CME partner EIfI-Tech will represent CleanMobilEnergy at the 2nd Municipal Networking Meeting "Mobility on the ground @ Baden-Württemberg - Electrical and Digital". Here the challenges of charging infrastructure, municipal electric vehicle fleets and car sharing will be discussed through lectures and moderated theme tables. The event is hosted by a local stakeholder within the EIfI-Tech network, e-mobil BW.
Due to the latest climate protection agreements, limit value overruns, noise pollution and other negative effects of traffic, the pressure to act on e-mobility in municipalities is increasing. In addition to the ongoing electrification in the mobility sector, the technological change must include networking and automation. The future of mobility is automated, connected and electric.
In order to actively support the cities and municipalities in the Baden-Württemberg region in Germany in this far-reaching mobility change and to make the best possible use of synergy effects, the e-mobil BW regional agency initiated the municipal network "Mobility on site @ BW - Electric and Digital". The official kick-off event was held on 17 May 2018.
The kick-off and the new municipal study by e-mobil BW presented a great deal of interest among numerous municipal representatives. Since then, the community network is taking shape more and more. In particular, the network should promote inter-communal exchanges, take current and future mobility issues in a hands-on manner, and identify best practice approaches to provide real added-value for local actors and creators. Together with these exchanges and organisations, the network wants to further develop and promote the network.
Participation in the municipal network meeting is free of charge and reserved exclusively for municipal representatives from politics, administration and municipal enterprises. The number of participants is limited. Registration deadline is 17 September 2018.
Watch for the EIfI-Tech & CleanMobilEnergy booth at this event!