eMEN capitalisation proposal approved by the Interreg NWE Monitoring Committee

The eMEN project will continue until the end of 2021 with additional Interreg NWE funding for the implementation of a number of capitalisation activities; this extension of the project was approved by the Interreg NWE Monitoring Committee on February 12th. The objective of the capitalisation is to implement specific process innovation activities which stimulate roll-out of eMH technology to service providers in rural areas and transnational. Capitalisation will be implemented in the Netherland, Belgium, France, Germany and Ireland and will focus on 3 main activities:  

  1. 28 in-house e-mental health implementation training sessions
  2. policy dissemination via 28 stakeholder meetings (national and European) and;
  3. targeted communication activities: including 5 seminars and cooperation with the eHealth Hub platform

The initial eMEN results have been implemented in urban settings but have reached a limited number of mental health care service providers outside the main cities in NWE. Initial activities have also (successfully) focused on product innovation. In order to maximise project impact it is necessary to roll-out the results into rural communities (where there is less access to services). There are particular challenges to the provision of mental health services in these communities:

  • Accessibility: rural residents often travel long distances to receive services and are less likely to recognise a mental illness
  • Availability: shortages of mental health professionals
  • Acceptability: the stigma of needing or receiving mental healthcare.

Better access to mental health care services could improve health outcomes for communities in rural areas, thereby reducing territorial disparities.

In addition, capitalization will specifically focus on the complexities of eMH integration into existing mental health services. This is process innovation and requires (understanding of) new workflows, skills, 'blended care' protocols (combining face-to-face and online), reimbursement systems, good quality and validation guidelines, etc. In general, eMH is a social innovation tool which can effectively reach excluded groups with mental health problems.

For more information about our capitalisation activities, please do not hesitate to contact us (o.vlijter@arq.org).

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