Up to 120 participants from around the world attended the web conference of DGE-ROLLOUT organized by the partners from TGO. Speaker referred best practice, status quos, and coming work, which led to vivid Q&A sessions.
DGE-ROLLOUT Web-Conference “Deep Geothermal - Technical Challenges, Uncertainties &Risks"
Conference Presentations and Report
Energy Suppliers’ key-note: What thrives an energy company in a big city like Munich to develop geothermal
Thomas Jahrfeld (Stadtwerke München)
Low enthalpy heat and building deep borehole thermal energy storage
Ingo Sass (TU Darmstadt)
Experiences with the deep geothermal project in Mol, Belgium
Ben Laenen (VITO)
Uncertainties in geothermal potential calculation
Hans Veldkamp (TNO)
Dinantian Carbonates – Target for UltraDeep geothermal in the Netherlands
Bastiaan Jaarsma (EBN)
Exploring the geothermal potential of the Dinantian in Northwest Europe: novelties from DGE-ROLLOUT
Martin Arndt (Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia)
DGE-Rollout Conference Report
Holger Cremer (TNO)