop at Würzburg
- Di-Plast at the 17th Int. Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2019)
- Webinar on the Di-Plast digital toolkits
- Forum Rezyklat
- Di-Plast at the PIUS conference (03th and 04th of March 2021)
- Di-Plast at Bellevue Palace (Woche der Umwelt 2021)
- Di-Plast @ Plastics Quality Summit 16. and 17. March 2021 (online)
- Di-Plast @ Online-Event "Digitalization: Successful business models for the plastics industry" Mai 4th and 5th 2021
- Di-Plast Workshop "Digital tools for using recycled plastics"
- Di-Plast @InnoZent OWL "Workshop: High-end plastic recycling through digital tools"
- Di-Plast Workshop "Prozessdaten - Transparenz und Relevanz für den Rezyklateinsatz" (Online)
- Closing event of Di-Plast on the 24th of November
- Toolkit
- Voucher
- Downloads
- Towards Adhesive Free Timber Buildings (AFTB)
COTEMACO - Increased NWE COmpetitiveness Through Efficient MAn & Machine COllaboration
- Partners
- Food Tech Brainport launch
- Flanders Make Symposium
- Second Face-to-Face COTEMACO partner meeting in Saarbrucken, Germany
- COTEMACO launches collaboration with ColRobFood project
- BEST present at Digital Works for People in Vienna
- Food processing industry offers great opportunities for robotics industry, but has a few specific rules
- EU Commissioner Corina Crețu meets the COTEMACO team at ZeMA
- United Services Union ver.di visits ZeMA
- See what COTEMACO and cobots have in store for SMEs at ZeMA's workshops
- Prime Minister of Saarland Tobias Hans meets COTEMACO partners at ZeMA conference
- Afraid of robots? Meet the cobots!
- Food manufacture 4.0 – automation and robotics at the service of food manufacturing
- SMEs are taking a step towards digital transformation
- Two Belgian companies to integrate cobots after completing COTEMACO SME Support Programme
- Interreg tour at ZeMA
- Meet Tweety: the bakery cobot
- An interview with ABB: second generation cobots set to unlock automation for first-time users
- Vegan pizza company improves productivity by 30% thanks to COTEMACO support programme
- Future-proofing EU businesses through automation
- COBOTS: Useful resources for SMEs on the implementation of collaborative robots
- COTEMACO SME support success: Over 112 jobs maintained and 35 new jobs created
- AgriFoodTech 2018
- Flanders Make Symposium 2018: The Future of the Manufacturing Industry
- Food Tech Brainport launch event
- Bax & Company presents COTEMACO at RoboBusiness Conference
- Demo: Smart customised production at Voka x FlandersMake event
- Field lab tour at ZeMA, Germany
- Fachtagung: Kollaborative Robotik at IHK Gießen-Friedberg
- HighTechNL invite Dutch Robotics Industry to their HQ on February 6
- Digitalisation: If a lot is changing...
- AutoRegion Kickoff 2019
- Greater Lincolnshire Manufacturing Conference 2019 - Manufacturing in Action
- Workshop Cotemaco für Integratoren
- Symposium on Automated and Robotized Remanufacturing
- The 11th Assembly Conference "Assembly Technology and Assembly Organization"
- Entrepreneur meeting of the Saarland automobile industry
- Symposium on Automated and Robotised Manufacturing
- RACIR 2019
- Zitdag: Hoe flexibel produceren door nieuwe technologieën in de food-, assemblage- en automotive industrie?
- China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair
- Greater Lincolnshire Food Robotics and Process Automation Conference
- COTEMACO awareness session at Food Tech Brainport
- Cobots of robots in uw productieproces: automotive industrie
- Opening of the Food Tech Brainport Smart Food Processing field lab
- Discover the (im)possibilities with Cobots in food processing
- Autoregion 2020
- Adviesdag: Stress elimineren op de werkvloer met digitale werkinstructies
- Adviesdag: Automatische machinebelading en digitale technologieën
- Webinar - How to automate the creation of digital work instructions
- Virtual Industry Fair – Industry 4.0
- Vision, Robotics & Motion Netwerkevent (Eindhoven)
- Webinar - Dutch Soft Robotics; Gripping of natural objects
- WEBINAR: The Future of Manufacturing in Europe
- WEBINAR: The Future of Food and Drink Manufacturing
- MakerDay at East Side Fab (Saarbrücken)
- Future-proofing European SMEs through Digitalization & Robotization - COTEMACO Final Conference
- Resources
- Multimedia
- Get in touch
- SME Support Programme
- COTEMACO press coverage
- Our Success Stories
UP-Straw: Urban and Public Buildings in Straw
Action & Activity
- European Straw Bale Gathering 2019
- European Straw Bale Gathering 2019 (1)
- Hastings Investment
- Visit with officials
- Belgian straw network first gathering
- Construction fair
- Visits for public authorities
- Straw conference
- Plankstetten Benedictine Abbey flyer
- Video Pro-Paille training
- Producer training - Farmers producing small straw bales, adequate for building / France
- Creation of Roll-Up / France
- UP STRAW Yearbook '18
- Strobouw Nederland @ WoonIdeaal Beurs (21-24 February 2019) (NL)
- Strobouw Nederland @ Bouwbeurs (4-8 February 2019) (NL)
- Workshop: Revising the German straw bale building guideline (Strohbaurichtlinie)
- Public Strawbale Buildings in the UK
- Survey Straw construction and summer comfort (FR)
- Publication of Toolkit and tips straw construction site (FR)
- Straw FAQs (UK)
- Market Research & Resources (UK)
- Social Housing & Straw (UK)
- Carbon Footprint & Public Buildings (UK)
- Healthy Public Buildings (UK)
- Lordship Hub: Here & Now (UK)
- Constructing a Public Strawbale Building in London (UK)
- The Big Straw Bale Gathering (UK)
- UP STRAW training program Belgium (May/June 2018)
- News from the working groups
- Healthy Buildings Conference
- Scottish Ecological Design Association Seminar: Strawbale Construction
- Straw used as wrapped insulation material for sports hall
- Prefab strawbale elements on Dutch Façade-fair (GEVELBEURS 2018)
- Project impression
- UP STRAW: creating effect with a team of NGO's
- Training Experts in straw construction (FR)
- Custom straw bales (FR)
- A directory of straw construction professionals (FR)
- Submission of fire test reports Private establishment Emmanuel d'Alzon (FR)
- Digital models of straw walls in BIM (FR)
- Work on the MOOC is progressing (FR)
- Hastings Investment Video (UK)
- Survey of women builders (UK)
- First school built with straw in Belgium
- Social housing & straw (BE)
- Construction fair (BE)
- The Belgian straw network
- Presentation of the Belgian investment
- The YEARBOOK 2019 is out !
- Yearbook 2019 : Notre-Dame de Bon Secours school
- Yearbook 2019 : Blown-in-straw technique
- Yearbook 2019 : Victor Schoelcher Nursery school
- Yearbook 2019 : Prefabricated technique
- Yearbook 2019 : Green Woodpeckers
- Yearbook 2019 : School inner climate
- Yearbook 2019 : Hauxley Wildlife Discovery Centre
- Yearbook 2019 : Wrapping technique
- Yearbook 2019 : Roomley sports hall
- German video podcast on Straw bale building (DE)
- Yearbook 2019 : Life Cycle Assessment
- Yearbook 2019 : Passing on the torch of straw bale building
- Yearbook 2019 : Educational institution Emmanuel d’Alzon
- "Experience straw bale building": German Podcast with english subtitles (DE)
- German online index for straw building professionals (DE)
- Info package with new FAQ-Flyer to support straw bale builders (DE)
- CNCP Investment: Project Management Assistance (FR)
- Dissemination of Public Procurement (FR)
- Building Database / Long Term Effects (FR)
- Training on the integration of biosourced materials into public renovation or new construction programs (FR)
- New German Facebookpage for UP STRAW (DE)
- Monastery webcam shows construction progress (DE)
- Laying of cornerstone in Benedictine Abbey (DE)
- Straw Construction Webinar (FR)
- Call to the territories (FR)
- MOOC Building for change - Naturally (FR)
- Hastings Visitor Centre Update
- Regional study on straw construction (FR)
- Future building of the Eco-construction Cluster: planning permission granted!
- Project investment news: two exemplary constructions achieved! / UK & NL
- Wood and straw construction finished with new building in German monastery
- Launch of European Straw Bale House Onlineregister
- ARTE documentary on straw bale building!
- CNCP Investment: launch of the project management mission / FR
- CNCP Investment: progress report / FR
- New Thermal Bridge Catalogue certified for straw bale buildings
- The second MOOC session - Building for change - Naturally
- Zotero Library
- Hastings Visitor Centre (NL)
- Building Information Modelling
- Construction site visit in the German monastery with 60 visitors
- The roof is on the biggest straw bale building in Southern Germany
- New imagefilm about straw insulated monastery building is online!
- Sporthal de Roomley (NL) wins innovation award
- De Roomley Sports-hall (NL)
- 2 UP STRAW investments in an international building contest
- Straw professional networks
- Benedictine Abbey Plankstetten (DE)
- A MOOC on straw construction
- 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙚𝙧𝙚: 𝙎𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙬-𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 (1)
- Design & Build public procurement procedure (BE)
- Wooden cladding of straw-insulated House St. Wunibald is installed
- German monastery insulates new straw building with thermal hemp
- Green Solutions Awards 2020-21
- 540 m2 straw walls plastered with clay in German monastery
- CNCP Investment / FR
- Press conference in House St. Wunibald with site visit and fire test
- Groundwork Report: Bale House Visitor Centre
- Environmental Product Declaration for Straw!
- Financial Times: article about the benefits of straw
- The bale house awarded
- The Bale House in video
- The Cluster Eco-construction office in video
- Sneak Preview: First guest room is ready
- Final interview with UP STRAW partner Brother Andreas
- Yearbook French version
- Investment: the future training centre (FR)
- Straw building official context and Policy report (UK)
- EPD – Environmental product declaration for Straw as insulation material (UK)
- News from The Bale House at Hastings Country Park (UK)
- CNCP - The building site starts (FR)
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #1
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #2
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #3
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #4
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #5
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #6
- Inventory of equipment available for processing straw / straw building materials (NL)
- Report on technical developments in prefabricated straw construction (NL)
- Report Straw -LCA's (NL)
- Yearbook Dutch edition
- Significant results - July 2023
- Evaluation of sports hall the Roomley – Tilburg investment (NL)
- ESBG 2023 Denmark
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #7
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #8
- Construction of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) #9
- Natural Fibre Insulation
- Inblown straw on Natural Fibertastic Conference
- Visit of 3 buildings Almere / Netherlands
- Groundbreaking ceremony for largest straw-insulated building in southern / Germany
- "Un été à la carte" partnership event / France
- Association day / Montargis - France
- Visit of the construction site / Germany
- Weald & Downland Museum (UK)
- The Royal Society of Arts (UK)
- Natural Fibre Insulation (UK)
- Festival "Les Tabarderies" / France
- The appointments of the straw construction in the Region Centre /France
- Introduction of the UP STRAW Project - National Seminar of Spanish straw bale / France
- Housing exhibition - Limoges / France
- Alternatiba 2018 / France
- Local event "Faîtes de l'Eco-Habitat" / France
- Laying of the first straw boot - Construction nursery and primary school / France
- Presentation of the Roadmap for Sustainable Construction in the Region of New Aquitaine / France
- French Agricultural show | 23 February > 3 March / France
- European Straw Bale Gathering 2019
- 5-day TRAINING | December 10-11-12-17-18 / Belgium
- 1-day VISITS | December 5 / Belgium
- 1-hour CONFERENCE | November 18 / Belgium
- 3-hours INTRODUCTION TRAINING | November 15 / Belgium
- 5-day TRAINING | September 17-21 / Belgium
- 1-hour CONFERENCE | October 20 / Belgium
- Expert meeting: Multi-storey buildings with straw insulation
- Regional meeting of straw building / France
- Association day / France
- Agricultural meeting / France
- ChangeLab week 2018 / France
- Construction fair Bois & Habitat / Belgium
- Construction fair Batibouw / Belgium
- Fair Salon des Mandataires / Belgium
- Construction fair Bati-BW / Belgium
- National meeting of straw building / French Network of Straw Building - RFCP- France
- 2018 National meeting of straw building / French Network of Straw Building - RFCP/ France
- Big Strawbale Gathering UK 2018
- Green Architects Day
- Straw bale building days / Germany
- Presentation of straw wall model / Germany
- Visit of construction site Emmanuel d'Alzon / France
- Wood and straw construction days / France
- The German partners of Plankstetten Abbey in St Dié des Vosges (FR)
- Norman Assizes of the Circular Economy / France
- Maker Faire / France
- Build It Live (UK)
- Zero Carbon Building Techniques
- Futurebuild 2020 (UK)
- 2000 straw bales pressed for monastery building / Germany
- UP STRAW in Aquibat - Fair for Construction Professionals / FR
- Visit of cellar in loadbearing straw with Odéys / FR
- Minister of State Schreyer lays the foundation stone for the largest straw bale construction in southern Germany
- Online Symposium on strawbale building in Germany
- High political attention on topping-out ceremony of straw-insulated House St. Wunibald
- 140 participants at Online Symposium on strawbale building
- First online film festival on straw bale building in Germany
- Agenda of the closing event of the UP STRAW project (FR)
- The closing event of the UP STRAW Interreg ENO project (FR)
- Inauguration of the new building of the Eco-construction Cluster (BE)
- International Wood Construction Forum (FR)
- The grand opening of the Bale House Visitor Center (UK)
- Opening ceremony of the largest straw-insulated building (DE)
- Video presentation of the 5 buildings - Closing event (FR)
- Rencontres Régionales Bois et Paille (FR)
- Inauguration of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR) / 1
- Inauguration of the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR)/ 2
- An award for the CNCP's sustainable building training centre (FR)
- Partners
- Public Straw Buildings in the UK
- Presentation of straw wall modell infront of Monastery in Germany
Action & Activity
- Partners
- More than 60 attendees at the RAWFILL kick-of event
- Bringing colour into the black box of a landfill
- Landfill mining conference Wasteresource
- Search for landfill inventory structures
- The draft Work Programme 2018-2020 of Horizon 2020 is available
- First advisory board of RAWFILL
- Joint RAWFILL / EURELCO working group
- RAWFILL was presented at the joint SMART GROUND-RAWFILL-COCOON workshop
- Geophysical surveying on the RAWFILL pilot site in Belgium
- Specific session on the redevelopment of Landfills during a Seminar of the Brownfield Foundation
- SPAQUE will present the RAWFILL project during the IFAT fair
- Interreg – European Union selected the RAWFILL project for a site visit during its Interreg Annual Event
- SPAQUE presented the RAWFILL project during the IFAT fair
- Workshop on Landfill mining between Belgium-France-Germany at :metabolon in Germany
- How can geophysical methods help to characterise landfills?
