As you know, the objective of the AgriWasteValue project was to transform agricultural residues from the north-western regions of Europe into bioactive compounds for use in key industrial sectors such as cosmetics and nutraceuticals, and then in a second phase in the energy, chemical and agricultural sectors.
The project, which has been running for 4 years (2018 - 2022), has come to an end and the results were presented at the final conference in Nutrevent (Nantes, France) on 4 October 2022.
If you missed the event, or just want to see the results of the project in a few minutes, go to the different videos of the project, which explain the results of each step!
The videos
Step 1 - Availability and distribution of pruning residues: a crucial matter
Step 2 - Green extraction methodologies applied to apples, pear and vine residues for the recovery of potential nutraceutical and cosmeceutical bioactive ingredients
Step 3 - Enzymatic modifications of natural extracts of agricutural by-products to produce new bioactive molecules and enhance their biological properties for use in cosmetics
Step 4 - Beyond extractives – The perspective of tree and vineyard cuttings for a material and energetic utilization
Step 5 - To orchards cuttings residues to fertilizers : closing the loop
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