Journal ZDGG dedicates special issue to the project DGE-ROLLOUT


The Journal of Applied and Regional Geology (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, ZDGG) has dedicated a special issue to the project DGE-ROLLOUT, which originates from presentations held at the 19th International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian (XIX ICCP) in Cologne (Germany). It introduces the first results of the project and is supplemented by studies covering similar topics outside the scope of the project. All contributions tackle essential questions in the light of the deep geothermal energy (DGE) potential of Carboniferous carbonate rocks in North-West Europe (NWE), such as:

  • How has deep geothermal energy developed in NWE over the past decades?
  • What are the characteristics and potentials of the Lower Carboniferous carbonate rocks in the subsurface of NWE?
  • How can the integration of various geothermal data and modeling approaches improve our understanding of DGE aquifers?
  • What is the impact of fault zones and alterations on the DGE potential of an anticipated carbonate reservoir?

Broothaers et al. introduce insights into the development of DGE in the Campine Basin in Northern Belgium. The roll-out of the deep geothermal potential of the Lower Carboniferous in Great Britain is thoroughly presented by Pharaoh et al. The contribution of Narayan et al. further evaluates the geothermal potential and possible energy outtake for six specific regions in England and Wales. Pracht et al. provide a comprehensive and detailed overview of the lithology, stratigraphy, and structure of the Mississippian throughout Ireland. The 3D subsurface geometry of Dinantian carbonate reservoir rocks in northern France and southwestern Belgium is presented by Laurent et al.. A similar 3D modeling approach was performed for the subsurface of the German federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) by Arndt. Fritschle et al. provide insights into the local geology of Middle to Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous limestone horizons at Weisweiler and present their preliminary geotectonic 3D model. Pederson et al. present the results of a multi-proxy field and laboratory study of Devonian reefal carbonate rocks in the Steltenberg quarry of the Northern Rhenish Massif in NRW. And a custom-made stochastic workflow for the quantification of uncertainties in 3D models in the northern Upper Rhine Graben is presented by Van der Vaart et al.

Find all parts of the special issue here.

Find an animation of the subsurface of the Weisweiler region here

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