- Bi-annual meeting of COMMON FORUM on Contaminated land in Europe
- RAWFILL at Pollutec 2018
- RAWFILL at interreg NWE Project Ideas Lab
- The Second ELFM Seminar at the European Parliament was a real success
- RAWFILL at the general assembly of EURELCO
- RAWFILL was presented during POLLUTEC 2018 November 27th-30th 2018 at Lyon Eurexpo in France
- RAWFILL presented at State Visit to the Portuguese Republic of Their Majesties the King & the Queen of the Belgians
- Policy brief: the 2nd ELFM seminar in the European Parliament
- BGS and ULg performed a geophysical investigation on one of the RAWFILL pilot sites
- Claudia Neculau gave a lecture on landfill mining and more concepts to master students in ULg
- Eddy Wille from OVAM presents the concept of ELFM and more to the EMerald master students
- Resource Recovery for a Clean, Low-Carbon and Resource Efficient Economy
- Video on demonstration of geophysics at the Onoz site is available
- Midterm event: all you need to know about RAWFILL
- Workshop “Exchange of knowledge and best practices on landfill mining”
- DEME undertakes Enhanced landfill Mining project in Ghent
- Four-day geophysical investigation in Stockley Park, a former landfill site near Heathrow Airport
- RAWFILL was presented at AquaConSoil 2019
- Korean delegation is interested in the methodology and results for RAWFILL
- RAWFILL was presented at ISWA 2018
- Video midterm event is now available
- Landfill Mining Workshop - 19.06.2019 - A brief report
- Beginning of a new phase: estimation of the landfill mining potential of 8 pilot sites
- RAWFILL at Near Surface Geoscience 2019
- RAWFILL at Sardinia symposium 2019 (30 september – 04 october/ Cagliari (IT)
- The results of RAWFILL were presented during the Brownfield academy on October 16, 2019 in Liège (BE)
- Landfill mining policy workshop at :metabolon was a great success!
- Workshop 'From landfill database to development of a LFM project'
- New Flemish government confirms support to actions on landfills and landfill mining
- Integration of ELFM into Flemish legislation
- Rawfill Training days held in Liège
- RAWFILL infographic is available
- Rawfill summary Video
- Webinar training days for the RAWFILL project
- COCOON and RAWFILL presented at University of Ghent
- Interreg projects at Antwerp’s State-of-the-Province
- RAWFILL final event presentations ready for download
- Landfill Miner Guide is out!
- Landfills and opportunities for nature redevelopment
- Launch of RAWFILL’s E-learning tool
- Webinar on geophysical surveys and decision making
- New flyer on Decision Support Tools
- Newsletters
- Results
- In the press
- Downloads
- Publications
- SME Training Programme
- Associated Partners
- Production chains safer by blockchain
- Identifying the challenges SMEs face
- SMEs could use blockchain to overcome challenges
- Developing effective support for SMEs
- Providing examples of blockchain solutions in healthcare
- Blockchain and IoT: Beyond the hype
- The Dutch National Blockchain Course
- Setting up a French task force to lead in blockchain
- Identified SME challenges in three sectors
- Beyond understanding blockchain: What the SME Training Programme offers
- Increasing SME competitiveness with Blockchain solutions
- Bringing exciting digital solutions to 2021
- Partner Spotlight: ChainPoint
- Blockchain on the farm: data exchange for a safe supply chain
- Improving Traceability with Blockchain
- Current Challenges in the Healthcare System
- The Blockstart Programme | University of Surrey
- Determining the Value Proposition of Applying Blockchain Technology
- Transparent and secure agrofood chain through digitalisation: it can be done!
- Solutions for Digital Health Applications
- Blockchain for Supply Chain Visibility
- Business Innovation Programme: Course Overview
- Tailored Blockchain Training with ChainPoint
- How to Acquire Your First B2B Customer: 3 Key Takeaways
- Busting Blockchain Myths
- Blockstart supports OpenDairy with blockchain research
- Advising the Blockchain Ecosystem of North-West Europe
- Blockstart Case Study: AI Dizital
- Blockstart Feasibility Study: a clear overview of blockchain’s potential for you in 8 weeks
- Multitel presents WalChain: Blockchain at the heart of Wallonia
- A New Digital Era for SMEs in Agrofood, Health, and Logistics
- Blockstart & Beyond: the future of blockchain in North-West Europe
- The Opportunity of Blockchain
- Webinar: The Blockstart Training Programme for Healthcare Manufacturers
- Webinar: Blockchain Use Cases in Healthcare
- Webinar: Blockchain in Logistics and the Supply Chain
- Webinar: Blockchain in Logistics and the Supply Chain 2
- Brightlands Blockchain Event
- How to Improve Traceability with Blockchain
- Webinar: How Can Blockchain Benefit Healthcare?
- How can Smart Contracts make any transaction transparent and traceable?
- Training: Business Innovation Programme
- Training: Business Model Sandpit
- Training: Customer Value Proposition: business skills workshop
- Training: Blockchain Introduction & Training
- Training: Blockchain for Business - Business Cases
- Training: Blockchain Introduction & Training - Blockchain & Crypto Knowledge Level 1
- Training: Technical Blockchain: Smart Contract - Blockchain Certification on Ethereum Level 2
- Training: Business Development
- Training: Healthcare Business Cases - Blockchain & Crypto Knowledge Level 2
- Training: Blockchain for Business - Feasibility Studies
- Training: Blockchain Opportunities Identification
- Training: Blockchain for Business - Blockchain & Crypto Use Cases Level 2
- Training: Blockchain for Business - Healthcare Projects
- Training: Technical Blockchain: Smart Contract - Blockchain Technical Aspects
- Training: Business Development (round 2)
- Training: Blockchain for Business - Healthcare Data
- Training: Blockchain Opportunities Identification (round 2)
- Connected health – digital & decentralised data management
- Blockchain & Santé
- Blockchain in Life Sciences & Health
- Blockstart & Beyond: the future of blockchain in North-West Europe
- Partners
- Blockchain Ecosystem
FABulous Farmers
- News
- What's in that flower strip? (Webinar, Dutch)
- Webinar: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Trees from Seed
- Master class - Field margin strips
- Masterclass - Crop rotation
- Masterclass - Agroforestry on your farm?
- Masterclass - Mixed crops
- Towards a FABulous CAP
- Masterclass - Organic matter input
- Masterclass - Reduced tillage
- Functional agro-biodiversity deserves its place in Flemish agricultural policy - Policy recommendations and demonstration (Dutch)
- Using trees and herbal leys to improve soil health
- Webinar - Functional flower strips
- Two-day international FAB exchange in The Netherlands
- Webinar- Fodder beets (Dutch)
- How to support the implementation of functional agro-biodiversity measures?
- Masterclass: How to make a business model out of your FAB-measure?
- Closing conference
- Boerennatuur Vlaanderen
- Hooibeekhoeve APB
- Soil Association
- Southern Agriculture and Horticulture Organisation
- Association of Chambers of Agriculture
- UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
- Biobestgroup
- Province of Antwerp
- Agricultural Technical School Ettelbruck
- Own Capital of the Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
- National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty
- Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics / University of Amsterdam
- Landscape park De Merode
- Innovatiesteunpunt
- ZALF (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research)
- How we work
- Pilot areas
- Testimonials
- Policy
- Masterclasses
- Publications
- Financial support for farmers
- Results
MiteControl - Ensuring food safety, animal health and welfare standards
- Project description
- IPM strategy illustrations
- Launch of Mitecontrol !
- Mite sampling and surveys
- Ongoing surveys
- Monitoring development goes to semi commercial scale !
- 4th International Symposium on Parasite Infections in Poultry
- WP2 meeting in Montpellier
- Tech&Bio 2019 !
- Start of semi-commercial scale trials
- Nweurope Interreg making an impact
- IPM farm trials : first step pre ipm flock treatment
- IPM farm trials : empty period
- 2nd General Assembly an Advisory Comity meetings
- Start of IPM strategies flocks
- Check out the latest articles on Mitecontrol
- Camera monitoring at pilot farms
- Agridagen showcase
- Ongoing Mitecontrol trials
- Update on results on improvement of non chemical treatment uses
- Mitecontrol picked up by a popular instagram page
- Mitecontrol presented at EPC's Studiedagen 2020
- Litterature study on IPM strategy published !
- New article on Mitecontrol in Pluimvee magazine !
- Congratulation to Ghais Zriki
- Capitalisation call
- Capitalisation proposal approved
- World Poultry Congress postponed again
- EURAAC posponed
- Capitalisation WP launched!
- Tech&Bio 2021 showcase
- WP3 and WP4 meeting in Geel
- End of IPM trials
- Scientific articles published
- Rearing trials
- Livestream event
- GA 2022
- Mitecontrol reportage
- New ressources
- Farm PEP platform now open
- Journée nationale des professionnels de la poule pondeuse et de l’œuf de consommation
- WPSA Verona
- 7th year of research on Organic farming
- Water trap methology
- Itavi's information day took place last thrusday !
- AC 2023
- New infographic and video for backyard chicken !
- Monitoring methods guides
- End of Mitecontrol project
- EPC information days
- International Symposium Parasite Infections Poultry
- Tech&Bio 2019 showcase
- NWE making an impact
- 2nd General assembly and advisory commitee
- Presentation of Mitecontrol at Valence "Session Pondeuses" Cancelled
- WPC postponed in 2021
- ITAVI information day on the egg sector CANCELLED
- Camera4Poultry on Poultry
- World Poultry Congress
- EURAAC (posponed to 2022)
- 2021 AC meeting
- Tech&Bio 2021
- Physical meeting in Belgium !
- MiteControl meeting 15-17 March 2022
- 7th year of research on Organic farming
- ITAVI information day
- Last Mitecontrol GA meeting
- EPC's studiedagen
- WVPA Verona
- Red mite event on Netpoulsafe Network
- Partners
- Partnership
- Publications
- Cofinancers
- Resources / Toolbox
- Backyard chickens
Cirmap - CIrcular economy via customisable furniture with Recycled MAterials for public Places
- Kick Off Meeting
- First Steering Committee - CIRMAP Project
- Second Steering Committee - CIRMAP Project
- Interreg NWE CIRMAP - Workshop - December 2021
- Public meeting in Liège - March 2022
- Third Steering Committee - CIRMAP Project
- Fourth Steering Committee - CIRMAP Project
- 1st workshop to test 3D printing with 100% recycled fine aggregates
- 2 nd workshop to test 3D printing with 100% recycled fine aggregates
- The 4th edition of the French-speaking international conference on new materials
- Public meeting in Manchester - March 2023
- Fifth Sterring Committee - CIRMAP Project
- 3D BUILD 2023 Summer school – 2nd edition July 3rd to 14th – Lille, France
- Sixth Steering Committee of the CIRMAP project
- Public meeting in IMT Nord Europe
- Partners
- CIRMAP Network
- Communication
- Photos
- Workshop
- Main Results of the Project
Advanced Simulation and control of tribology in metal forming Processes for the North-West European Consumer goods and Transport sectors (ASPECT)
- Stichting Materials Innovation Institute
- Triboform Engineering BV
- Falex Tribology NV
- Universiteit Twente
- Zeller+Gmelin GmbH & Co. KG
- Tata Steel Nederland Technology BV
- AutomotiveNL
- Pôle EMC2
- Smart manufacturing in North West Europe: new start!
- ASPECT kick-off in Russelsheim June 29, 2016
- ASPECT progress meeting at Tata Steel in Ijmuiden
- ASPECT featured at the AutomotiveNL Supplier day
- ASPECT presented at the M2i conference
- ASPECT presented at HighTech meets Automotive
- Micro/Nano Models for Tribology, 30/01- 3/02,2017
- 11th Automotive Congress 7-8 June, 2017
- ASPECT 2nd progress meeting at Inspire in Zürich
- ASPECT featured on PT Industrieel Management
- Innovative lubricants
- ASPECT at TriboForum Germany
- Advanced friction model developed in ASPECT
- Adaptive tool control strategy
- Innovation in friction modelling presented at Numisheet 2018
- ASPECT presence at Numisheet 2018
- Coming up: training opportunities on Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming
- European Technical Day to discuss advances in sheet metal forming
- Innovation spill-over in sheet metal forming
- First ASPECT training on Fundamental tribology
- Practical training "Friction in Sheet Metal Forming"
- Coming up: Practical training on tribological influences in sheet metal forming
- ASPECT demonstration started!
