Restoration works update at pilot site De Wieden (NL)

The last few months the works at De Wieden continued. After completion of the works on the foreshore, Natuurmonumenten together with their contractors started the preparatory activities for digging the peat pits, such as building willow screens, laying the pipeline to transport peat material and removing forest. Also a start has been made in digging the first peat pits. 

In August 2020, after completion of the works on the foreshore in lake Beulakerwiede, the contractor started the preparatory activities for digging the peat pits. In order to prevent water turbidity in the lake, which could be caused by discharging the process water, a number of willow screens have been installed in the foreshore to conduct the water flow. After the damming of the foreshore, local professional fishermen accurately emptied the foreshore of fish.

Several machines were brought in and work began on laying the pipeline to transport the peat material that is released, to the foreshore.

Also Natuurmonumenten started on removing and shredding the forest at the peat pits location. By mid-November 60% of the total forest area has already been removed. In addition, a start has been made on digging the peat pits as well as pumping the peat material to the foreshore. The first phase, out of five, is finished by now.

The contractor expects to have dug 70% of the peat pits before the turn of the year. So far, the work is progressing without any noteworthy problems.

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