CleanMobilEnergy's role in the German "Energiewende"

Earlier this September 2022, Unicorn Energy GmbH, the German partner in the CleanMobilEnergy overseeing the implementation of the Schwäbisch Gmünd City Pilot, welcomed the Federal Chairwoman of Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, Ricarda Lang, as well as Baden-Württemberg’s Member of Parliament, Martina Häusler, and District Administrator, Dr. Joachim Bläse. The background of the talks in Gmünd’s Unipark was the mobility and energy transition and the question of how this can reach citizens quickly, directly and in a user-friendly way. Also discussed was the vision of the corresponding legal framework for such actions.

One focus was on mobile charging stations for light electric vehicles, so-called LEVs, which are equipped with a standardised charging infrastructure developed by Unicorn Energy GmbH within the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) CleanMobilEnergy project. All parties involved emphasised that it is significant for them to ensure that technology leadership in this field remains in Germany, or more precisely in the southern region of Baden-Württemberg.


“Companies like Unicorn Energy are needed to lead the way in climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, for an energy turnaround made in Baden-Württemberg,” said Federal Chairwoman Lang.

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