- Coming up: Practical training in “temperature-induced friction influence in sheet metal forming processes”
- Coming up: Course on “Fundamentals of Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming”
- ASPECT demonstrators now running
- Another successful ASPECT training
- Coming up: ASPECT course on Fundamental Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming
- Release ASPECT movie
- Course on tribological influences in sheet metal forming
- Mini-symposium ASPECT at ESAFORM 2020
- Register now for the ASPECT Final event
- Coming up: Practical Training “Temperature-induced friction influence in sheet metal forming processes”
- Looking back at a successful Final ASPECT Event
- Work Packages
- Steels in Cars and Trucks (SCT conference)
- Workshop « Micro/Nano Models for Tribology »
- Euro Friction Wear and Wear Protection 2017
- The 36th IDDRG Conference 2017
- Forming Technology Forum 2017
- HighTech meets Automotive
- EuroBLECH 2018
- TRIBOFORUM Forum 2018
- European Technical Day
- Course on “Fundamentals of Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming”
- Practical training on tribological influences in sheet metal forming
- Practical training on Temperature-induced Friction Influence in Sheet Metal Forming processes
- Course on “Fundamentals of Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming” (2)
- ESAFORM 2020: mini-symposium Aspect
- Final Event Aspect
- Practical Training “Temperature-induced friction influence in sheet metal forming processes”
- ASPECT Survey
- ASPECT Downloads
NWE-REGENERATIS - REGENERATIon of Past Metallurgical Sites and Deposits through innovative circularity for raw materials
- Geophysical survey in progress on the DUFERCO Wallonia pilot site
- Geophysical and lab investigations in progress on the former metallurgical site of Pompey in Lorraine (France)
- First trials on the DUFERCO site launched
- Conférence NWE-REGENERATIS à POLLUTEC ! - Du 12 au 15 octobre
- (FR & GB) Workshop BRACA « NWE-REGENERATIS et la reconversion des sites métallurgiques »
- Présentation du projet NWE-REGENERATIS au Club Innovation Environnement « Sites et Sols Pollués » du Pôle Avenia
- Brandenburg Interreg partner presents feasibility study on landfill redevelopment
- NWE-REGENERATIS - Geophysical survey campaign at Teesworks site, UK
- [GERMAN] NWE-REGENERATIS Workshop – Kreislaufwirtschaft von Rohstoffen
- NWE-REGENERATIS Project at SUM - Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining
- Second meeting of the Advisory board of NWE – REGENERATIS project on 4 october 2022 !
- Bioleaching metal-bearing wastes and by-products for resource recovery: a review
- Training Day and knowledge exchange at: metabolon site
- Main results of the NWE-REGENERATIS project
- 2020-01-23 & 24 - Seminar for approved projects in Lille (France)
- 2020-03-11 & 12 - First Steering Committee in Liège (Belgium)
- 2021-09-16 - First meeting of the Advisory board of NWE – REGENERATIS project on 16 September 2021!
- 2021-09-16 - Workshop « NWE-REGENERATIS et la reconversion des sites métallurgiques »
- Conférence Pollutec : Nouvelles perspectives pour la valorisation de matériaux sur les anciens sites sidérurgiques
- 2021-10- 6 & 7 - 4th Steering Committee in Lens (France)
- 2021-09-28&29 - Terre & Eau : Solutions innovantes dans le monde de la construction 2021
- 2022-02- 2 &3 - Mid-term event
- Demonstration and Site Visits - 08 December 2021
- 2022-03-16 Workshop
- 2022-05-11 - NWE-REGENERATIS workshop on :metabolon
- 2022-06-08 - NWE-REGENERATIS présent à la Quinzaine de l'économie circulaire
- 2023-03-16 - Training Day and knowledge exchange at: metabolon site
- 2023-03-28 - Intersol - Valorisation de sols contaminés ou non pour la production de biomasses – retour d’expérience du projet REGENERATIS sur les friches métallurgiques et application des résultats obtenus aux problématiques d’agriculture urbaine
- 2023-05-12 - Final Meeting of the Interreg NWE-REGENERATIS project
- Webinar - workshop: Barriers and obstacles at a legal/organizational level in the valorization of Past Metallurgical Sites and Deposits.
- Société Publique d'Aide à la Qualité de l'Environnement
- Materials Processing Institute
- Centre Technologique International de la Terre et de la Pierre
- Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
- Université de Liège
- Openbare Vlaamse Afvalstoffenmaatschappij
- Technische Hochschule Köln
- Bergischer Abfallwirtschaftsverband (BAV)
- Cranfield University
- Meetings
- Communication
- E-library
- Open Access Platform
- Partner’s presentations
- E-Learning Tool
Smart Circular Bridge (SCB) for pedestrians and cyclists in a circular built environment
- TU/e Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- KU Leuven
- FiberCore Europe BV
- Com&Sens
- FibR GmbH
- Van Hattum en Blankevoort BV
- Lineo - groupe NatUp fibres (Before Ecotechnilin)
- Universität Stuttgart
- Materialen & Energie Transitie MNEXT (stichting Avans Hogeschool)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Gemeente Bergen Op Zoom
- Gemeente Almere
- Stadt Ulm
- Proesler Kommunikation
- News
- Events
- Smart Circular Bridge
- Bridge in Almere
- Bridge in Ulm
- Media
- News and Events
- Who we are
CleanMobilEnergy - Clean Mobility and Energy for Cities
Meet The Partners
- Gemeente Arnhem
- POLIS Promotion of Operational Links and Integrated Services aisbl
- Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
- Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies
- Europäisches Institut für Innovation - Technologie e. V.
- Nottingham City Council
- Walvoorzieningen Nederland B.V.
- Institut d’aménagement et d’urbanisme de l’île-de-France
- Cenex Nederland
- eflow Europe GmbH
- CME Partner Meeting in Lille
- CleanMobilEnergy Kick-off Meeting
- ELIPTIC Workshop for Charging & Policy Recommendations
- EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018
- CENEX Low Carbon Vehicle Event 2018
- Ports and the City - Smart & Healthy Conference
- Dutch Stakeholder & Partner Meeting
- City Pilots iEMS User Requirements Workshop
- The Urban Mobility Summit & CME
- Joint CME/SEEV4-City Electromobility Workshop (AUTONOMY Paris)
- NETWORK MEETING 'New Energy from EU projects'
- The 6th Schwäbisch Gmünd Forum on Electromobility
- 2nd Municipal Networking Meeting "Mobility on the Ground @ Baden-Württemberg - Electrical and Digital"
- Polis Annual Conference
- Shore Power Supply Grand Opening Invitation - Nieuwe Haven, Arnhem, NL
- LSG Meeting in Schwäbisch Gmünd
- Trolly 2.0 - Presentation of the new Trolleybus in Arnhem
- The EVS32 International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition
- “Clean energy, clean mobility” - Integrating renewable energy and e-mobility in clean city development
- CME Partner Meeting in Schwäbisch Gmünd
- “Energy Storage & Management Solutions” Seminar (EU Week of Regions & Cities)
- CIVITAS Forum Conference 2019
- POLIS Annual Conference 2019
- Interreg NWE ''Making an impact!'' Event
- 6th International E-Mobility Charging Infrastructure Europe Conference
- Future of Charging Symposium
- Interreg Europe Webinar: Open Data for Smarter Cities
- SEEV4-City Stakeholders Webinar (EUSEW2020)
- European Week of Regions and Cities 2020
- POLIS Conference 2020 ''MEET THE DUTCH'' Session
- POLIS Conference 2020: ''Future-proof e- charging infrastructure''
- CleanMobilEnergy Digital Seminar Series: An Introduction to CME
- CleanMobilEnergy Digital Seminar Series: The iEMS
- POLIS Annual Conference 2021
- polisMOBILITY "Moving Cities"
- CME City Pilot demonstrations at Stuttgart's "Katholikentag"
- Eurobike: The Global Show
- POLIS "Air Quality & Clean Vehicles Workshop Group Meeting: Smart solutions for electromobility"
- CleanMobilEnergy at the "Tag der Sommerfrische"
- Smart Energy Solutions 2022
- CleanMobilEnergy at German Unity Day
- CleanMobilEnergy Press Release, 25 October 2017
- Bas Eickhout (MEP) becomes a CME Ambassador
- Ports and the City (and CME)
- Productive local stakeholder meeting in Arnhem suggests this city pilot is on the right track
- EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018 is a success!
- NCC leads the ''Clean Energy Transition'' in Nottingham
- Nottingham City Council visits world’s first fully electric Vehicle-2-Grid (V2G) commercial fleet
- CME at the annual Cenex LCV Event
- ''New Energy'' EU Projects convene in Arnhem
- CME heads to Stockholm, Sweden for the E-mobility Power System Integration Symposium 2018
- CME – Sharing Cities Knowledge International Meeting
- ''Electromobility roll-out in cities'' Roundtable Discussion - AUTONOMY Paris
- Realization of shore power in the Nieuwe Haven in Arnhem, Netherlands
- Nottingham City Council aims for 1 Million Kwh from Solar
- A Merry & Bright LSG Meeting in Schwäbisch Gmünd
- CleanMobilEnergy Ice Skating Team on Weissensee
- Opening of Nieuwe Haven cold ironing installation Arnhem, NL
- Introducing Trolly 2.0
- Nottingham City Council installs additional solar PV at Eastcroft Depot
- Arnhem CME Site Visit from London Buroughs & LEPT
- Clean Energy & Mobility Conference 2019
- CleanMobilEnergy Animation
- Partner Meeting & Pilot Visit in Schwäbisch Gmünd
- CleanMobilEnergy heads to Bilbao, Spain
- Successful Fabrication Acceptance Test of 550 kWh storage Arnhem
- Interreg NWE ''Making an impact!'' Event
- Successful arrival of the Pley-battery in City Pilot Arnhem
- The City of Arnhem goes smart with OpenRemote’s Energy Management Solution
- Intelligent Mobility For Energy Transition (IMET) Interview with CleanMobilEnergy
- The iEMS in action in City Pilot of Arnhem
- CleanMobilEnergy featured in the ''Piekvragen'' by MediaWatt Podcast
- Cold Ironing in Dutch City Pilot, Arnhem
- 2021 World EV Day
- CleanMobilEnergy Mobile Minute: Introduction to the Stuttgart City Pilot
- Arnhem's 14 MW solar field to be connected to CME's interoperable energy management system
- Increased rollout of the iEMS
- First samples required for the Stuttgart City Pilot approved at the factory
- CleanMobilEnergy at "Eurobike: The Global Show"
- 35th Edition International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition in Oslo, Norway
- CME City Pilot demonstrations at Stuttgart's "Katholikentag"
- CME's REMove system demonstrated at polisMOBILITY 2022
- Introducing the REMove Tool
- CleanMobilEnergy's role in the German "Energiewende"
- City Pilots
- Meet the Ambassadors
- Mobile Minutes
- CME Digital Seminar Series
- Final Conference
Meet The Partners
HECTOR - Hydrogen waste collection vehicles in North West Europe
- Technical Meeting on Data Collection
- Presentation of the HECTOR Project during the EUSEW
- Presentation of the HECTOR project at the Energie Agentur.NRW Annual Mobility Conference
- HECTOR Partner Gemeente Groningen presents its hydrogen fleet
- Project partner Touraine Vallée de l’Indre opens Hydrogen fuelling station
- Project meeting in Aberdeen -30th of September 2019
- Project partner AGR Herten announces Hector garbage truck
- Letter of cooperation between European fuel cell garbage truck projects
- Hector Newsletter No 1
- Launch Event of First Hydrogen Powered Waste Vehicle
- HECTOR Newsletter No2
- Further Update on WBD Launch Event
- The Dawn of the (Hydro)generation!
- Second HECTOR Waste Truck launch
- Launch of HECTOR's Third Hydrogen Fuel Cell Waste Truck
- Pre-Operations Preparation Manual is here!
- AGR Gruppe launches HECTOR truck into operation
- Aberdeen HECTOR Waste Truck Showcase at APSE Event
- PreZero Truck Launch
- Online Follower Group Workshop - 9.05.23
- HECTOR Final Conference
- HECTOR Final Newsletter
- HECTOR Data Analysis Report
- HECTOR Operational Handbook
- Events
- Partners
- Downloads
- In the Press
SeRaMCo: Secondary Raw Materials for Concrete Precast Products
- Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
- Beton - Betz GmbH
- Vicat
- Schuttelaar & Partners
- TRADECOWALL SCRL - Traitement des Déchets de Construction en Wallonie
- Université de Liège
- University of Luxembourg
- Université de Lorraine
- Delft University of Technology
- Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility, and Urban and Country Planning
- SeRaMCo's flyer is out!
- Check out SeRaMCo's poster!
- SeRaMCo kicks-off!
- Partner meeting in Liège
- The importance of waste recycling - an interview with Tradecowall
- Technical aspects of CDW recycling
- EU Communication on a Circular Economy Monitoring Framework
- Recycling of construction and demolition waste in cement
- Identifying perspectives for innovative construction waste recycling
- Secondary raw materials in design and architecture
- New European Rules on Waste
- Is the market ready for ‘green’ precast concrete?
