The ALG-AD team together at Swansea University
Open day and workshop for partners
Colleagues from Belgium and France travelled to South Wales at the start of the New Year for an open day and workshop at the ALG-AD facilities in Swansea University.
The event was an opportunity for partners to meet face to face and discuss progress with cultivating and harvesting algae in the three pilot facilities, and an opportunity to discuss planned feed trials in France.
The three-day event started with a tour of the facilities in Swansea, followed by in-depth discussions. All agreed the event was an important milestone for the project.
“Bringing everyone together in this way has given us a good grounding from which to embark on our final year with ALG-AD,” said Professor Carole Llewellyn, the project’s principle investigator. “We were able to agree on crucial decisions needed to ensure the project moves forward smoothly
“This is an extremely important year for us, and this workshop has meant we are starting it off in the best possible way; with clarity and coordination.”
French partners Denis de la Broise and Philippe Soudant from UBO and CNRS in Brittany get a tour of the bioreactor at Swansea University watched over by Eduardo Rodriguezverdu from Swansea's engineering team.
From left t- right: Rahul Kapoore (SU), Jai Sankar Seelan (UGent(, Philippe Soudant (CNRS) and Marcella Fernandes de Souza (UGent) check out the facilities at Swansea University's Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR).
Alla Silkina captures the moment - watching us, watching you!
The reactor at Swansea, inoculated and growing nicely
Partners were treated to a tour of the lab facilities in Swansea, and a discussion on sample characterisation and analysis.