Interreg Europe Webinar: Open Data for Smarter Cities

Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform

29 April 2020 - 29 April 2020

Hugo Niesing (Resourcefully), advisor to the Municipality of Arnhem, will present on behalf of the CleanMobilEnergy (CME) project in a webinar on open data for smarter cities this Wednesday, April 29th from 14:30 to 16:00 CET. The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform is hosting this webinar on the topic of open data for smarter cities to specifically address the topics of measuring energy and transport data to allow for the design of better measures. This theme has been established to be of high importance due to the workshops on energy efficiency in Florence and mobility in Manchester. Various Interreg Europe projects will present their good practices on data collection for better management in regards to energy and mobility. The webinar will offer the opportunity to connect with experts in the fields of energy and mobility.

Specifically, the following topics relevant to the CME and EV ENERGY projects will be presented:

  • Open data access
  • Open, available & replicable technology
  • The relevance of the above two points as applied to the CleanMobilEnergy project


Click here to view the Interreg Europe event page & register. Please note that in order to register for this webinar, you need to have an Interreg Europe online account. If you are not a member of the Interreg Europe community, then please create an account.


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