- Site visit to Contern SA and Manu Concassage - Luxembourg
- Development of recycled concrete mixtures in Luxembourg
- SeRaMCo mid-term meeting planned in fall 2018 in Luxembourg!
- Save the date: SeRaMCo mid-term conference
- Circular Business Models for SeRaMCo
- ‘Circular Netherlands in 2050’ – An Impetus for Secondary Raw Materials in the Construction Industry
- Vicat and Tradecowall clinker trials currently ongoing
- “Circular Concrete” SeRaMCo Mid-term Conference
- Special challenges for concrete containing recycled aggregates from unknown origin
- Use of recycled aggregates for cement production
- A new mix design methodology for recycled aggregate concrete by combining experimental and numerical approaches
- Eco-friendly, economical, sustainable – First load-bearing prefabricated recycling concrete wall produced (1)
- Looking for innovative and environmentally responsible applications
- How to produce pavements and rammed concrete from recycled aggregates
- Strength evaluation of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
- How We Mastered Water Clarification And Sludge Management In The Recycling Process
- Special Techniques For Improving The Quality of Recycled Materials
- Environmental Impact Assessment of Concrete Recycling
- Creating load-bearing precast parts through the use of recycled concrete
- The Use of Recycled Aggregates for Cement Production – A Second Successful Industrial Trial!
- SeRaMCo Project Meeting in Nancy, France.
- SeRaMCo making impact in North-West Europe
- New life for Seraing Park with recycled concrete
- Interview with Prof. Glock, SeRaMCo Project Leader
- (VIDEO) the Use of recycled demolition waste in cement production
- CO2 uptake of recycled aggregates: a way to reduce the environmental impacts of recycled aggregates concrete
- The New EU Circular Economy Action Plan by Schuttelaar & Partners
- Register now for the SeRamCo Final Conference
- Final SeRaMCo Conference "Precast in the Circular Economy"
- Events
- SeRaMCo in German construction magazines
- SeRaMCo in the French-speaking press
- SeRaMCo in International Construction Magazines
- SeRaMCo in the CONCRETE UK Magazine
- SeRaMCo in German online journal for the construction industry
- SeRaMCo has been featured in Beton- und Stahlbetonbau
- SeRaMCo has been featured in Baunetz Wissen
- SeRaMCo has been featured in Journal of Cleaner Production
- SeRaMCo has been featured in the Journal of Environmental Management
- SeRaMCo article on the TU Delft website
- Project results
- Conseil de Développement Economique pour la Construction
- Université de Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
- EBF GmbH
- ASTREDHOR: Institut Technique de l’Horticulture
- Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment
- Hochschule Trier Institut für angewandtes Stoffstrommanagement
- Groupe One
- Cluster Eco Construction
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Les Jardins de Gally
- Institut de Formation Sectoriel du Bâtiment
- Coaching
- Pilot projects
- GROOF Partners
- Launch of the GROOF project !
- GROOF idea goes global
- Living City Conference "Urban Farming & Green Buildings" : GROOF in the spotlight!
- Buildings embrace off-ground cultivation
- Visit of the GROOF project
- Innovation grows on our rooftops and in our cities
- How can companies present in business parks contribute to the deployment of urban gardens and greenhouses?
- What is the place of nature in a smart city?
- How do urban greenhouses and gardens contribute to making buildings and cities more sustainable and circular?
- Saving CO2e emissions with Rooftop Greenhouses – But how to prove it?
- Urban Agriculture Day - October 14 at NAMUR!
- Press release from Sostenipra
- Festa de la Ciència, Barcelona
- Urban farmer Bankruptcy- GROOF report
- SIVAL-ANGERS: January 16th, 2020
- Action cœur de ville - January 16th, 2020
- Increase building's attractivity
- How rooftop greenhouses can reduce the environmental aspect of horticulture
- Les Jardins de Gally presented the Interreg NWE Groof project at the Salon des Maires et Collectivités Locales in Paris from 19 to 21 November.
- Smart City Congress at the end of november 2019
- Article from "CTB Cahiers Techniques du Batiment"
- Update about the ebf rooftop greenhouse
- Luxembourg is working on a national strategy for urban agriculture
- L'Entrepote - Turning a crisis into an opportunity
- Experiments on Four Growing Systems Adapted for Rooftop Greenhouses
- The ICTA-UAB is part of the new project FoodE!
- Advancing knowledge for sustainable green roofs
- Un prix juste pour les producteurs ! Mais quel est ce prix… au juste ?
- Interviews GROOF Partners - Les Jardins de Gally
- Interviews GROOF Partners - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Interviews GROOF Partners - ASTREDHOR: Institut Technique de l’Horticulture
- Breeding ground for urban growth - Groof Thematic Days - Webinar with PAKT
- Inauguration de la plateforme #WASABI
- Interviews GROOF Partners - IFSB & CDEC
- Interviews GROOF Partners - Université de Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
- Interviews GROOF Partners - EBF GmbH
- Des serres sur les toits: l’avenir de l’écologie en ville
- Share of GROOF savings on all energy flows - PART I
- Detailed overview on potentials for IFSB and ULG pilots
- When urban agriculture collaborates with rural agriculture.
- Interviews GROOF Partners - IfaS
- MASTER CLASS "This is not a greenhouse !"
- Les Fermes de Gally in France - article by Institut für angewandtes Stoffstrommanagement (IfaS)
- Ebf GmbH pilot recommendation - article by IfaS
- CDEC recrute !
- Article : ROOFTOP GREENHOUSE - A financial perspective
- OPEN CALL 2021 - 2023
- Article construction materials
- 📣Open Call results !
- What's new at GROOF?
- GROOF Thematic Training Day #1
- Article : The access to the roof and removing the old roof covering when building a rooftop greenhouse
- Article: Preparing the support building for the rooftop greenhouse - David Volk
- Article: Les serres en toiture & le secteur pharmaceutique, une collaboration possible ?
- Article 3/5 : Installation of the greenhouse structure
- Artilce 4/5 : Installation of the greenhouse hull
- EVENT IN LONDON - 22.11.28
- ARTICLE : Étude technico-économique sur l’itinéraire cultural de deux variétés de chanvre industriel pour la production de CBD et CBG
- END OF 2022 : What's new at GROOF ?
- ARTICLE : “The Agro-Economic Feasibility of Growing the Medicinal Plant Euphorbia peplus in a Modified Vertical Hydroponic Shipping Container”
- ARTICLE : Analyse financière des agriculteurs urbains Wallons et Bruxellois (2017-2020)
- Events
REgional Development and Integration of unused biomass wastes as REsources for Circular products and economic Transformation (RE-DIRECT)
- Universität Kassel
- Eigenbetrieb Umwelttechnik der Stadt Baden-Baden
- Q21 - Agentur für Qualifikations- und Transfermanagement
- Asiantaeth Ynni Severn Wye Energy Agency
- Cwm Harry Land Trust
- Association d’Initiatives Locales pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (AILE)
- Kerval Centre Armor
- Irish Bioenergy Association
- Western Development Commission
- Pro Natura vzw
- Aberystwyth University
- Uni Lasalle
- Gemeente Enschede
- blinc
- Activities
- News
- Project Videos
- Events
- Project Links
- CapCall
- CapCall: News
ReNu2Farm- Nutrient Recycling from pilot production to farms and fields
- Partners
- ReNu2Farm survey
- ReNu2Farm in France
- ReNu2Farm in Ireland’s largest environmental conference, Environ 2019
- ReNu2Farm invests in a hightech field trial fertilizing machine for complex fertilization trials
- What do farmers want from recycled nutrients?
- Plant pot trials at Ghent University
- Life after phosphorus: why we need to rethink crop fertilisation
- Phosphorus availability in soil, stepping stone to standardise recycling-derived fertilisers
- Certification creates trust and political will enhances implementation
- ReNu2Farm at ManuREsource
- Experiments on thermal treatment of sewage sludge / green cuttings at Outotec
- Visit Soil Concept with project partners
- Inventory report for a professional user group on biomass processing
- 4th edition of ManuREsource
- NWE making an impact!
- ReNu2Farm presented to the French national fertiliser network
- Field experiments carried out successfully
- Meeting in Luxembourg
- Soil-Concept starts exchange with other Luxembourg Interreg projects
- Interactive learning network about VeDoWS stables
- We make your promotional video - for fertilizer producers using nutrient recovery
- What is the farmer’s experience of using recycling-derived fertilisers?
- Analysis of legal regulations on direct effects for the nutrient management in Germany – impact assessment of EEG
- Pot trials with Lactuca sativa (lettuce)
- A fruitful ReNu2Farm partner meeting
- Field experiments with maize on sandy soils in the Netherlands
- Ash from sewage sludge
- ReNu2Farm project presents at the anaerobic digestion demo in Cork, Ireland
- Second year of field trials in Flanders, Belgium
- ReNu2Farm during lockdown: discovering that RDFs are friendly to soil organisms
- Adaptation of the German Fertilizer Ordinance
- How the Interreg project ReNu2Farm is supporting soil health and the circular economy
- Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the two field trials set up in France are still ongoing
- Fertiliser Manual for farmers in preparation
- Update of Soil-Concept
- Biodegradable pots made from cattle manure
- How to evaluate the agronomic value of a recycling-derived fertiliser?
- Bottom Ashes from household wood firings –garden fertiliser or better subject to disposal?
- ReNu2Farm recycling-derived fertilizers (RDF) are free from pathogens
- A tool to optimize organic fertilisation
- Interreg ReNu2Farm to be Represented at The Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2020) Conference.
- Farmers Attitudes to RDF Sources Discussed at the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI2020)
- ReNu2Farm agronomic trial protocols for evaluation of recycling-derived fertilisers now online
- ReNuMaps tool and full report now available online – insights in recycling-derived fertiliser demand
- This year, ReNu2Farm will be presented at Les Culturales!
- What are Recycling Derived Fertilisers? An educational video explains...
- Animation video on the use of recycling-derived fertilisers
- French producers of RDF's share their experience
- Report on implementation of nutrient recovery from manure/digestate
- Report on the book of success stories
- ReNu2Farm keeps on running - Approval for ReNu2Farm’s Capitalisation Initiative
- Success stories
- Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2021
- Invitation to German-Luxembourgian INTERREG V B NWE ReNu2Farm demonstration event
- Connecting producers with their market
- Three-year field experience with compost in the Netherlands
- ReNu2Farm in Environ 2021 – Healthy Planet Healthy Communities
- "Fertilisation with organic products or RDFs", a new decision support tool
- “On June 15, 16 and 17, the Culturales® were held in Betheny (51), France.
- Demonstration Workshop on the "ReNu2Farm" project
- Report on mineral nutrient composition of analysed recycling-derived fertilisers
- ReNu2Farm/ALG-AD closing event
- GROOF Open call: Coaching for building integrated greenhouses
- ReNu2Farm Cap Initiative: Take part in our survey for the horticulture sector
- ReNu2Farm Cap Initiative: Take part in our survey for the recreational and private sector
- RDFs have potential in greenhouses
- MTU Recently Represented ReNu2Farm CAP at two International Conferences with Great Sucess
- The suitability of recycling derived phosphorus fertilizer struvite to replace synthetic phosphorus fertilizers in horticulture
- Legislation on recycling-derived fertilising products: changes, chances and challenges
- Joint Position of European Projects On the need for an unambiguous definition by the European Commission regarding the waste/manure status of ammonium salts derived from off-gas cleaning associated to treatment of manure or manure-derived products
- Inventory Report on Market Research on RDFs– (Demand Chain) in the Horticulture Sector
- Inventory Report on Market Research on RDFs– (Demand Chain) in the Recreational Area/Private Sector
- Protocol on the practical RDF application for horticultural sector (greenhouse trials)
- D1.3 Inventory Report on Producer Demands to customize new Target Groups along the Supply Chain
- Factsheets on new products categories
- 1st edition of the European Sustainable Nutrient Initiative
- ManuREsource - International Conference on Manure Management and Valorization
- Field trial visit and machine demo recycling-derived fertilisers
- Inagro in the field, tips & tricks for your soil, fertilization and crop protection
- Pioneering meeting: environmental and circular economy in pig farming
- Summer School: "Transition towards a more carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus efficient agriculture in Europe"
- Lunch for field trial owners
- Founder Members Day of the Irish Nutrient Sustainability Platform
- ReNu2Farm Seminar in the Learning Network of BSc and BSc (Hons) Sustainable Farm Management and Agribusiness in the Wexford Campus of the Institute of Technology Carlow
- RAMIRAN 2020
- ESNI 2020 - European Sustainable Nutrient Initiative
- CANCELLED - 16th edition of the International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries
- CANCELLED - This year, ReNu2Farm will be presented at POTATO EUROPE!
- Partner websites
- Press releases
- Partners
- BE-GOOD on track to further unlock open data!
- BE-GOOD launch event
- International Open Data Conference Madrid 2016: BE-GOOD was there
- Opening of the RWS Datalab
- BE-GOOD creates an international jury to evaluate challenges
- BE-GOOD questionnaire : Enhance the area potentials
- Delfland Water Authority (The Netherlands) to organise an international symposium on the Digital Waterchain
- Flanders Environment Agency (Belgium) organizing international workshop for wastewater tracing algorithm
- Orléans Métropole (France) launches procurement on Smart Tourism & Environment
- Département du Loiret (France) launching a call for tender for the development of a prototype data hosting platform
- Rijkswaterstaat (The Netherlands) facilitating the involvement of SMEs to allow predictable maintenance of roads
- BE-GOOD update: Luxembourg meeting
- Finding the healthiest route planner
- Our 4th BE-GOOD newsletter!
