Report on BioBase4SME workshop "LCA - wanted, needed, but truly understood?"

On 7th December 2017, 25 participants from SMEs, larger companies and universities located in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany met in Dusseldorf to address the question of how to measure sustainability. In four presentations, speakers from Materia Nova, FKuR, Corbion and the nova-Institut outlined the chances and limits of life cycle assessment, the tool of choice for measuring the environmental impact of a product. The usefulness of LCA was discussed during a Get together and during a visit on the Christmas market following the workshop, where the participants appreciated and used the opportunity to build a network in their region and beyond.

During the workshop the participating SMEs pointed out that LCA becomes more and more important for bringing their products into the market. The BioBase4SME project offers multiple opportunities for SMEs located in North West Europe to be supported in various steps of product development and market entry. 

CLIB2021 thanks all speakers and participants for the successful event.  

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