Comparing tools to estimate carbon fluxes from peatlands

The estimation of GHG fluxes emitted by peatlands is of main interest to organise the restoration of the sites but also to guide future political and economic actions. For tackling this challenge, numerical models and tools able to calculate carbon fluxes are developed by different teams. Within Care-Peat, French Geological Survey (BRGM) adopted a mechanistic approach to calculate the ecosystem respiration (Reco) in the unsaturated zone. A coupling with data of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP dependent on vegetation type) allows estimating values of the Net Ecosystem Exchange. The model is then coupled with a Decision Support Tool in order to map the carbon fluxes at the peatland scale.
Through the capitalisation project we propose to go further in the modelling of GHG fluxes by collaborating with different modelers teams. As a first step, a hybrid workshop in Orléans gathered over 20 participants on 21 September 2021. The numerical tools of Van Hall Larenstein, IUCN UK, BRGM and University of Greifswald were presented during this meeting and a fruitful discussion allowed defining the strengths and the weaknesses of each approach. The next milestone will consist to test and apply the different models to real sites of Care-Peat before comparing the results.