- BE-GOOD at the European Transport Conference in Dublin
- How the idea behind HydroNet inspires VMM
- Roadshow Dublin City Council
- Working together through sharing
- BE-GOOD making an impact
- Roadshow Orléans Métropole and Département du Loiret
- Upcoming: digital BE-GOOD end-event & roadshow
- BE-GOOD taking part in COP26
- Live broadcast: How basic data has improved road safety in France
- 6 years of cooperation in 4 webinars
- Webinar 2: how partnerships can foster innovation
- Upcoming: our end event on the 29th of March
- Webinar 3: Working with an international partner’s data (case of WAZE)
- Webinar 4: Do we create value by 'opening up data' or by better managing it?
- What did we do during the BE-GOOD capitalisation?
Our 11 solutions
- Choose healthier routes for your run or commute
- Tracing toxic wastewater to prevent health issues
- Predictable maintenance of infrastructure will lead to improved traffic flow
- Improving road safety with the HGV Permit App
- Ensuring the continuity of traffic flow in the Loiret
- Review your bus to improve the public transportation system
- 400 variables are predicting asphalt maintenance
- How data sharing can contribute to a better understanding of the wastewater system
- Discovery of Natural Heritage: bringing biodiversity closer to citizens through sensory experiences
- Making roads safer in the Loiret Department
- Digital citizen dialogue to optimise the design of public services
- Mid Term Event & Co-ordination Group Meeting
- 1st workshop on Open Data reuse: addressing mobility and transport issues in Luxembourg
- VMM roadshow
- Roadshow Orléans Métropole & Département de Loiret
- INSPIRE Conference
- Digital BE-GOOD end-event & roadshow
- BE-GOOD taking part in COP26
- Live broadcast: How basic data has improved road safety in France
- 6 years of cooperation in 4 webinars: webinar 1
- Webinar 2: how partnerships can foster innovation
- Upcoming: our end event on the 29th of March
- Webinar 3: Working with an international partner’s data (case of WAZE)
- Webinar 4: Do we create value by 'opening up data' or by better managing it?
- Project library
Imagine - Inclusive Market AGriculture Incubator in North-West Europe
- Moussy le Neuf
- Duurzame Kost
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 1 - Soizic
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 2 - Alain
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 3 - Justine
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 4 - Alpha
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 5 - Sofia
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 6 - João
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 7 - Marcia
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 8 - Aubry
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 9 - Bintou
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 10 - Walid
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 11 - Pierrette
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 12 - Gadou
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 13 - Robin
- IMAGINE Portraits - Episode 14 - Ephraïm
- Events
- Partners
Project news
- Kick-off meeting in Surrey
- Seminar for approved projects
- Seminar on incubation models in Clervaux
- IMAGINE at « 360 possibles » in Rennes
- Visit at Eindhoven
- Launch Event in Paris
- IMAGINE at the "Etats Généraux de l'Innovation" in Paris
- IMAGINE Participated in NWE Making an Impact
- News and feedback from the pilot project in Namur
- News and Feedback from the pilot project in Paris 15th, France
- News and Feedback from the pilot project in Moussy-Le-Neuf, France
- Feedback from the Pilot Project in Surrey - Embedding co-production and responding to COVID-19
- Feedback from the pilot project in Luxembourg
- Feedback from a week full of meetings !
- First videoconference about the Social Land Management model
- Videoconference to exchange about the Social Enterprise model
- Happy New Year ! Best Wishes !
- Training in market gardening and fruit growing in short circuits on Ecolys®
- Innovative & inclusive NWE - Networking Event
- IMAGINE participated in a Quebec virtual conference
- Video training for communication
- Video shooting in the 15th district of Paris
- Video shooting in Namur
- Video shooting in Luxembourg
- IMAGINE presentation at Ecolys® discovery day event
- Associations forum in the 15th district of Paris
- The neighboring farm - Urban farming in Paris
- 6th Project Steering Committee
- Happy New Year 2022 ! Best Wishes !
- Action & Transition, a springboard in the 15th district of Paris
- Phood farm, a way of working and learning together
- IMAGINE feedback from LTA
- IMAGINE - Seminar in Eindhoven and visit to Phood farm
- Save the date - Closing Event
- Back from the IMAGINE Roadshow organized by LTA
- Project Steering Committee 8
- IMAGINE Roadshow - Paris and Moussy-le-Neuf
- IMAGINE Portrait Book : Testimonies of young trainees
- Introducing MAGNET: The IMAGINE Network - Join the Community Today!
- Contact
- IMAGINE Brochure
- T.1.1.2 - Co-production manual
- T.1.4.3 - Toolkits on how to assess engagement levels and competences
- T.1.4.2 - Roadmap on the minimum technical skills and social competencies required in horticulture in NWE
- T.1.4.4 - Technical requirements regarding the minimal equipment needed to train neets directly on ground instead of in traditional training centers
- T.1.2.2 - Benchmark report on social legislation across NWE
- T.1.3.3 - Social Governance model
- T.1.3.3 - Social Land Management model
- T.1.3.3 - Social Enterprise model
- T2.1.4 - Roadmap to organise transnational mobilities : International Mobility Guide
- LT2.2 - Interactive tools to disseminate the guidance document
- LT3.1 - Business model for Social Enterprise
- C1.1 - Communication plan
- C5.1 - Support to reach NEETs
- C3.1 - Portrait Book
- T3.3.1 - Benchmark of the existing networks focused on general issues and development lines of an IMAGINE network
- Pilots
MegaAWE - Maturing utility-scale Airborne Wind Energy towards commercialization
- 1st Platform Meeting
- Planning permission granted
- 2nd Platform Meeting
- Newsletter, May2021
- Open day
- News
- EWEC-21
- Airborne Wind Energy - Wind made AWEsome
- World Economic Forum Agenda publishes article on Airborne Wind Energy
- Airborne wind energy takes flight in Mayo, Ireland
- Project Comes to a Successful Conclusion
- Events
- Mayo County Council
- Airborne Wind Europe AISBL
- Parkburn Precision Handling Systems
- Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
- BlueWise Marine
- RWE Renewables GmbH
- Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques - Limburg
- European Marine Energy Center
- Europaeisches Institut fuer Innovation - Technologie e.V.
- Bretagne Développement Innovation
- Kitepower
- Media
- Newsletters
- Publications
- Project Results
GENCOMM: GENerating energy secure COMMunities
- Partners
- Belfast Met leads the way in securing €9.39 million funding for energy sustainability project
- Belfast Met leading the way in emerging technology deployment - delivering green collar jobs
- Minister launches white paper on renewable hydrogen at NUI Galway as part of GenComm project
- Bio-energy plant in the Hebrides driving one of the UK’s first circular hydrogen economies
- Sync NI Magazine
- Agenda NI Magazine
- Energy Focus Magazine
- The role of BURN in GenComm
- INSA win best poster award
- Development of the Community Hydrogen Forum (CH2F)
- New members to our CH2F
- Irish Minister test drives hydrogen-fuelled car
- NUI Galway: Development of the project's key deliverable - a Decision Support Tool
- Normandy Council supports GenComm research and leads the way with £15m hydrogen plan
- BURN receive recommendation at 'International Conference on Applied Energy'
- “Hydrogen is safer than petrol”, affirms DCU’s James Carton at World Energy Week
- Hydrogen production plans for Ireland's Valentia Island
- Maximising renewable energy sources for clean growth
- Energy Ireland website
- Silicon Republic website
- Ulster Business magazine Belfast Met's Energy Innovation
- Ambition magazine-Belfast Met GenComm team driving energy transition
- BURN host our latest Open Meeting
- Wrights Group to supply Fuel Cell buses to GB Jive Project
- Hydrogenics sees need for regulatory framework
- Sinn Fein launches Powering Ireland 2030 policy
- H2 Future Opportunities By Sam Knox, Invest NI
- GenComm Outreach
- Irish government policy to support community involvement in Renewable Energy projects
- Final results of Belgium's Don Quichote project
- Department for Infrastructure-Connecting People
- GenComm launches Hydrogen Ireland at City Hall Belfast
- Wrightbus hydrogen double decker buses to help tackle London's toxic air
- GenComm partner BURN presents at the first SMARTCATS conference
- The need for more advanced electrolysers
- Hydrogen mobility in the federal state of Saarland
- Valentia Island Hydrogen Feasibility Study launch in Co Kerry, Ireland
- GenComm partner interviewed on RTEs Morning Ireland
- Hydrogen Technologies are definitely the way ahead-Lord Provost
- Energia to invest £3billion in Renewable Energy
- Utility Regulator Points to Exciting but Challenging Times Ahead for Energy
- Formation of a Group to Coordinate the Introduction of Hydrogen Fuel cell Transport in Ireland
- GenComm partner authors methanation paper
- GenComm partner NUIG participates at the ECOS conference
- IZES gGmbH SWOT Analysis Between Battery Electric and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
- The Cost of fuel in rural Ireland article
- Green light for hydrogen vehicles
- Invest NI feasibility studies can help companies become greener
- IZES presentation, empowering students for H2 learning pathway
- ENSICAEN partner meeting to highlight how methanation can reduce CO2 emissions
- Moving closer to a hydrogen economy thanks to the CH2F launch
- GenComm partner Energia delighted to partner Translink
- GenComm partner to give presentation at the World Hydrogen Energy Conference
- Hydrogen powered trains journey continues in Germany
- Hamburg Police add Hydrogen Fuel Cell patrol car to fleet
- Is Ireland ready for renewable hydrogen by 2020 ?
