Certification-D: "Mid-Term Conference" at half-time
The first half of the project period for the Interreg project "Certification-D" has been completed. For the Mid-term conference, the project partners met after more than 1 1/2 years at a face-to-face event in Düsseldorf. Only a few participants joined the conference online.
During the internal partner meeting, the results of the partners' work in the first half of the project were presented and discussed. The programme in the evening – which provided ample opportunities for networking – was rounded off by a guided tour of Düsseldorf's old town and a dinner in the Medienhafen.
Due to Corona, the project partners had only been able to exchange information online for a long time. Various working groups have been meeting regularly in various video conferences since the beginning of the pandemic. So it was all the more exciting for the participants to finally meet "face-to-face" and get to know each other better.