New deliverable! How to conduct a reclamation audit.

FCRBE Project has published a new deliverable that offers guidelines on conducting a reclamation audit.

A reclamation audit is an operation carried out in buildings scheduled for partial or total demolition. It aims at identifying the building materials and products presenting a high reuse potential. This audit results in a ‘reclamation inventory’, listing the identified reusable building elements. The resulting inventories present information on the materials' and products' characteristics such as dimensions, quantities, conditions, environmental impact, technical characteristics, disassembly recommendations, etc.

This manual presents a method on how to conduct these audits.

It addresses building professionals and any stakeholders involved in the (de)construction process: building owners, contractors, architects and engineers, etc.

The text body provides guidance on the most frequently asked questions: When should a reclamation audit be conducted and by whom? How can it be combined with other pre- demolition audits? How do you assess the ‘reuse potential’ of a building material? How do you conduct it? What important information should be collected and how should it be structured? When completed, how should the inventory be used?

The manual also includes some annexes, providing practical information, examples and tutorials.

The deliverable is free to download in three languages (English, French and Dutch) via the following form.


Important notice:

This working draft is not the final version. It will be tested further in the course of the project through pilot operations and workshops. A final version is expected to be released at the end of the project, taking into account feedback, comments and new findings.

FCRBE results: download here all deliverables:

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