Testing phase EYES-tool starts

The EYES-tool, combined with the EYES-approach, makes it easier for young people to take steps towards an active life. For coaches, the tool helps to more effective coach young people.

The tool:

  • combines online and offline inspirational content
  • is based on six entrepreneurial competences
  • helps to develop and discover competencies of young people
  • transfers every day-challenges of young people into small steps
  • inspires young people and motivates them with a rewarding system
  • also involves volunteers, serving as a bridge to professional realities
  • makes it easy for coaches keeping track on the progress of the young person, and
  • on evaluating their job’s impact on young people.

The coming weeks, the app will be tested by the projectparters and by several coaches who work with young people. With their feedback, the app will be further developed and finetuned. After that, the app will be ready for using and testing by the main targetgroup: young people. This is scheduled for the last quarter of 2020.

First online training session
Parallel to the testing of the app, the training sessions for coaches to learn about the EYES approach are being developed. Due to COVID the first training sessions had to be changed to online sessions. At the end of April such an online session was executed. The session was organised by Metropole Européenne de Lille, and six coaches of JES stadslabo attended virtually. Off course an online training is something completely different to a face to face training. So this was rather a test with an experimented team, in order to check how online sessions with coaches in general can be provided. Thanks to the participants feedback, the online sessions have being reshaped into a new format and are now ready for online sessions with all social partners.

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