The City of Leuven launches eHUBS at “Maak het mee” Festival

On May 12th 2019, the City of Leuven organized the “Maak het mee” (Take part) Festival; it was an occasion for citizens to be engaged in a process of co-creation of urban innovative solutions and to make proposals for the new city council for the six coming years.

At the festival, the Leuven Mobility Department presented one of their most ambitious projects: the “MobiPunten”, as e-mobility hubs are called in Flanders. The concept of shared and electric mobility hubs was presented to the citizens, as well as the city’s objective of deploying around 50 eHUBS in the next three years. Examples of different (electric) mobility options for shared use were showcased to the citizenship: among them, bicycles, an electric car, an electric cargobike (Cargoroo), and e-scooters. The latter were made available for test rides.

Together with eHUBS project partner, information was shared on the use of eHUBS, and by means of a large map of the city’s territory, inhabitants of the city – and surroundings – could identify and communicate to city representatives their preferred locations for the deployment of eHUBS. This map will now be used as one of the sources on which the locations of the eHUBs in the city will be based.

Photo Courtesy of © Joric De Vos

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