First harvest of Flemish bio turmeric

In November 2020, the first bio turmeric was harvested in Flanders.

In the context of the Interreg Northwest Europe project CurCol, PCG investigates the regional cultivation of the turmeric plant for coloring purposes. On April 8 2020 turmeric rhizomes were planted in a greenhouse in Kruisem, Flanders at the headquarters of PCG (Proefcentrum voor Groenteteelt).

This first test was established in a greenhouse because the plant needs 8 months to grow multiple new turmeric rhizomes. Next to that, the growth conditions need to be around 19-27 °C and 70-90% RV. The trial tested 2 objects: mulching with compost versus no mulching.

On 2 and 3 November 2020 the turmeric was harvested. The rhizomes and roots were washed to prevent rot and mold during storage. The average yield of the turmeric was 55,4 tons per ha. A big difference in yield was observed between the mulching object (66,7 ton/ha) and non-mulching object (30,9 ton/ha) (Figure 2). Also, a big variation in yield between the rhizomes of 1 plant was observed: the average yield per plant was 1,15 kg but this could maximize to 4 kg per plant. The harvest turned out to be very labor-intensive, but the yield was promising. In 2021, a new trial will be set up to optimize the cultivation of turmeric in the Northwest region of Europe.

For more information please contact Ellen Dendauw


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