From June 2020, it will be easier for the citizens of Nijmegen and Arnhem to travel in a smarter and more sustainable way, thanks to the new shared and electric mobility hubs inaugurated on June, 15th with a public launch, in presence of Nijmegen Alderwoman Harriët Tiemens and in Arnhem with alderman Roeland van der Zee.
Nijmegen and Arnhem are the first eHUBS pilot cities to launch their shared and electric mobility hubs to foster cleaner, shared and more sustainable transport in the Dutch province of Gelderland and to provide a valuable alternative to the use of the private car for a wide range of trips.
Ten eHUBS were launched in Nijmegen and three in Arnhem for a pilot period that will last for one year and a half. During this trial, the use of shared and electric vehicles from eHUBS will be closely monitored: as a result, the selection of locations for eHUBS might be reassessed, in order to improve the connection with other modes of transport, such as public transport, and to establish a fully-fledged local sustainable network of shared mobility.
eHUBS offer a varied range of shared and electric vehicles, such as e-bikes (provided by project partner URBEE), e-cargobikes (from project partner Cargoroo), and electric cars (Amber). They can be used through an app at any time of the day and for the duration decided by the user. Thanks to the variety of vehicles available and to the flexibility in their use, eHUBS can serve multiple purposes and provide an appropriate vehicle for any kind of user.
Nijmegen and Arnhem are the first cities in the eHUBS project to start their pilot phase, but more cities will follow shortly with the launch of their eHUBS, starting this month with the city of Leuven. The experimentation in eHUBS pilot cities will also be monitored by a larger audience of cities and mobility providers that are interested in replicating the eHUBS experience across cities in Europe
Stay tuned for more news and if you’d like to know all about the local eHUBS pilot in Arnhem and Nijmegen, visit the Nijmegen and Arnhem local eHUBS websites and take a look at the video of the inauguration (in Dutch).