Interreg transnational cooperation: We work for a greener Europe

The projects featured in this publication are all funded by Interreg transnational cooperation programmes. They bring together European regions and cities located in different countries yet sharing many challenges and opportunities due to their common geography, history, and culture.

This publication includes a small sample of the many funded projects that help to put European environ-mental laws and policies into practice. Working in transnational partnerships, they discover and trial efficient ways to protect and manage healthy ecosystems, accelerate fossil-free energy solutions, the circular economy, sustainable tourism and green mobility, and to better deal with the risks of climate change.

Interreg transnational cooperation is fostering strong partnerships where national, regional and local authorities, academia, civil society organisations, and private sector enterprises work together to tackle today’s complex, transboundary issues. These multi-sector alliances build on regional strengths and address real challenges that exist in real places across Europe.

The transnational projects featured here are ongoing and will only deliver their full potential towards and after their completion.

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