Training: Business Model Sandpit


15 September 2021

This event is only for Blockstart SMEs

Hosted by the University of Surrey


About this event

To be successful an early stage business needs to find a growth business model.

Rarely do startups succeed with the first business model they try and so typically the early phases of a business are defined by the search for a business model that means survival in the short-term but, importantly, scalability in the long term. Generating, designing and testing different business model options can happen in a variety of ways, but a quick and simple high level approach uses the Business Model Canvas (BMC). Seeing how other businesses work on a BMC can give you great insights and inspiration, while mapping your own thoughts and plans helps you both to better understand your business and better able to communicate it to others.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Explore other businesses through their Business Model Canvas
  • Understand some common patterns to successful business model
  • Model your own business using the BMC
  • Play with alternative business models
  • Share your business models using BMCs, to get feedback

This is a hands-on workshop with the opportunity to develop and play with different approaches to your business using the BMC. You’ll gain the insights you need to understand how the elements of your business work together and you will leave with a process for searching out that growth business model you need for success.


Chris Pett & Keith Dixon

Who should attend

This workshop is suitable for startup founders and team members who want a better understanding of what a business model is; how they work and what the key elements of their own model are; and want to explore other options to how they can build a successful, growth business.


This training is available to SETsquared members. Blockstart programme participants can receive a funded place on this programme as part of their Business Support Voucher, funded by Interreg North West Europe.

Training provider

This event is delivered by SETsquared Surrey, the world’s Number 1 University-led business incubation programme.

SETsquared Surrey supports over 60 fast-growth start-up businesses. Our Enterprise Experts and Entrepreneurs in Residence deliver comprehensive training and advice to businesses leaders about go-to-market, investment and innovation strategy.

This limited-availability training is only for Blockstart SMEs. Not yet part of the programme? Apply today to book your spot!

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