Course on tribological influences in sheet metal forming

On 18-19 February 2020, the University of Twente organised the course “Fundamentals of Tribology in Sheet metal forming”, a dedicated training for engineers and researchers interested in the prediction and control of tribological effects in sheet metal forming processes. The course was organised free-of-charge, in the framework of the INTERREG project ASPECT coordinated by M2i.

This edition of the course, led by Dr. Javad Hazrati (University of Twente) was attended by 18 participants, of whom 13 from industry. See here the programme of the course.

Depending on the demand, such trainings may be organised after the project ends (August 2020). If you are interested, please send an email with subject “Interest in ASPECT tribology course”, your name, affiliation and contact details to the address office[at], before 8 May 2020.

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