Zitdag: Hoe flexibel produceren door nieuwe technologieën in de food-, assemblage- en automotive industrie?

Voka - Kamer van Koophandel Limburg Gouverneur Roppesingel 51 3500 Hasselt

7 May 2019 - 7 May 2019

From Voka website:


The manufacturing industry in North-West Europe is struggling to continue to compete on costs with large-scale manufacturing in low-wage countries. SMEs also suffer from a scarcity of good employees because some activities are repetitive and physically demanding. Such tasks do not exploit the full potential of the employee.

Flexible production that meets market demand for super-personalization and the production of small series, so-called lot-size 1, are fundamental to increasing competitiveness and keeping jobs in the region. Yet too few SMEs still know the benefits that specific automation solutions, cobots or robots have in store for their company. 

Sitting day

During the "cobots and digital support" day you can make an appointment with an account manager and / or technical expert from Flanders Make. Based on your specific case and needs, the suitable automation formula can be discussed. It will also be considered whether you can be part of the Cotemaco project and whether you are eligible for these support measures. 


Insight into the different application areas of cobots and digital support for the operators in your production process.

Target audience

This information session is aimed at everyone from the food, assembly and automotive industry who is interested in applying cobots, robots or digital support from the operator in his company (up to 250 employees).


Voka Chamber of Commerce Limburg and Flanders Make are partners in the European Interreg project COTEMACO

What does COTEMACO offer?

The COTEMACO project has a voucher program for around 60 SMEs in the food, assembly and automotive industries.

This gives the participants the opportunity to

  • visit field labs with realistic business cases and pilots.
  • they gain access to knowledge and skills of the consortium
  • support with the choice and implementation in their own business environment.

This project should lead to more awareness and more tangible knowledge among SMEs in North-West Europe. Because SMEs in these living labs can test and experience how collaborative robotics and digital technologies work in recognizable and industrially relevant settings, the threshold is lowered to adopt the technologies. 
Project partners:

  • Belgium: Voka - Chamber of Commerce Limburg & Flanders Make
  • The Netherlands: HighTechNL & Food Tech Brainport
  • United Kingdom: Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership & University of Lincoln
  • Germany: Advice Center for socially acceptable Technology-Designing & Center for Mechatronics and Automation Technology GmbH


Do you want to know more about this project or are you interested in participating? 
Veroniek Hermans, +32 496 86 46 94; veroniek.hermans@voka.be

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