Activity Deliverables

CEDaCI Working Group Meetings in Autumn 2020

CEDaCI Working Group Activities continue through online platforms. French, UK and the Dutch Working Groups will convene to present the developments of their Pilot Activities as well as the latest version of the Circular Data Centre Compass (previously called the Decision-Making Tool).

Next Working Group Dates:

-French Working Group - September 17, 2020
-UK Working Group and Transnational Co-Creation Workshop- October 15, 2020
-Dutch Working Group- October 20, 2020  
-French Co-Creation Workshop - November 19, 2020

In order to join CEDaCI Working Group Activities, we kindly ask our participants to fill out the CEDaCI Network Survey. The survey enables us to match you with the right working group and set of activities.


Co-Creation Workshops in the UK and the Netherlands

Co-Creation is a set of methods that allow a group to identify and map the current practices and to pitch ideas on product and service innovations. CEDaCI Co-creation workshops enable trans-sectoral learning to advance design, manufacturing, refurbishment, recycling and CRM reclamation processes and build the sectoral network. Co-creation workshops allow CEDaCI to develop its various deliverables through this open innovation process.  These workshops serve as a tool to combine the competencies of CEDaCI Team and the end users, which are the representatives of the Data Centre Industry.

So far CEDaCI Team organised co-creation workshops in France, the Netherlands and the UK. Here we present the key findings from the workshops in the Netherlands and the UK.

Allocation of workshop participants according to the life cycle stages

The participants introduced themselves and their organisations. The sizes of their organisations were determined according to the SME definition of the European Commission.

Co-CreationWorkshops led by the Wuppertal Institute is designed in two parts. Participants were asked to assess the current role of circular economy in the DCI and the participants were asked to provide information on the current CE practices of their organisations.  

Circular economy lays at the heart of the activities for the organisations focusing on the second-use of IT equipment as well as the recyclers.

According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the design is the critical step to reach the circular economy as the overall aim is to design out waste and pollution. However, the DCI representatives involved in the design of the Data Centre Equipment highlighted the low relevance of the CE to their current activities. Despite the current situation, they believe that this will change in the future with the shift in the industry along with the regulatory requirements.

Circular Data Centre Compass

Originally named as the Decision -Making Tool, Circular Data Centre Compass is currently being designed and developed by CEDaCI Team to guide the Data Centre Industry to implement circularity solutions on their day to day activities. The potential key features of the tool are assessed through three perspectives: design, remanufacturing and recycling in the UK and through two groups of experts in the Netherlands: design/supply and refurbishment & recycling.

Mapping jointly identified solutions and open questions for the compass

The assessment sessions gave similar results in two CEDaCI Countries and the recommendation of the users are being taken into account during the design and development process of the Circular Data Centre Compass.


  • Be user specific and stakeholder driven.
  • Focus on environmental costs and resource & material efficiency
  • Help identify the users what they do with their existing IT equipment (buy more, buy new, get rid of, refresh)
  • Display optimal solutions e.g. 100 old servers v 10 new ones
  • Provide information on incentives: savings and economic benefits
  • Educate and inform about data sanitisation
  • Be neutral and provide the list of refurbishers and recyclers through the open source method.


  • Avoid complex databases.
  • Don't create the tool without the mock-up version for the test
  • Don't include all the life cycle stages in one tool or in one version of the tool (policy, design, recycling)

CEDaCI Working Group and Co-Creation Workshops Calendar

Co-Creation is a set of methods that allow a group to identify and map the current practices and to pitch ideas on product and service innovations. CEDaCI Co-creation workshops will enable trans-sectoral learning to advance design, manufacturing, refurbishment, recycling and CRM reclamation processes and build the sectoral network.

Those who filled out the CEDaCI Network Application Survey are invited to attend CEDaCI Working Group Meetings and Co-Creation Workshops in their respective countries. Click here to access the survey. Each Working Group Meeting presents a a key topic and a selection of Life Cycle (LC) stages. Working Groups are composed of 15 members with a specific interest in circular economy and involved in the data centre industry.



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