Experts Report on Investors Profiling

On the pathway to decarbonization, deep geothermal energy (DGE) is a promising potential source for sustainable heat and electricity. For the geothermal energy sector to develop, significant investments must be made. Partners within DGE-ROLLOUT conducted now a report that gives an overview of potential investors in geothermal energy and their considerations when deciding whether to invest in this technology – or not.

The report aims to serve two purposes. Firstly, it helps identify potential investors so that they can be informed about opportunities in DGE. Secondly, it provides input for policymakers to lower any hurdles that might exist which inhibit the investment in DGE.

The report lists potential investors for DGE and their main characteristics and analyses the risks that are related to an investment in geothermal energy. It also assesses which of these risks currently are hurdles for the investment in DGE (per category of investors), and what measures could be taken to remove these hurdles. It ends with conclusions and recommendations for policymakers.

Download the full report here.

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