Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Dr. Christine Rösch

Dr. Christine Rösch studied agricultural biology at the University of Hohenheim and received her PhD Degree (Dr. sc. Agr.) in 1996 with a system analytical thesis on the utilization of bio- and green waste.

Dr. Rösch was a research assistant at the University of Georgia, USA (1986-87), in the Department of Applied Systems Analysis (1988-95), at the Office for Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (1996-98) and at the Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Use of Energy (IER) at the University of Stuttgart (1998-2000).

Since 2001 she has worked as a Senior Scientist at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at KIT, where she has been head of the research area "Sustainability and Environment" since 2010. Her work focuses on the development of sustainability indicators and the sustainability and environmental assessment of new technologies and paths of the bioeconomy and the transformation of the energy system as well as the GIS-based analysis of sustainable biomass potentials.

In the ALG-AD project, Christine and her team are responsible for the life cycle assessment (LCA) and the techno-economic assessment (TEA) of the innovative process to grown microalgae on liquid nutrient rich digestate from biogas plants to remediate waste and to produce high-value feed at the same time. Together with the Birmingham University, we develop a decision-support tool used to inform and guide the waste industry, farmers and investors.

Christine has led the sustainability task in a number of national and international applied algal projects.

Find out more about Christine and her research by visiting: 


Mohamed Elshamy

With a good experience in the sustainability assessment, Mohamed will be analysing the different technologies and pilot plants within the ALG-AD project. This will be done through a life cycle assessment modelling to highlight the hotspots of the technologies and sensitivity analyses to present possible improvements.

He is a Graduate of energy engineering at Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. Worked for two years in the field of electrical transformers, then decided to pursue his studies in the field of energy, where he did his master’s degree in sustainable systems engineering at Freiburg University in Freiburg, Germany.

During his master studies, he worked as a research assistant in the field of perovskite solar cells at the Fraunhofer institute of solar energy in Freiburg. There, he also did his master thesis.

Afterward, he worked for 6 months as a researcher at the same institute in the same field. In November 2019, he switched his focus to the field of Algae and worked as a life cycle assessment scientist at ITAS, a research facility of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany.


Bachelor thesis: Ethanol liquid fuel production from sugarcane waste (second-generation biofuel)

Master thesis: Efficient, stable and reproducible hermetically sealed perovskite solar cells, using the molten salt approach


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