The first Interreg NWE call for capitalisation is now open

The first Interreg NWE call for capitalisation is now open!
In the framework of its capitalisation strategy, the North-West Europe programme is developing various tools and activities aiming to maximise the impact of project results.
This call for proposals is open until 10 January 2020 to projects approved in calls 1 to 4.
The call for capitalisation “Maximising project impact” targets projects which have a solid ground for additional activities and where continuation of cooperation brings significant added value. Proposals of capitalisation initiatives should therefore stem from well performing and successful projects, with tangible results to showcase. They should build on existing results (foreseen or unforeseen) that have a strong potential for further uptake and roll-out throughout NWE, and potentially in the rest of the EU. Capitalisation initiatives should also clearly contribute to the programme’s objective of reducing territorial (economic, social and environmental) disparities in the NWE area. Proposals therefore need a strong territorial justification.
How to apply
€4.5 million ERDF is available for this call.
All projects need to be match-funded. The maximum ERDF grant rate for partners is 60% of the total capitalisation project budget. Existing partners will keep the same grant rate as in the initial approved application.
Applications must be submitted by email to nwecap@nweurope.eu at the latest by Friday 10 January 2020, 12.00 pm (noon) CET.
Further guidance
Continuous assistance will be provided by the Interreg NWE network of Contact Points during the phase of project development. They are available to respond to any queries. We encourage all lead partners to contact their national Contact Points before submission to discuss their capitalisation initiative idea. All contact details can be found here.
Moreover, the NWE making an impact! event (4-5 December 2019, Tourcoing, France) is an opportunity to obtain more information on the call for capitalisation and the other support opportunities the programme offers. With 400 expected participants, it is a unique chance for participants to network and identify potential partners. Registrations are open until 15 November.