Apply now for Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY)

IVY stands for "Interreg Volunteer Youth" and it is a pilot action to offer the possibility to young Europeans aged 18-30 to serve as volunteers in cross-border, transnational or interregional programmes and related projects.

IVY will give volunteers the opportunity to familiarise with the Interreg programmes and projects, make them aware of the many benefits of collaboration among EU internal borders as well as enhance their sense of European solidarity, citizenship and civic engagement. 

All 2014-2020 cross-border, transnational and interregional Interreg Programmes (Managing Authorities and Joint Secretariats) and Interreg Project Beneficiaries are eligible to host IVY volunteers for minimum 2 to maximum 6 months per volunteer.

How can your project apply?

  1. Download the "Project Note" & "Letter of Approval from Programme"
  2. Get Interreg NWE’s approval to your participation in IVY as host organisation using the "Letter of Approval from Programme". Get in touch with us to fill in, sign and send this letter back to you (scanned copy is enough).
  3. Fill in the "Project Note" and send the draft to together with the Letter of Aprroval. 
  4. Wait for feedback on your draft "Project Note."
  5. Sign the final/approved version of your "Project Note" and send it together with the Letter of Approval to
  6. Next steps will be communicated by email once the signed "Project Note" & the "Letter of Approval from Programme" are received

Deadline: As IVY is a pilot action and it will end in August 2018, the sooner you apply, the better it is.The latest end date of volunteers' deployment will be 31 July 2018. Being two months the minimum of a volunteering experience, the latest possible period to apply is early May 2018 (to host a volunteer for two months only).

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