AUTONOMY Paris - The Urban Mobility Summit
Autonomy Paris an independent French, Paris-based company with the goal to change the way we move in cities. The Autonomy Paris event is an exhibition and summit on disruptive developments in mobility and will cover active mobility, data analytics, electric mobility, shared mobility and autonomous vehicles. It features the Urban Mobility Summit, which is back and bigger & better than ever, on the 18th-19th of October 2018.
The event’s target group consists of CEOs, city leaders, policymakers, mobility experts and innovators. Some of the themes that will be covered at the upcoming event are drones, automated vehicles, GDPR and EU policy.
CleanMobilEnergy will host and participate in two main events during the summit. The first event, the CME-SEEV4CITY joint workshop, will take place back-to back with the Autonomy event, on Wednesday, 17th October. This event will consist of an interactive workshop lasting 4-5 hours based on the preliminary outcomes of CME, which will be validated by and discussed with the audience. The main topic will be Electromobility in practice – solutions, experiences & lessons learnt, and the event will be structured as follows:
- Morning: 2 hours, presentations of pilot cases and specific solutions
- Afternoon: 2-3 hours, breakout sessions to discuss e.g. city needs & requirements; Intelligent Energy Management system; Social acceptation; Policy context; Business models; EU legal aspects
Participants will include external cities and stakeholders, including CME Associated Partners, and speakers will be experts from various cities around the world, such as Amsterdam, Oslo, Arnhem, London and so on.
To register for the workshop, please visit the Polis event website.
CME will also host an Electromobility roll-out in cities session (organised by CME partner Polis) during the Urban Mobility Summit on the 18th of October.
The session will feature experts from two major cities as well as two private stakeholders to exchange their views and opinions on the development of electric infrastructure in urban areas.
Stay tuned! A full, exciting programme for the summit and CME workshops will follow in the upcoming months.
Sneak-peaks from this year's programme:
- Air mobility and flying taxis: ready for take-off
- The future of AVs and the cities that love them
- The GDPR is here, is your mobility company ready?
- Europe, China and the United States: 3 markets, 3 approaches to innovation
- EU policy and what it means for the car industry