- GenComm partners input to islands hydrogen development acknowledged-feature 1 of 8
- Hydrogen Transport in Ireland feature
- New strategy for hydrogen future by Ben Madden
- Hydrogen mobility in Germany is growing by Dr. Bodo Groß
- The MaREI centre and hydrogen by Brian Ó Gallachóir
- GenComm centre stage in European Energy Week 2020 by Paul McCormack
- HAZEL Hydrogen enabled zero emissions supply chains by Paul McCormack
- GenComm 8 Stage Project Crisis Management Plan by Paul McCormack
- EU Energy Week 2020 virtual presentations
- Green Tourism, how the islands are open and welcoming to green visitors, feature 3 of 8
- Hylanders, Energy Islands-feature 2 of 8
- Islands innovative solutions for clean energy transition-Feature 4 of 8
- Emergence of Hydrogen Triple Alliance will benefit all of Europe
- Sustainable tourism based on green hydrogen-Feature 5 of 8
- Hydrogen, the fuel of the future, is becoming a reality in Ireland
- Rebalancing the island economies-Feature 6 of 8
- Green Mobility Ferry Services-Feature 7 of 8
- Delivery of the HRS in Germany
- Educational links-Feature 8 of 8
- Presentation to the All Party Group on Climate Action in NI
- Three hydrogen buses entering service in NI welcomed
- GenComm Spring Webinar 1-Hydrogen Optimisation
- Hydrogen-Exploring opportunities in the Northern Ireland Energy Transition
- Spring 2021 Webinar 2 press release-Green H2 Supply
- Spring 2021 Webinar 3 press release-Hydrogen opportunities emanating from energy transition
- Hydrogen Ireland AGM release
- Spring webinar 5-H2 Stakeholder Engagement-May 27, 2021
- Spring 2021 Webinar 4-Hydrogen Use and Future Production
- UK Transport Decarbonisation Plan gets GenComm welcome
- GenComm partner interviewed on Newstalk radio show -August 2021
- GenComm Princeton Bound-September 2021
- Bus Eireann Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Deployment
- Two different Technologies Towards an Emission-Free Transport Sector
- New GenComm Partner from Luxembourg
- GenComm H2GO
- TedX Talk in Galway by Dr Rory Monaghan
- People Centred Clean Energy Transition
- Planet Mark team arrives in NI with GenComm on board
- The 2021 UK Hydrogen Strategy
- Global Hydrogen Review 2021
- World Energy Council working paper-National Hydrogen Strategies
- GenComm Programme Manager to present at 2021 EU Energy Week on October 27
- TEDx talk in Galway by GenComm partner
- Renewable Energy magazine interview Paul McCormack, GenComm Programme Manager
- GenComm welcomes NI Energy Strategy
- The Curse of Convenience-overcoming our reliance on fossil fuels
- Paul McCormack on the Irish Tech News podcast discussing GenComm
- NI Hydrogen Training Academy radio interview
- European Hydrogen Director to address GenComm partner meeting-Feb 25, 2022
- GenComm to help Slovenia and Austria develop hydrogen technologies
- The Curse of Convenience by Paul McCormack
- HALLIE-Hydrogen Applications on a scientific/industrial level
- Islands and Regions to benefit from SEAFUEL
- The ITM Power Electrolyser Journey
- Energy Sustainability gets top billing in Europe
- Business and Finance magazine profile GenComm Programme Manager
- GenComm listed in newly published UK Hydrogen Investor Roadmap
- GenComm speaker at All Energy event in Glasgow on May 11, 2022
- GenComm 20th Partner Meeting in Luxembourg on June 8-9, 2022
- GenComm welcome movement on Irish Hydrogen Strategy
- GenComm Partners to speak at 2022 EU Energy Week in Brussels
- European Hydrogen Backbone-full article
- GenComm to get big welcome in Brussels
- GenComm presenting at European Hydrogen Week on October 26, 2022
- GenComm asked to present in Portugal -16-18 November 2022
- The Commodification of Green Hydrogen For Europe article
- WorldSkills UK days at Belfast Met include Hydrogen aspects
- GenComm to address INFORM Network as an example of good communications
- German ministry supports GenComm work
- GenComm research into transport decarbonisation
- EST to help bus fleets decarbonise globally live
- Valentia Island project H2ORIZON selected for European hydrogen project
- GenComm Partners author Hydrogen evidence base for new NI Energy Strategy
- Cork GenComm Partner Meeting on March 29-30, 2023
- GenComm to present in Glasgow at All Energy on May 10-11
- GenComm Closing event in Belfast Met on May 31st, 2023
- GenComm Presentations at Porto International Summer School-June 21-23, 2023
- GenComm main animation-2023
- GenComm Green Hydrogen Pathways animation
- GenComm Legacy animation
- GenComm Energy Coupling
- GenComm welcome National Hydrogen Strategy
- White Papers
- 11th November webinar - "Hydrogen – Exploring opportunities in the Northern Ireland Energy Transition"
- HAZEL Series of Webinars - 22 Sept to 17 Nov 2020
- Presentations from HAZEL Webinar 2 - 6th October 2020
- Presentations from HAZEL webinar 1 - 22nd September 2020
- Recordings from "Hydrogen getting the green light, driving Europe's green recovery" webinar - 1st July 2020
- Hydrogen & Alternative Low-Emission Fuels Seminar
- GenComm Project Partner Meeting-Oct 2019
- GenComm Project Open Meeting - June 2019
- EU Sustainable Energy Week
- All Energy Exhibition & Conference 2019 - Glasgow
- Valentia Island Hydrogen Feasibility Study Launch
- GenComm Project partner Open Meeting 2019
- GenComm Belfast Met Launch September 2017
- IZES Open Meeting 2017
- NUIG Open Meeting 2018
- INSA Rouen Open Meeting 2018
- Pure Energy Centre Open Meeting 2018
- Presentations from HAZEL Webinar 3- 20th October 2020
- Presentations from HAZEL webinar 4- 3 November 2020
- Presentations from Hydrogen-Exploring opportunities in the NI Energy Transition webinar-11 November 2020
- Presentations from HAZEL webinar 5 -17 November 2020
- How can renewables sustain resilient communities ? webinar-February 18, 2021
- Presentations from 'How can renewables sustain resilient communities ?' webinar
- Feedback Survey-How can renewables sustain resilient communities ? webinar
- GenComm Spring Webinar 1-Hydrogen Optimisation
- Spring Series of GenComm webinars-2021
- Presentations from Spring Webinar 1-SMART H2-Hydrogen Optimisation
- GenComm Spring Webinar 2-Green H2 Supply-April 15, 2021
- Presentations from Webinar 2, Spring Series-Green H2 Supply
- GenComm Spring Webinar 3-Hydrogen opportunities emanating from energy transition-April 29, 2021
- Presentations from Webinar 3, Spring Series-Hydrogen opportunities emanating from energy transition
- GenComm Spring Webinar 4-Hydrogen Demand, Use and Future Production-May 18, 2021
- Presentations from Webinar 4, Spring Series-Hydrogen Demand, Use And Future Production
- GenComm Spring Webinar 5-H2 Stakeholder Engagement-May 27, 2021
- Presentations from Webinar 5, Spring series, H2 Stakeholder Engagement
- GenComm Partner Meeting 19-Day One-February 24, 2022
- GenComm Partner Meeting 19-Day Two-February 25, 2022
- GenComm Partner Meeting 20, Day One, June 8, 2022
- GenComm Partner Meeting 21, Galway, September 22, 2022
- GenComm Presentation at EU Energy Week-September 27, 2022
- GenComm Partner Meeting 22, Saarbrücken, December 16, 2022
- The Commodification of Green Hydrogen
- GenComm Partner Meeting 23, March 29th, 2023-Cork, Day One Presentations
- GenComm Partner Meeting 23, March 30th 2023-Cork, Day Two Presentations, 'Hydrogen-Ireland's Opportunity'.
- All Energy-Glasgow, May 10-11, 2023
- GenComm the Sat Nav for Green Hydrogen Conference Presentations
- Sectoral Smart Energy Systems Workshop
- H2go Newsletters
- Project partners
- Contact
Certification-D - Certification of technological products for people with dementia to support SMEs in innovation and business growth
- Online Partner Meeting took place
- 1. Call Vouchers for SMEs closed
- 2. Call Vouchers for SMEs closed
- Mid-Term Conference took place
- Mid-term report available
- Partner Meeting in Paris & Angers
- Certification-D featured in the "NWE Info Deutsche Kontaktstelle" newsletter
- Final Conference - Get your ticket
- Final Conference - Engage Yourself
- SME Event (June, 9th) and partner meeting (June, 10th) in Paris
- Updatet product list
- Dementia friendly guidelines for SMEs
- Certification-D testing procedures integrated into Ulster University’s eCareWell project
- Design support paper based on WP2 accepted for an oral presentation at Alzheimer Europe 2023
- Dementia Lab Conference 2022
- Meeting in Paris, 09.06.22 SMEs meet Certification-D
- Certification-D: Partner meeting in Iserlohn
- Platform for elderly people, people with dementia and their carers
- End of project Certification-D
- New here and looking for information on Certification-D?
- Events
- Alexian Research Center Krefeld of the Alexian Krefeld GmbH
- Ulster University
- University of Technology Eindhoven
- Vilans
- Oktober
- LUCA School of Arts vzw
- OCMW Genk (Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn)
- CENTICH - Information and Communication Technologies National Center of Expertise for Autonomy
- GGT German Society for Gerontechnology
- KRG Corporate
- Climax Deutschland GmbH
Sub- and Associated partners
- AP RBS Center fir Altersfroen
- AP European Association of Geriatric Psychiatry (EAGP)
- AP CoLab, Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT)
- AP Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)
- AP Care Inn Ltd and Care Forum Wales
- AP Centre Hospitalier Univeritaire d’Angers
- SP Fontys Hogeschool
- SP ActionSense Ltd
Previous meetings and outputs
- Kick-Off-Meeting
- Partner Meeting Workshop “Towards Basic requirements (Methodology)” 12. to 14. February 2020, Genk
- Partner Meeting Workshop “On the way to a certification process” 17. to 18. June 2020, online
- Conference “Users & producers. Demands & use” (1. October 2020)
- Online Partner Meeting took place 30. September 2020
- Report of the conference “Users & producers. Demands & use”
- Improving Design for People with Dementia - Academia meets Industry
- Voucher für KMU mit Produkten für Menschen mit Demenz. Bewerbungsverfahren
- Technische Unterstützung für Menschen mit Demenz. Dt. Auftaktveranstaltung
- Workshops Design toolbox. From academic research to design practice
- 2. Call Vouchers for SMEs Event
- Mid-term conference
- Living Labs and Partner Meeting, 30.11. to 2.12.2021, France
- Partner Meeting Iserlohn, organised by GGT, scheduled for May 2022
- SME Event (June, 9th) in Paris
- Certification-D Final Conference
- Partner Meeting Eindhoven
Vouchers and tested products
- Voucher Call 1 closed
- Voucher Call 2 closed
- Certification-D Voucher Wave 1 - tested products
- Product Aquapaint (Relish)
- Product BBrain Family (BBrain)
- Product BBrain Music Player (BBrain)
- Product Bologna (TOPRO)
- Product easierLife Home smart (easierLife GmbH)
- Product Rica (IoCare)
- Product Snoezle (Pilipili)
- Product Spiqle Agenda (Spiqle)
- Product Stove Guard SGK5010 (Indexa)
- Product TWO (Pilipili)
- Product Personal Tracker Mobile Pro (Climax Deutschland GmbH)
- Nomade (SeniorAdom)
- Tribu
- Certification-D Voucher Wave 2 - tested products
- Remembercan (sport & memory)
- Smartstick (cibX)
- Mobi (cibX)
- Famileo
- Compaan (Salocin bv)
- Tante Laura
- AMI (Les Béquilles Du Cognitif)
- Kompy Pico (SafetyTracer)
- TimeSteps (TimeSteps B.V.)
- Stimul'in
Water Test Network
- Partners
- Water Test Network launched officially!
- New equipment for James Hutton Limited
- Partner in the limelight: Scottish Water
- Scottish specialists team up to unlock innovation
- Innovation Challenge 1: Sludge Processing
- Partner in the limelight: VITO/ VLAKWA
- New cooperation between Regional Water Authority Vallei and Veluwe and Cleantech Regio
- A good combination: breakfast and testing facilities
- Sewage treatment plant in Apeldoorn turns into test location for SMEs
- Water Test Network vouchers awarded to two Dutch SMEs
- A week of WTN at Aquatech Amsterdam
- Partner in the limelight: TZW
- Application progress
- Construction works for VEG-i-TEC have started
- Guide to verification, validation and certification
- Regulatory Roadmap
- Update re. operations during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Water Test Network Webinar
- Partner in the limelight: Water Alliance
- Current application status
- The Water Council and the Water Test Network form partnership
- James Hutton Ltd. will offer exclusive ETV reports on environmental technologies in the UK
- Project Extension
- European Wastewater Sector Foresighting Report
- The Water Test Network Webinar 2021
- Recap Water Test Network Webinar
- Water Test Network exhibits at Pollutec Lyon
- Partnership European Water Tech Accelerator
- Innovation Challenge: 'digital solutions for energy efficiency'
- New test site: VEG-i-TEC open for business
- The Water Test Network Wastewater Webinar
- Water & monitoring webinar
- Water Test Network @ 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸
- Project ending, start of WaterTestNetwork.EU
- Invitation to the official launch event in Brussels
- WWT Wastewater 2019 Conference and Exhibition
- IBioIC
- Occitanie Innov
- IWA-LET 2019
- Engagement Event for SMEs in France
- Engagement Event for SMEs in Germany
- Enterprise Ireland and Wet Network Water Innovation Seminar
- Water Test Network Introduction Event
- Roadshow Water, Energy and Food-nexus (WEF)
- Cooperation Territoriale Europeenne Interreg Europe Du Nord Ouest
- Opening test facility in Apeldoorn (the Netherlands)
- Hydro Nation Water Innovation Service Webinar: Supporting Water Innovation
- WTN at Aquatech
- National Engagement Event France
- Water Test Network Webinar
- The Water Test Network Webinar 2021
- Water Test Network exhibits @ Pollutec Lyon
- Water Test Network Wastewater Webinar
- Water Test Network water & monitoring Webinar
- IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition
- European Water Tech Week 2022
- Innovation Support Vouchers
- Test Facility Locations
- Water Types
- Innovation Chasers
- Innovation Challenges
- Project results
- Newsletter & Press Releases
- Regulatory Roadmap
CCONNECTS - Carbon Connects
- Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science
- The Rivers Trust
- European Landowners Organization
- Association of the Chambers of Agriculture of the Atlantic Area
- Philipps-University Marburg
- Technological University of the Shannon
- Wear Rivers Trust
- Flemish Land Agency
- Durham County Council
- Radboud University Nijmegen
- Waterschap Aa en Maas
- ILVO (Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research)
- What we do
- Events
- News
- Pilot Sites
- Site Emission Tool
- C-Toolbox
- Final Conference
- Results
ENERGE - Energizing Education to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Site Schools
- Partners
- ENERGE Kick-off
- ENERGE 2nd Bi-annual Project Partner Meeting was hosted by TU Delft - October 2019
- ENERGE Project to feature at INTERREG NWE Making an Impact Event - December 2019
- ENERGE Launch Event - December 2019
- NWE Impact Event - December 2019
- Bi-annual virtual face to face consortium meeting - April 2020
- bi-annual virtual consortium meeting December 2020
- launch of the ENERGE committes in France
- bi-annual consortium meeting MAY 2021
- ENERGE preparing for Sustainable Places 2021 conference
- ENERGE consortium explores business scenarios.
- ENERGE at the EU Sustainable Energy Week
- ENERGE presenting about Energy Citizenship at Sustainable Places 2021 conference
- Workshop ENERGE 16.11.2021
- Biannual Consortium Meeting December 2021
- ENERGE project General Meeting in May 2022 in Dublin
- ENERGE General Meeting May 2022
- ENERGE event and General Meeting in Delft in November 2022
- ENERGE event and General Meeting in Delft in November 2022 (1)
- last ENERGE meeting in Luxembourg in April 2023
- Events
- Newsletters
- Downloads
- Our Partners
- Outputs
CEDaCI - Circular Economy for the Data Centre Industry
- Unearthing the plan to take the EU’s data centre economy full circle
- New European research programme CEDaCI focuses on circular data centre
- LSBU research project, CEDaCI, wins Interreg funding
- CEDaCI project focuses on circular economy for the DCI
- Press Release : CEDaCI Launch Event - Journey towards Circular Economy
- CEDaCI is shortlisted for DCD Global Awards
- DCD London: CEDaCI Panel Session
- Tech and the Circular Economy Conference
- The growing challenge of e-waste
- The material cost of a digitalised society
- CEDaCI Associated Partner, Techbuyer supports NHS
- CEDaCI PCB Manufacturer Survey
- CEDaCI Chat forum has just been launched!
- Data Centre World London 2020
- CEDaCI Associated Partner, Techbuyer is offering free rental of IT equipment for NHS
- CEDaCI Chat Forum
- CEDaCI Data Centre Sector Specific Surveys
- Next Working Group Meetings
- Data Centres and COVID-19: How has the sector coped?
