On 18 January 2018, BioBase4SME held its first webinar. 35 SMEs, researchers and other representatives participated live in this most interactive webinar. "Build up your bio-innovation capacity!” was the focus of this 45 minutes webinar in which three high-level experts from the bio-based economy gave insights into market research, life-cycle assessment and social acceptance by the following agenda:
- Introduction to the BioBase4SME Network (Tanja Meyer, Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, Belgium)
- Market research and analysis of feedstock availability (Lucie Montgomery, NNFCC, United Kingdom)
- LCA: Wanted? Needed? But truly understood? (Olivier Talon, Materia Nova, Belgium)
- Developing dialogue with your stakeholders (Pascal Dagron, AC3A, France)
These non-technological services are available for start-ups and SMEs via a BioBase4SME Innovation Coupon Scheme, a scheme that was also explained during the webinar.
In case you missed this webinar, no worries, you can still watch it in its full length here: https://youtu.be/JzRtnuA-8bY
Any question? Please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.