Six projects have come together in a unique cluster to jointly promote and support the work being undertaken by each other, under the auspices of the European Commission.
ALG-AD is one of the six projects chosen by the Commission to benefit from the services of the Common Dissemination Booster (CDB).
The CDB is a brand-new service from the European Commission that is free of charge and available to all ongoing or closed, European, National, Regional funded Research & Innovation projects.
The booster encourages projects to come together to identify a common portfolio of results and show them how best to disseminate to end-users, with an eye on exploitation opportunities.
“We were delighted to be chosen to be part of this group along with five other projects who are all working on research in similar fields and who are all concerned with the circular economy,” said Dr Carole Llewellyn from Swansea University, the lead partner on the project. “By being a part of the CDB we can not only share the cost and effort of spreading the news about our projects, but we can increase our audience and gain access to a larger base of potential end users.”
Membership of this group will bring closer cooperation between the different projects funded by the EU. It will also increase the dissemination opportunities, at which ALG-AD can be represented.