On 14-15 September 2022, the 4th project meeting for the CAN SME project took place in Kilkenny. The meeting was hosted by Irish partner 3 Counties Energy Agency (3cea), now named South East Energy Agency.
The transnational partnership shared respective ongoing work and updates about their activities. The partners worked on CAN SME key findings, which will be used for the transferability within the Climate Alliance network. Especially the use of adjusted communication via diverse communication channels, as well as the highlight of ecological and economic benefits were identified as very important to reach and motivate SMEs.
Further inputs were given during the two days: Paul Maassen, associated partner from the municipality of Arnehm (Netherlands), reported on the current areal approach in business parks for the development of Green Deals and energy labels for the buildings. Michael Doran, EU Projects Manager in South East Energy Agency, presented his experience in the use of qualitative data to measure the effectiveness of a project, especially by looking at changes on attitude level.
Local actors participated in the meeting and provided precious experiences on the cooperation with SMEs, such as climate officer Jannette O Brien from the Carlow County. During her inspiring speech, Jannette presented her lessons learned for developing effective communication and getting people to sign up for energy audits in the region. She emphasised the importance of personal contacts and trust in convincing SMEs, as well as presenting the economic benefits of an energy audit, which are crucial in the current crisis.
The partnership also had the opportunity to get the feedback of Irish audited SMEs, via a South East Energy Agency promotional video and the visit to a local dairy farm.
The partnership will meet again in early March in Liege, Belgium.
Picture: South East Energy Agency