CleanMobilEnergy Ice Skating Team on Weissensee

The official CleanMobilEnergy ice skating team performed well during the Alternative Eleven Cities Tour, which was organized on the Weissensee in Austria on the 25th of January. Sporting specially-designed CME uniforms, two members of the CME team skated 200 km and three skated 100 km.

Team captain and project Lead Partner, Peter Swart, led a team of five to success during the annual Alternative Eleven Cities Tour on Weissensee in Austria. This exciting event is the largest ice skating tour in the world and has a long history in the Netherlands: since 1906 this tour has been organised in Friesland (NL), where participants must pass through eleven cities to finish again in Leeuwarden. However, the historic annual event was relocated to Weissensee in Austria in1997, as there is currently not enough ice in the Netherlands - yet another reason why our low carbon future is not only important but also necessary.

Two members of the CME team skated the official 200 km tour, which boasted 1100 particpants, and performed quite well: Paul finished in 9 hours 42 minutes and Peter finished in 10 hours 30 spite of the brutal conditions! The weather forecast that day? Minus 18°C in the morning and -10°C in the afternoon!

The link between CME and skating is obvious: we need to fight against climate change if we still want to do some ice skating in the Netehrlands in the future! And that is exactly what we try to do with CleanMobilEnergy!

CME Ice Skating Team captain and project Lead Partner, Peter Swart, led a team of five to success during the 2019 Alternative Eleven Cities Tour on Weissensee in Austria.

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