- Can the pandemic help us to embrace refurbished electronics?
- Can data centres be transformed into flexible energy ecosystems ?
- Can e-waste go circular?
- CEDaCI: From Cradle To Grave
- WEEE design for change
- CEDaCI project partners WeLOOP and TND organised a two-day dismantling session for servers
- CEDaCI Social Lifecycle Survey
- Dr Deborah Andrews, a Lead on the CEDaCI collaboration project has won a Sustainability in Action Award from London South Bank University
- WeLOOP Organised a Transnational Workshop in the Framework of the CEDaCI Project
- CEDaCI Selected As An Example of Good Practice by the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
- CEDaCI Capitalisation Initiative Success
- Green Alliance Produces Paper on Why The UK Needs A New Vision For Resource Use
- TechBuyer Partnering with CEDaCI
- Interreg grants additional 1.245m Euros to Circular Economy in the Data Centre Industry
- Interreg NW Europe Networking Event #1: A Greener North-West Europe
- Circular Economy For The Data Centre Industry: How The Electrical and Electronic Industry Can Contribute
- Groene Peper Webinar: Building a Circular Economy for Digital Infrastructure
- Life Cycle Management Conference 2023
- Data, the new oil, ignites protest
- Joint LSBU-WeLOOP PhD Scholarship
- Data Centre World (DCW) at the Excel Centre, London
- Accelerating Circularity for Servers and Electronics
- CEDaCI Nomination- DCD Global Awards
- How Can the Design of Data Centre Equipment Be Supported in a Transition From a Linear to a Circular Economy?
- Data Centre Ireland 2022
- IRTC 2023- Raw Material For A Sustainable Future
- CEDaCI Server selected for prestigious Open Compute project database
- CEDaCI Factsheet
- Co-creation activities
- Sustainable Innovation 2019
- Data Centre World
- Circular Economy and Critical Metals
- CEDaCI Workshop - Journey towards a circular economy
- Life Cycle Management 2019 - Poznan, Poland
- Data Centre Dynamics 2019
- Data Centre Re-Transformation 2019
- Data Centre World Paris 2019
- Tech and the circular economy
- Data Centre World 2020 London
- Sustainable Places Conference
- Can e-waste go circular ? CEDaCI Event within the 18th European Weeks of Regions and Cities
- CEDaCI at LCIC 2020 Conference
- CEDaCI - Can digital technology save the world?
- CEDaCI Event during London Circular Economy Week
- CEDaCI - How Circularity Can Reduce the Environmental Footprint of Data Centers
- CEDaCI at Cloud Data Center Event
- LSBU 100 Women in Engineering Event
- Webinar on Ecodesign and Circular Electronics Organised by RINA
- Carolina Szablewski Colli, Ph. D., WeLOOP will be featuring a presentation on CEDaCI within the Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Conference
- Women in Engineering 100 at LSBU-Can we achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals simultaneously?
- Circular Economy Hour: The latest perspectives on reduction, reuse, and recycling
- Data Centre Dynamics Conference: Accelerating Implementation of the EU Data Centre Economy Action Plan Within Data Centres
- Net Zero and Sustainability European Data Centre Summit: Circular Economy Panel
- Interreg NW Europe Networking Event #1: A Greener North-West Europe
- Circular Economy For The Data Centre Industry: How The Electrical and Electronic Industry Can Contribute?
- Groene Peper Webinar: Building a Circular Economy for Digital Infrastructure
- Circularity For Data Centres
- International Conference on Lifecycle Management
- DCD Europe Panel: Circularity and supply chain disruption - a good result from a bad situation?
- OCP Global Summit 2021
- DCD Panel: Is there sufficient transparency around sustainability in the enterprise IT supply chain?
- DCW Conference: Fireside Chat: Data Centre Sustainability- Responsible ESG or Cynical Greenwashing?
- Circularity In IoT-AI, A Boost For Innovation & Sustainable Growth
- DCA Data Centre Transformation 2022
- Data Centres- Ireland
- IRTC 2023- Raw Materials For A Sustainable Future
- State of Open Con 23
- Data Centre World 2023
- Green Tech South West
- Digital Infra Exchange Summit 2023
- Partners
Partnership Meetings
- CEDaCI Partnership Meeting in Lille - January 24, 2019
- CEDaCI Partnership Meeting in London - March 7, 2019
- CEDaCI Partnership Meeting in Lille - May 17, 2019
- CEDaCI Partnership Meetings in Amsterdam, Almere and Eindhoven - October 16, 17 &18, 2019
- CEDaCI Partnership Meeting in London - February 27 & 28, 2020
- Co- Creation Workshops
- Site Visits
- Deliverables
- CEDaCI SME Training
WOW! - Wider business Opportunities for raw materials from Wastewater
- Regional Water Authority Vallei en Veluwe
- Wupperverbandsgesellschaft für integrale Wasserwirtschaft mbH
- University of Kaiserslautern
- University of Luxembourg
- Natureplast
- Avans University of Applies Sciences
- REMONDIS Aqua Industry
- Flemish Institute for Technological Research
- Pulsed Heat BV
- Severn Trent Water Ltd.
- CirTec B.V.
- Trinity College Dublin
- LAB University of Applied Sciences
- Business opportunities for raw materials from sewage
- Webinar WOW!
- EU Green Week - Recovery of valuable resources from wastewater
- EU Green Week - Leveling the playing field
- EU Green Week - Production of bioplastics from sewage sludge
- EU Green Week - Lipids from wastewater for biodiesel production
- EU Green Week - Creating bio oil and bio char from sewage
- Biobased products from sewage - Aquarama Trade Fair 2021
- Making Impact with Wastewater
- PHA bioplastic production on industrial streams
- WOW! closing event - part 2
- Project WOW! kicks off: sewage is valuable
- Wuppertal wastewater treatment plant wants to recover plastics from wastewater
- Colourless bioplastic from sewage
- Severn Trent builds test-bed to recover valuable materials in sewage
- Biodiesel from sewage
- Project team visits pilot plant Remondis
- PHA expert meeting
- First WOW! student exchange
- Pilot Cellulose on the way
- First parameters for lipid accumulation
- Brazilian students extract bioplastic from sewage
- First event WOW!
- PHA-pilot successfully installed on sewage treatment plant Buchenhofen
- Designing value chains for carbon based elements from wastewater
- Brazilian interns continue PHA research
- Advisory board meeting
- PHA article published!
- State of the Art report on legislation
- Valuable advice on resource recovery policies
- Cooperation Wetsus and Avans
- Turning sewage water into bioplastics
- Webinar WOW! great succes
- New developments in the field of PHA
- Techno-Economic Assessment: from cellulose to biobased product
- Update from the lipid-team
- The North Sea Commission recognizes the potential of recovered resources from sewage
- Decision Support Tool - testing
- Oil from sewage - the first installation in the Netherlands!
- Report: critical success factors for valorisation routes
- Market potential biobased products from sewage
- Presentation WOW! at Art of the possible conference
- EU Green Week - WOW! events
- National policy action plans
- WOW! maximizes impact with Interreg NWE capitalisation call
- Large-scale production of bioplastics from residual flows one step closer
- WOW! session at Aquarama Trade Fair 2021
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral researcher
- Tool launched for circular use of sewage
- Techno-Economic Assessment of producing biodiesel from sewage
- Techno-Economic Assessment of Producing Bioplastics from Sewage
- We made Impact with Wastewater
- Circular Principles Enhancing the Potential Value of Bioplastics
- PHA-pilot update
- Geographical journey – exploring the best potential location for PHA production
- Volatile fatty acids: the substrate for bacteria to produce plastic!
- Activated carbon pilot update
- PHA webinar Green Week
- WOW! Closing Event - part 2
- Whitepaper: PHA bioplastics
- Whitepaper Biochar from Cellulose
- Project results
Bringing the Fibersort technology to the market
- Partners - Info
- Partners
- Fibersort at the European Technology Platform (ETP) conference
- Report release: Manual Sort of Post-Consumer Textiles in North-West Europe
- Infrastructure: The Missing Link to Close the Loop on Textiles
- Demo day recap
- Report release: Industry Reference Sheet
- Working Group and Producer Network Webinars - Q1 2019
- Fibersort in the news: Revalorising discarded textiles
- Report release: Barriers for the Long-term Implementation of the Fibersort
- Fibersort in the news: Technology gaining interest beyond NWE
- The latest sorting accuracy results are in!
- Producer Network Webinar - Q3 2019
- Fibersort in the radio: A sustainable initiative in the Netherlands
- Fibersort at ITMA Barcelona
- Fibersort at the Plastic Free World Conference
- Fibersort at EU Fashion Match 8.0
- Visiting the Swedish WargoTex Development Project
- What role can policy play to foster the uptake of the Fibersort technology?
- The End Markets for Fibersorted Materials
- Fibersort at Fashion for Good
- Project Partner featured in Dutch documentary
- Fibersort in the news: "Why Your Used Shirts Are Destined for the Dump and Not the Recycling Center?"
- Sharing ideas and knowledge at this quarter's Fibersort partner meeting
- The first blended wool yarns made from Fibersorted materials have arrived!
- Report release: Recommendations for Policymakers
- Partner Updates - Newsletter
- The Fibersort is running full-speed again!
- Report release: Final Fibersort Case Studies Report
- Events
- Resources
- Work Packages
- Media
OPIN - Ocean Power Innovation Network
- Partners
- OPIN Launch Event
- OPIN Annual Symposium
- OPIN Workshop: Energy Policy and Offshore Renewables State of the Nation
- OPIN Workshop: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
- OPIN Workshop: Cross-sector Collaboration between the Offshore and Ocean Energy Sectors
- OPIN Masterclass: Maritime solutions for offshore renewable energy
- OPIN Workshop: Ocean Energy and the Supply Chain - Building the future into today
- OPIN Webinar: How OPIN can help your business
- 2020 OPIN Annual Symposium (Event delayed until further notification)
- OPIN Webinar: Funding Opportunities for the Offshore Renewable Energy Sector
- OPIN/TIGER Webinar: Tidal Supply Chain Opportunities
- OPIN Webinar: Challenges and Solutions for Improved Durability of Materials
- OPIN/MEA Webinar: Standardisation and Certification for Offshore Renewables
- OPIN Webinar: Introduction to European Tidal Stream projects
- OPIN Collaborative Innovation Group Scoping Meeting - Corrosion: Impacts and Solutions
- OPIN Collaborative Innovation Group Scoping Meeting: Mooring lines and anchoring solutions
- OPIN Masterclass: Mooring and Installation
- OPIN Webinar: Converting to offshore – From the test tank to the sea
- OPIN - OceanDEMO workshop @ OEE2020
- Marine-i/OPIN webinar: Hydrogen the route to Net-Zero
- Marine-i/OPIN webinar: Unmanned Air Systems supporting Offshore Wind
- OPIN Webinar: Opportunities for Ocean Energy to Power Aquaculture
- OPIN Webinar: Funding Opportunities for Collaborative Innovation
- OPIN Masterclass: Mooring and Installation 2021
- OPIN Webinar: Problem solving with OPIN
- OPIN Webinar: Offshore Wind – Operations and Maintenance 101
- OPIN Annual Symposium 2021
- OPIN & Ocean Energy Systems Technology Collaboration Programme (OES TCP) webinar
- OPIN Masterclass: OPEX modelling for marine renewable energy technologies and projects
- OPIN Webinar: How internationalisation can support collaborative innovation
- OPIN Webinar: Improving confidence through standardisation and certification
- OPIN Webinar: Public acceptance of offshore renewables
- OPIN Masterclass : Corrosion solutions for offshore renewable energy devices
- OPIN Webinar: Offshore Renewables – focus on health and safety
- OPIN Masterclass: Multi-source energy parks: potential, risks and policy requirements
- OPIN Masterclass: Dynamic cables
- OPIN Masterclass: Blockchain for marine industry
- OPIN Annual Symposium 2022
- OPIN Webinar: Problem solving with OPIN supports
- OPIN Masterclass : Environmental Impact and Monitoring
- Assess your technology
- Collaborate
- Documents
- Members
H2SHIPS - System-Based Solutions for H2-Fuelled Water Transport in North-West Europe
- Concept
- Pilots
- Partners
- Downloads
- H2SHIPS Project approved !
- First H2SHIPS press release issued
- H2SHIPS successfully launched in Oostende
- 1st H2SHIPS-Newsletter
- Interreg Impact event in Tourcoing, 4.-5.12.2019
- Women4Energy in Stutgart, 6.12.2019
- Preliminary design for hydrogen powered ship from Port of Amsterdam ready!
- Video on pilot in Port of Amsterdam!
