RegioStars Awards 2019: Support our candidates!


7 October 2019 - 11 October 2019

Do you believe in the impact that our projects bring to your region? Give us a hand and vote for CAN (Category 4 - Building climate-resilient cities) and eMEN (Category 5 - Modernising health services), both selected as finalists of this years RegioStars Awards!

Every year, the European Commission awards those EU-funded projects, which demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development. With the goal of inspiring other regions and project managers across Europe, participating projects are in the spotlight of communication activities at European level.

Thematic focus

The REGIOSTARS are awarded to projects in five thematic categories (smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, urban development and a topic of the year).

In 2019, the REGIOSTARS are focussed on five areas that are crucial for the future of EU regional policy:

  • promoting digital transformation;
  • connecting the green, blue and grey;
  • combatting inequalities and poverty;
  • building climate-resilient cities;
  • modernising health services.

High-level academics will assess the submitted project applications and crown the winners.

In addition, the public will decide on its own winner through a public on-line vote and award the Public choice award to one of the projects.

The Awards will be delivered at the European Week of Regions and Cities, an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

Further information is available here.


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