Decision making tool online


In this application, an overall view through an interactive online map will be possible merging the baseline sources to identify potential geothermal hotspot regions within the project area. The basis for this categorization comprises harmonized geological knowledge, DGE resource potential, and the market/investor correlation (socio-economic potential).

Decision-making tool

The decision-making tool reveals step by step which questions (in blue boxes) a potential DGE investor is recommended to answer before the drilling of a deep geothermal well, following three main axes: Economics, Geology/Technical, and Regulatory framework/Public acceptance. A positive answer leads to the next question. If the answer is “no”, actions are suggested (green boxes) or tools and helpful reports are provided, which have been developed within the DGE-ROLLOUT project (light green boxes). 



The DGE-ROLLOUT web application combines surface data (e.g. heat demand, socio-economic potential) and subsurface data (boreholes, seismic lines, harmonized top and thickness maps, heat in place) to assess the geothermal potential. The application illustrates the expectedly most promising areas (called hotspots) to launch investigations on building up a DGE project in the Dinantian reservoir in Belgium, northern France, the Netherlands, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany (2D maps) or in some parts of the northern Upper-Rhine Graben in Germany (3D Viewer available).

The uncertainty maps are key elements to understanding the level of confidence of the various layers available in this tool. The data and maps displayed are the results of analytical and numerical models and algorithms based on available data, current scientific knowledge, statistical analysis, and intrinsic simplifications. They mainly aim at providing initial information on the situation of the studied areas. The displayed information should be further interpreted by persons with competence and an appropriate level of skills in specific areas such as for example, engineers, architects, geologists, etc.

The tool and further information are available at the following website:

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