"Europe in Rhineland-Palatinate - The new Interreg funding programmes 2021-2027"


30 November 2021

"Europe in Rhineland-Palatinate - The new Interreg funding programmes 2021-2027"

Tuesday, 30 November 2021, 10:00 - 16:00

The online event "Europe in Rhineland-Palatinate" was the opportunity for potential project partners from the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate such as municipalities, enterprises and research institutions to learn more about the new Interreg programmes for the years 2021 to 2027. Therefore, successful applications as well as best practices and experiences were shared between the participants. The event proposed also several opportunities for networking.

The CAN project was invited to share some insides from its successful experience at several time during the event, e.g. at the booths focusing on topics related to "Energy & Climate protection" and "Municipalities and Administration". Jenny-Claire Keilmann (Climate Alliance) also participated in a podium interview and discussions about the "tips and tricks" to develop a project, from the first idea to its implementation.

More information (in German): https://mdi.rlp.de/de/service/pressemitteilungen/detail/news/News/detail/rheinland-pfalz-informiert-ueber-europaeische-foerderprogramme/?no_cache=1&cHash=e3a7a51ba6e47ec48a1009503a60ffad

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