Factsheets describing the current bioeconomy climate in six European countries were released this month. They are part of BioBase4SME project’s aims of helping start-ups and SMEs to overcome barriers and bring their bioeconomy innovations to market. It is intended that the factsheets will enable further cohesion and collaboration throughout countries in North West Europe.
Produced by BioBase4SME partners alongside consultation with experts from each country, the factsheets provide up to date and relevant information on the instruments influencing individual bioeconomies. This includes policy related instruments such as governance bodies, legislation, and bioeconomy strategies and road maps. They also highlight key market information including industry stakeholders, and financiers.
The factsheets also showcase areas of cooperation and innovation within each country by providing lists of networks and clusters, and industry associations as well as universities and research institutes.
The factsheets are available here:
Factsheet Luxembourg (in preparation)
Factsheet Zwitserland (in preparation)