Join this EFPA survey about online consultation during Covid-19

We’ve been asked by our project partner Thomas More to promote the brief anonymous questionnaire from the EFPA Project Group on eHealth. It takes about 5 minutes to complete and focuses on the current use of online consultation technology by psychologists and other mental healthcare professionals in the context of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic.

The aim is to obtain an overview of your current usage and your main questions and concerns for adequately using online consultation. This questionnaire should not be used for urgent questions that require personalized answers. In case of such questions, reach out to your professional association, national authority or national government!

We want your input to inform national stakeholders in the different countries across Europe, in particular the national associations which are a part of EFPA, the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations and also to further research in this domain. In order to do so, questions and concerns will be grouped per country and sent to these associations, to support them in the adequate and timely informing of psychologists in their respective countries. You can find the questionnaire by clicking on this link.

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