Get ready for call 3 for small-scale projects

Interreg North-West Europe will organise a specific call for small-scale projects (call 3). The call will open in February 2023 and close in July 2023. Learn more about the main features of this call for small-scale projects below.

Aim of the call

The main objective of the small-scale project call is to allow project applications with a reduced scope, partnership size, and duration to apply to the NWE Programme.

Through a simpler project application and implementation process, Interreg NWE is interested in improving its accessibility to stakeholders that may be unfamiliar with our Programme or that lack capacity to apply for regular calls. Small scale projects can also support project ideas that envisage results with shorter timeframes.

Small-scale project applications may be steppingstones or follow-up actions to regular projects. They may be designed as laboratories for future regular projects, or they may complement regular NWE projects and / or reinforce their impact by making their outputs accessible to a wider group of stakeholders or to other regions.

As with regular calls, all types of target groups from the quadruple helix are welcome to participate. The Programme would specifically encourage the following ones to join small-scale project applications:

  • Local, regional and national public authorities
  • NGOs and interest groups such as international organisations, trade unions, foundations, charities, voluntary associations, clubs etc.

Features of small-scale projects

The call for small-scale projects (call 3) will be open for all 9 Programme Specific Objectives. As for regular projects, the partnership must involve at least three partners from three different countries. At least two of these partners must be from a region within the NWE Programme area. However, the call for small-scale projects (call 3) will differ from regular calls for proposals in several aspects:

Project specific objectives & work packages

1 project specific objective addressed by 1 work package

Types of project outputs

Only 1 out of 3 types of project outputs addressed

  • Joint strategy (ies) and action plan (s) or
  • Pilot action (s) leading to solutions or
  • Capacity building and awareness raising outputs

Call procedure

1 step

Project duration

Maximum 18 months


200,000 – 800,000 € total eligible costs

60% co-financing

Partner budgeting  

A 40% flat rate will be applied on staff costs as Simplified Cost Option (SCO). Please see partner budget option 2, Programme Manual

Preparation costs granted

6,000€ total eligible costs


Not possible

Disclaimer: Please note that the information below, including the opening and closing dates of the call, are provisional and will only be confirmed in the Terms of Reference of call 3 as approved by the NWE Monitoring Committee.

Save the date: call opening webinar 28 February 2023

Registration now open for our ‘Small projects, new opportunities!’ online event!

Join us online on Tuesday 28 February 2023, 14:00-15:15 CET to find out more about:

  • Why a small-scale project call?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What are the specific features of this call?
  • How to apply?
  • Where to get support?

And more! It will be your chance to ask questions and get answers from our team.

Register now! >>>

How to get support? 


For each Programme Specific Objective (SO), the factsheets provide a summary of the territorial challenges and opportunities, objectives, target groups, activities, and results. These are designed to help potential applicants understand what is expected from projects under each thematic area at a glance.

Please note however, that applicants should consult the NWE Interreg Programme (NWE IP – Chapter 2.1) for a better understanding of what the Programme intends to fund.



NWE Contact Points network

Continuous assistance will be provided by the Interreg NWE network of Contact Points during the phase of project development. They are available to respond to any queries including tailored advice on your project idea.

All contact details can be found here.

NWE online community

Join the NWE community! Register to our brand-new online community to network, find potential partners and get in touch with them, add your project idea or browse those in the pipeline.

Sign up for updates

Receive the latest information on the call for small scale projects (call 3) and other Programme news by signing up for updates here.

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