Agreements on Circular Textiles

The importance of unambiguous agreements

In the summer of 2020, NEN and important representatives from the market have taken an important step towards making unambiguous agreements. Thanks to the Circular Textiles working group, the first NTA (Dutch Technical Agreement) on Circular Textiles saw the light of day.

The NTA 8195:2020 was written by a varied group of experts, such as producers, government, recyclers, sorters and industry organizations. The NTA aims to achieve more unambiguous communication about circular textiles.

The document contains definitions of frequently used terms, a categorization of input streams (is something reused, recycled or repaired) and sets requirements for the eco-design of products. This allows different types of chain partners to communicate in the same way about circular textiles. This is, for example, very useful in texts of public tenders.

The NTA for Circular Textiles is a good start, because all those involved can now use the same terms and definitions. This prevents disagreement about certain concepts and helps to work together towards a common goal.

Zarra de Laat, Consultant at NEN

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