Pilot aeroponic turmeric cultivation in Flanders

In May 2021, turmeric rhizomes were planted in pilot aeroponic installation

In the context of the Interreg Northwest Europe project CurCol, PCG investigates the regional cultivation of the turmeric plant for coloring purposes. In May 2021, turmeric rhizomes were planted in an aeroponic pilot in Kruisem, Flanders at the headquarters of PCG (Proefcentrum voor Groenteteelt). This trial is set up as a proof-of-concept aeroponic turmeric cultivation trial.

Part of the rhizomes harvested at the end of 2020, were stored (in different ways) to make it possible to plant them again for the 2021 trials. The empty aeroponic installation was filled (at the top) with a cocomat and coco coir dust. On 19 May 2021, turmeric rhizomes were planted in the substrate and they were covered with clay grains (to prevent the substrate from drying on top). Now the cultivation is monitored and at the end of 2021, results of this trial can be expected.

For more information please contact Ellen Dendauw ellen.dendauw@pcgroenteteelt.be

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