In direct consultation with project partners, Newcastle University – partner of the eHUBS project leading activities of transport behaviour modelling – designed an online questionnaire survey with the aim of exploring people’s travel behaviour, as well as their attitudes towards, and intentions to use, shared electric mobility hubs or eHUBS which, to many, represents a novel type of mobility.
The survey, targeted at the general population, is available in four languages (English, Dutch, French and German) and has been distributed in each of the pilot demonstration cities of the project, including Amsterdam, Arnhem, Nijmegen (all NL), Dreux (FR), Kempten (GER), Leuven (BEL) and Manchester (UK).
In total, the survey comprises several sections which are briefly outlined below.
First, the introductory part of the survey presents a definition of eHUBS as
on-street locations in your neighbourhood, or at bus or train stations, that offer citizens access to a range of publicly shared vehicles including electric bikes, electric cargobikes, electric scooters or electric cars
to distinguish eHUBS from conventional mono-modal sharing models, such as traditional bike or car sharing systems.
Second, respondents are asked about the availability of vehicles in their household, their general travel behaviour and, if applicable, their car use and attitudes. After that, the survey explores respondents’ current use of shared mobility options, their intentions to use shared vehicles from an eHUB, and any perceived barriers to the use of shared vehicles in general.
Third, in a simplified Stated Preferences task, survey respondents are asked to complete a step-by-step travel diary of their regular commute and grocery shopping trip, and are asked to indicate which travel options available from an eHUB could suitably replace their current commute or grocery trip mode choices.
Finally, before concluding with general questions about respondents’ demographic data, respondents’ general attitudes towards shared mobility, car use and the environment are measured using a series of 20 pre-tested attitudinal statements.
From identifying potential target groups to pinning down perceived barriers – by providing rich data about people’s current travel behaviour, as well as their attitudes towards and intentions to use shared micro-mobility options (here: eHUBS), the eHUBS questionnaire survey directly contributes to the pilot activities of the project. Gathered insights help to predict demand and tailor services to specific types of users, thus contributing to the overall objective of the project to provide flexible, safe and sustainable mobility for all.
For any questions or queries regarding the survey, please email the survey administrator