Neighbourhood Hoppin polls
Besides the eHUBS opened at station Leuven, Gasthuisberg and Haasrode, the city openend last March 2 other eHUBS, one at Tervuursepoort and the other one in Egenhoven. The eHUB in Egenhoven was made up in collaboration with the local community.
In May, the city opened eHUBS at Bottelarij, Bruulpark, Centrale werkplaatsen, Spaanse Kroon, Station Wijgmaal, Boven-Lo, De Bron, Matadibuurt and Refugehof. These last 4 eHUBS have been developed through a participatory trajectory with the neighbourhood.
Openings in June will mainly consist of the deployment of the remaining 21 shared e-cargo bicycles from Cargoroo.
Smooth commuting with the electric bike sharing from the 4th of March
From the 4 th of March, employees of the University Hospital Gasthuisberg and the business park in Haasrode were able to commute from the station to their work even more easily. In these new eHUBS at the Leuven railway station, on the business park in Haasrode and on Campus Gasthuisberg, they can rent an electric shared bicycle at a low price. The combination train + bicycle becomes more interesting. They can take the train to Leuven station and easily switch to an electric shared bicycle. Thanks to the back-to-many principle the user can pick-up a bike at the station and drop it at the eHUB at the destination spot and vice versa.
Experiment: mobile platform
The electric shared bicycles at the railway station on the Kessel-Lo side are temporarily installed on a mobile platform. This mobile setup allows the city to check how users experience the location and the range of shared bicycles. The city would like to hear the users' opinions about this setup. Therefore users can complete a survey after use of the electric shared bicycles.