Vacancy: Interreg NWE Programme Director (JS)

The Managing Authority of the Interreg North-West Europe Programme, on behalf of the Member States/third countries, is recruiting a Programme Director for the Joint Secretariat located in Lille, France

General tasks

The Programme Director (JS) is accountable to the Monitoring Committee and the Managing Authority for the overall performance of the programme and its implementation. He/she is assisted by the 3 units: Project unit, Programme and Support unit, Contact Point network and Communication unit.

The responsibility of the Programme Director (JS) covers 6 different areas:

  • Technical implementation of the Programme
  • The relations with the Managing Authority
  • The relations with the Member States and third countries
  • The relations with the Commission on behalf of the Managing Authority and/or the Member States/third countries
  • Human Resource Management of the Joint Secretariat
  • Contacts with other Interreg Programmes

 Competences required

(i.e. the individual capacity to use knowledge, skills and attitude adequately to achieve the dedicated tasks)

  • Relevant academic degree or a comparable level through experience
  • Knowledge of spatial development/cohesion policy
  • Solid experience in international affairs and/or EU-funded projects, programmes
  • Demonstrated successful experience in management, in particular in an international team
  • Perfect knowledge of English, good command of French (if necessary, training can be foreseen); knowledge of one other North West Europe language (Dutch and/or German) will be seen as an asset
  • He/she should be prepared for frequent travelling
  • Knowledge of European Union institutions and policies, Cohesion policy in particular, preferably through practical experience
  • Knowledge of European Union legislation, institutions and policies, in particular structural funds, European Territorial Cooperation and financial regulations
  • Basic knowledge of EU Treaties
  • Excellent writing and editing skills
  • Good computer literacy (Microsoft office....)

General information to applicants

  • Applications should reach the Managing Authority/ EEIG GECOTTI-PE by Friday 24th April 2020 at midnight. We will not consider applications received beyond this deadline
  • A letter of motivation along with a CV should be emailed to Tanguy Latacz, Manager of the Gecotti-Pe using the following mail address only:
  • We are looking for candidates whose background and experience match the job requirements. We therefore recommend to carefully read the job profile before sending your application
  • Interviews will take place in our offices located in Lille, France, on 14th/15th May 2020 (to be confirmed)
  • An individual email will be sent to all short-listed candidates by Thursday 7th May (at the latest). Candidates will be expected to confirm their participation by email return. They will then receive a full information package (location, accomodation if distance requires, expense claim procedure and conditions, etc)
  • All the candidates who have not been short-listed will be informed in due time. Please note that the large number of applications foreseen will not allow individual feedback

About Interreg NWE

Interreg North-West Europe is a European Territorial Cooperation Programme funded by the European Commission. It invests € 370 million of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in activities based on the cooperation of organisations from eight countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

The aim is to reduce the disparities among regions and raise the overall level of performance across the whole area. The themes selected for the 2014-2020 period mainly address smart and sustainable growth.

The role of the Joint Secretariat / Contact point network

The Managing Authority (MA) of the Interreg North-West Europe Programme is the Hauts-de-France Region Council based in Lille (France).

The Joint Secretariat (JS) based in Lille assists the Managing Authority, the Audit Authority, the Group of Auditors and the Monitoring Committee in the implementation of their tasks and responsibilities.

In short, the Joint Secretariat’s services include:

  • High quality assistance to project partners: development and implementation phases
  • Preparation of selection of the best projects
  • Monitoring of the high quality of project outputs
  • Communicate on project results and impacts

NWE Programme Director job profile

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