Kortrijk, Belgium

6 December 2018

MOBILINNOVATION is an annual event aimed at the target groups of research institutes, municipalities and other authorities, logistics companies, bus companies, energy operators and distributors, bus and truck manufacturers, and other players in transportation and mobility. The CME project will be represented by our project partners at POLIS, whose head offices are located in Brussels.

This year, the MOBILINNOVATION event will focus on the roll-out of the charging infrastructure for low- and zero-emission buses and trucks (vehicles of categories M2, N1, N2 and N3) in and around an urban environment - a fun and productive event for CleanMobilEnergy!

Some important topics on the agenda include:



  • Ideal locations of charging points
  • Arrangement of charging point locations
  • Types of charging points: (e.g. plug-in, pantograph -bottom up or top down, induction, ... )
  • Impact on the environment
  • Impact of and on battery technology
  • Influence on trip schedules?



  • Who are the stakeholders
  • Licensing authorities
  • Multi-modal charging parks
  • Public and / or private initiatives
  • Business case
  • Cases and best practices


More information




  • POM West-Vlaanderen (Provincial Development Company)
  • FEBETRA (Royal Federation of Belgian Transporters and Logistic Service Providers)
  • Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister for the Budget, Finance & Energy, Bart Tommelein


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