- 2nd H2SHIPS-Newsletter
- Regional Workshops held by the Port of Amsterdam
- Master's theses on hydrogen in shipping
- Stakeholder Workshop in Paris
- Interview with Thibault Poilleux from LAFARGEHOLCIM
- H2SHIPS Project Video
- Video from Port of Amsterdam about H2SHIPS pilot in Amsterdam
- H2SHIPS partners speak at CCNR workshop on electrical propulsion
- New study on the suitability of hydrogen as a fuel for the waterborne transport of household waste published
- New report on feasibility tool for hydrogen-powered inland waterway vessels
- Comparative report on alternative fuels for ship propulsion
- Second stakeholder workshop in Paris
- H2SHIPS partner meeting in Karlsruhe
- Joint ISHY and H2SHIPS workshop
- Save the date - Seminar on Hydrogen Solutions for Inland and Short Sea Shipping on Friday 29th October in Paris
- Seminar on hydrogen solutions for inland and short sea shipping
- Third stakeholder workshop in Paris
- BENELUX Parliament visit to the Port of Ostend
- “Vert Le Fluvial” Conference 2021 – The Energy Transition of Inland Shipping from the EU Green Deal Perspective
- Construction of Amsterdam pilot vessel: HS Neo Orbis
- Public tender launched for construction of hydrogen vessel “NEO ORBIS”
- H2SHIPS Newsletter #3 published
- H2SHIPS meeting in Brussels – 27 and 28 June 2022
- Amsterdam pilot vessel Neo Orbis to be built by Next Generation Shipyards
- The Students Working with H2SHIPS - Highlighted in the Summer Newsletter
- H2SHIPS Event at the EU Hydrogen Week Flagship Expo
- Construction begins on Amsterdam pilot ship Neo Orbis
- H2SHIPS at the European Maritime Day in Brest 2023
- New video online
- The H2SHIPS project ends here.
- H2SHIPS Kick-Off Meeting
- H2SHIPS Project Launch Event
- JESS 2019 - Part 1
- JESS 2019 - Part 2
- EFC19
- Maritime Hydrogen & Marine Energy
- World Hydrogen Congress // CANCELLED
- Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe // POSTPONED
- JESS 2020 - Joint European Summer School on Fuel Cell, Electrolyer, and Battery Technologies
- CCNR Workshop "Alternative Energy Sources For Electrical Propulsion Systems" / Save the Date
- f-cell Stuttgart
- Hydrogen Technology Conference & Expo
- International Conference Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy
- Maritime Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Conference
- Hydrogen Days 2020
- Green Port Cruise and Congress
- International Green & Smart Shipping Summit
- Hydrogen Online Conference
- 6. Hypos-Forum
- EHEC 2020
- 2nd LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum
- Electric & Marine World Expo
- INEC 2020
- 4th International Workshop On Degradation Issues Of Fuell Cells And Electrolysers
- H2SHIPS seminar on hydrogen solutions for inland and short sea shipping
- European Hydrogen Week & Flagship Expo: H2SHIPS seminar
- Webinar - Creating a green hydrogen ecosystem for shipping in Paris, a case study investigated by the H2SHIPS project
- H2SHIPS Final Conference - Propelling Hydrogen as a Key Fuel for European Shipping
- European Maritime Day in Brest 2023 - "Decarbonising European Ports with Hydrogen"
- H2SHIPS-Platform
IT4Anxiety - Managing anxiety via innovative technologies for better mental health
- CNP Saint-Martin
- GAC Group
- Ulster University
- Haute Ecole de la Province de Namur
- EPSM Lille Métropole – Centre Collaborateur OMS (CCOMS) pour la recherche et la formation en santé mentale de Lille
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
- Namur-Europe-Wallonie asbl
- Agence pour la Coopération Europa Afrique
- Project structure
Partners and subpartners
- Saint-Martin Neuropsychiatric Centre
- Haute Ecole Libre Mosane
- Similes
- G.A.C. group
- Eldom
- Knowsnco
- Ulster University
- National Health Services Western Isles
- Higher Education Institution of the Province of Namur
- EPSM Lille Métropole
- Centre Ressource Régional de Psychiatrie du Sujet Agé
- VU Amsterdam
- Sentimentics
- Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel
- Bielefeld University
- Namur-Europe-Wallonie asbl
- Bureau Economique de la Province de Namur
- Brainscan BV
- AARDEX Group
- Spectre Biotech
- Psylaris
- IT4Anxiety in the press
- The IT4Anxiety first press release
- Join the consortium!
- The IT4Anxiety newsletter #1
- The IT4Anxiety newsletter #2
- Our first Hackathon is coming very soon !
- VU Hackathon Battle: Meet the winning teams
- A look back at the Amsterdam hackathon
- IMAGINE Research
- Covering the IT4Anxiety Partnership Vacancy
- IT4Anxiety’s e-learning platform: how to find one’s way in this flood of MOOC ?
- A new start-up is joining the IT4Anxiety project: Meet Mind-Mapper !
- Digital health training for caregivers is now available!
- Our second Hackathon is coming up very soon !
- Open Call for start-ups !
- 3 new start-ups joined the IT4Anxiety project
- A look back at the second IT4Anxiety Hackathon in Germany
- Participate at our IMAGINE study !
- Anxiety, technology and you !
- IT4Anxiety's third hackathon is coming up next week !
- Save the date for our first Hackathon !
- A look back at our third Hackathon in France !
- ELDOM's innovation is coming to Scotland !
- AARDEX Group joins IT4Anxiety !
- Experimentation of the Eldom solution in the NHS Western Isles in Scotland
- IT4Anxiety's latest newsletter is out !
- A look back to the hackathon in Namur !
- IMAGINE study - Data collection through focus groups and survey
- Meet the two new start-ups that joined the IT4Anxiety project !
- Eldom in Scotland !
- In-Spir in Belgium !
- Meeting life-changing persons
- Final call for start-ups and SMEs to join the IT4Anxiety project !
- Invitation to the next IT4Anxiety training event !
- A look back at the IT4Anxiety mid-term conference on the 11th October 2022, in Lille (FR)
- The IMAGINE study enters a new phase
- Notes from the field: Future outlook of innovation within IT4Anxiety
- The first edition of the "Anxiety, technology and you" training event has been a success !
- Kindspace on Scottish TV !
- A look back to the national event in Scotland !
- The British startup Cerina supported with a testing opportunity with University of Ulster students
- Feedback from startups that have joined IT4Anxiety
- IT4Anxiety: a human story
- Focus on WorkPackage (WP) 1 and identifying the needs of users of digital tools for anxiety management
- A throwback at the national event in Namur
- Thanks to IT4Anxiety, 18 start-ups were able to test their product or solution with users or mental health professionals
- The IT4Anxiety project concluded with a final conference on 29 June 2023 in Namur
- Creation of a European centre for innovative and digital tools in mental health
- First Steering Committee meeting of the IT4Anxiety project - Namur (Belgium)
- Interreg NWE Seminar in Lille (France)
- Kick-off Meeting in Amsterdam
- Save the date for our first Hackathon !
- VU Hackathon Battle: D1 Debrief
- VU Hackathon Battle: D2 Debrief
- Bielefeld hackathon: day 1 was a success!
- Bielefeld hackathon: after these two days of intensive work, we have our winners!
- All partners finally met again to discuss further steps of the project
- IT4Anxiety’s third online hackathon: day 1 was great!
- IT4Anxiety’s third online hackathon: We finally have our winner!
- IT4Anxiety's fourth Hackathon in Namur, Belgium : D1 Debrief
- IT4Anxiety's fourth Hackathon in Namur, Belgium : D2 Debrief
- IT4Anxiety's fourth Hackathon in Namur, Belgium : We have 3 winners !
- It's a wrap ! The first day of the Scottish hackathon is now finished
- IT4Anxiety's fifth hackathon in Scotland: we have our three winners !
- A look back at our national event in Germany
- The national event in Belgium was a success !
- Start-ups
- Training
- Publication and tools
OIP4NWE - Open-Innovation Photonics pilot for NWE
- European partners build efficient pilot production line for photonic chips
- OIP4NWE at Photonics West 2019
- OIP4NWE presentation at the NMWP Themenabend "Chip Integration Technology" in Nijmegen
- OIP4NWE Newsletter April 2019
- OIP4NWE at H2020 Brockerage Event in Dublin
- OIP4NWE Newsletter November 2019
- OIP4NWE at Dutch Photonics Event in Delft
- OIP4NWE Newsletter February 2020
- OIP4NWE at Photonics West 2020
- OIP4NWE at NWE making an impact
- OIP4NWE at OFC 2020
- OIP4NWE - First eBulletin has been published
- OIP4NWE Newsletter October 2020
- Innovation support fund launched for SME uptake of photonic integration technology
- Open innovation strengthens photonics chip manufacturing
- OIP4NWE WebTalk on PICs for LIDAR Systems
- OIP4NWE Newsletter June 2021
- OIP4NWE Newsletter September 2021
- Innovation support fund launches second call for uptake of photonic integration technology
- OIP4NWE Newsletter January 2022
- Delivery of New Fibre & Micro-Optics Packaging Machine at Tyndall National Institute, supported by OIP4NWE project
- First Voucher to Pilot Photonics
- Second Voucher to BRIGHTphotonics
- Voucher handover to Quside
- Congratulations to Amazec Photonics for obtaining an Interreg OIP4NWE voucher
- OIP4NWE Newsletter December 2022
- OIP4NWE presented at the 10th NRW Nano conference
- OIP4NWE at OFC Conference 2023
- Visit the OIP4NWE partners at laser fair in Munich
- The OIP4NWE Project is entering the final stage.
- OIP4NWE at 3DIC Conference 2023
- High interest in the PIC pilot line OIP4NWE at the laser fair in Munich
- OIP4NWE Newsletter June 2023
- New section success stories on our website
- Final event - Open innovation InP PIC pilot line for Europe
- OIP4NWE - Final eBulletin has been published
- OSA: OIDA Sponsored Webinar: Paving the Way for InP Photonic Integrated Circuits from Concept to Tape-out
- EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Photonic Integrated Circuits for Sensing Applications
- Photonics Days 2020 Berlin Brandenburg
- Photonic Integration Conference
- Laser - World of Photonics
- OIP4NWE WebTalk on PICs for Medical Devices and in Life Science applications
- OIP4NWE WebTalk on PIC technology and Innovation Support Funds
- OIP4NWE WebTalk on PICs for LIDAR systems
- Webinar on Innovation Support Fund and how to apply
- Laser - World of Photonics 2023
- Final event: Open innovation InP PIC pilot line for Europe
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- Photonics Bretagne
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- SMART Photonics
- Tyndall National Institute
- VTEC Lasers & Sensors
- PhotonFirst
- mBryonics Limited
- Oxford Instruments nanotechnology Tools Ltd
- NanoMicroMaterialsPhotonics.NRW Cluster c/o NMWP Management GmbH
- Photon Delta
- Trans National Network
- Webinars
- Success Stories
UV - ROBOT - Innovative UV-robotics to improve existing IPM strategies
- Partners
- Meet the UV-ROBOT team
- Introducing the first prototype
- First trial results on strawberry
- More results on strawberry
- UV-C slows down growth of powdery mildew in cucumber
- A horizontal UV-C robot to fight against mildew (Bremia lactucae) and Botrytis in lettuce
- A leap in the dark, applying UV-C after sunset.
- VOC analysis – detecting Mildew in the air
- Downy Mildew of Basil
- New robot development
- Annual face-to-face meeting in Rouen
- Simulation of the robot treatment process
- UV robot : lettuce
- Which is the optimal dose of UV-C in tomato?
- Further optimization of the UV-C strategy in strawberries
- First workshop UV-ROBOT
- New trial at PSKW
- Cucumber workshop
- General Assembly Meeting
- Optimization UV-C strategy to control powdery mildew in strawberry
- Start of night-time trial in tomato at PCH
- UV Robot : Basil
- UV-robot communication: A new version of the UV-robot for outdoor use
- UV-Robot Supervision system
- Automatic UV control of strawberry powdery mildew
- UV-C treatments can control powdery mildew in tomatoes
- Successful integration of UV-C in IPM strategy strawberry
- UV-C treatments can control powdery mildew in tomatoes (1)
- Start of cucumber trial at PSKW for the further development of an UV-C integrated IPM-strategy
- UV Robot: UV-C in basil crop production
- Demonstration UV-C – IPM strategy at strawberry pilot grower
- WP LT - Survey questionnaire on potential adoption of UVRobot technology in NWE
- The results of different UV-C treatments in tomato to control Powdery mildew
- The control of tomato russet mite (TRM) with UV-C applications
- UV-C-light able to control spider mite populations
- No clear effect of UV-C on Botrytis
- Start of the last cucumber trial by the research station
- Curative effect of UV-C on Powdery Mildew in highwire system cucumber crop
- Variations in growing infrastructures brings challenges for fully autonomous mobile robots
- Trial started about the effect of UV-C on strawberry mother plants
- How to effectively control powdery mildew on cucumber plants
- Crop safety of UV-C applications in Tomato
- Wijnen Square Crops, Masters in Growth,
- Potential of UV-C to control tomato russet mite
- UV-robots in practice: do's and dont's
- 10/01/2019:International Soft Fruit Conference - Autonomous UV-C application to control mildew in strawberry: optimization and compatibility with IPM
- 31/01/2019: SMARTAGRI #3, Digital to the benefit of plants
- 3-6/02/2019: North American Strawberry Symposium
- 17-19/06/2019 : Greensys
- 03-07/08/2019 : APS annual meeting
- Autonomous UV-C application on tabletop strawberries to control mildew
- 24/09/2022: International Mechanisation and Demonstration fair (BE) – The use of UV-C light in strawberry production (with demonstration in greenhouse)
- Project news
FCCP - Fuel Cell Cargo Pedelecs
- H2range won startup award at the e4TESTIVAL
- Corona Crises influence FCCP
- Newsletter 2020
- H2range GmbH was founded
- Plans to bring hydrogen bikes for use in Aberdeen have been put in motion
- First FCCP tests under subzero conditions
- fuel cell stack development
- Fuel cell-powered cargo bikes for urban use
Real-time “interactive storage” quality control in fresh agro products (QCAP)
Project search