Kunststof Magazin: Di-Plast appears in most important Plastic-Magazin for ther Netherlands and Belgium

Kunststof Magazine is an important trade magazine in the Netherlands and Belgium informing on the innovative world around plastics. It provides information on equipment, materials, applications, technology, environment & recycling market information, news and management information. In the latest issue (5-2020), Di-Plast is, among others, named in the article “Nieuwe standaarden smeerolie voor circulaire motor” (New standards lubricating oil for a circular engine) as one of the interesting projects to improve the uptake of recyclates in the Netherlands and the EU. The article quotes our project partner Femke de Loos (Polymer Science Park), on the functions and benefits of the matrix tool and Martijn Kerssen (Oost NL) on the benefits for companies of participating in project like ours.

The matrix tool provides manufactures with the information of properties the recyclate must have if they fill in the application, the base material and the processing process. Compounders can find for which application they can market or generate their recyclates. If you want to know more about the matrix tool and our other solutions to increase the uptake of recyclates please contact us. Currently we are working on the refinement of the toolkit in four pilots (more information on the pilots please click on the link below).

If you are interested in the Kunststof Magazine 5-2020 please click here.


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