EYES will host workshop at EWRC 2020

Jointly with the NWE project IMAGINE, EYES will host the workshop “Empowering Europe’s vulnerable youth!” at the 18th edition of the European week of regions and cities (EWRC) which will take place from 12-15 October 2020 in Brussels. The EWRC is the leading annual event for EU regional policy with more than 5000 participants. It is organised by the EU Commission (DG Regio) and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR).

“Across Europe, vulnerable young people are often excluded from the labour market and benefit little from top-down support structures which fail to empower them. The workshop details how that challenge is being tackled by two ongoing Interreg NWE projects - EYES & IMAGINE. It explores how the young people are empowered to co-produce social support schemes of transnational partnerships of regions, cities & civil society, and discusses the resulting lessons for policy makers & practitioners.”

EYES and IMAGINE will pool their expertise and networks to attract a high number of participants representing the target audience, esp. European institutions, regions, cities, business, civil society.

Registration will start on 27 August on the EWRC 2020 homepage.  

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