EWRC 2020 workshop closes with a clear message

About 40 participants from various backgrounds discussed the role of transnational co-design and co-production. The workshop concluded with the following policy recommendations to empower vulnerable young people across the EU:

Co-design and co-production are innovation frameworks that promise to empower vulnerable young people more effectively than top-down approaches. On a transnational level, they require extra time and specific communication processes to profit from a wider range of values, cultures, traditions and settings. A common EU framework could establish the concept across Europe. The principles of co-design/ co-production should be “designed” into EU policy and funding programmes. This would promote a European cohesion policy not only for but also with citizens.

Vincent O'Connell, Surrey County Council, UK
"Co-production is a key mechanism to deliver a cohesion policy not only for citizens but also with citizens."

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