Summer school: Circularity in the Built Environment

From “circuits of capital” to “circuits of value”: addressing the barriers of circularity implementation. The Circular Built Environment Hub of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment will host the second Summer School on Circularity in the Built Environment from 5 to 7 July 2023.

Our focus will be on developing (new) ways of performing circularity as a desirable future in the social realm further inquiring on the normative actions required to scale up and accelerate the transition. During the three days we will have the chance to visit specific locations, and meet with people who can facilitate the discussion. Based on their input, and the CBE Hub “Scales to aspects model,” we will work together to identify how “circuits of value” can help us develop and prioritize our criteria for enabling circularity informed decisions.

Students from all levels of education (BSc, MSc) as well as PhD researchers and professionals are invited to participate.

Click here for more information.


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