How does Brexit affect NWE projects?

The UK referendum vote to leave the EU has initiated a political process that will last for a few years. Until further notice, the Interreg NWE Programme will continue running as usual, on the following basis:

• The UK is still a full member of the European Union with all the associated rights and obligations this entails.
• All project contracts are still valid for UK beneficiaries as well as for all other beneficiaries.
• The Programme Manual and procedures are all still in place and will remain in place until a new decision is made – a process, which may take years to complete.
• The next Monitoring Committee where Call 3 projects will be decided on will take place as planned. 

The UK’s eventual exit from the EU will most probably have an impact on our programme, but at this point in time it is impossible to know precisely what that will be. As soon as new information becomes available we will publish it on this website. For urgent matters, project partners can contact one of our contact points or officers.

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